| - Shawn and Gus attempt to help an old friend of the Spencer family who is convinced he solved a murder but cannot recall what murder due to Alzheimer's.
- In a flashback, we are introduced to Will Scarlet, who turns out to be the nifty Knave of Hearts. Will has joined Robin Hood's Merry Men and convinces them to steal gold from Maleficent's castle before also pilfering an enchanted looking glass for himself that comes with a hefty consequence. Meanwhile, in Wonderland, Cyrus successfully tricks Jafar and the Red Queen into sending a Bandersnatch after Alice, who in turn exposes something the White Rabbit has been secretly hiding.
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- Gabrielle seeks the Goddess of Memories, Mnemosyne, in hopes that she can help rid her of the memories of her recent betrayals against Xena with Hope, as well as in Chin. She soon realises that she has a choice between both good and bad memories together, or none at all — but which will she choose?
- Forget Me Not is an episode from the first season of Garfield and Friends.
- Forget Me Not is a Gordon & Friends episode.
- Forget Me Not is an episode of the second season of The Tom and Jerry Show (2014).
- "Forget Me Not" is the 432nd episode of Casualty and the 32nd episode of the 18th series.
- The crew Forget Me Not was formed July 11, 2007 by Faraday (captain), and her good friend, Moonlightx (senior officer). The main ship of the crew was the Witty Tuna, and on some of the first few pillages, Optamisprime and Baker also joined, becoming cabin persons. On July 14, 2007, Bnavmaster's alt, Bmr joined the crew, becoming the first fleet officer. Along with him, came the sloop Famous Plaice, and when Moonlightx bought her first sloop, Grateful Mackerel, Forget Me Not was in possesion of 3 ships. However, in Faraday's absense on July 20, 2007, Moonlightx left Forget Me Not to make her own crew. Instead, after discussing this with her friend, she decided to join his crew.
- Forget Me Not is the fifteenth episode in the thirteenth season of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
- Forget Me Not is a 2017 remake of the 2009 horror movie starring Emma Roberts, Chris Zylka, Aimee Teegarden, Demi Lovato, Elizabeth Gillies, Bobby Campo, Shantel VanSanten, Tyler Hoechlin and Gregg Sulkin
- The forget me not is a plant found in certain areas or that can be grown with agriculture. When used it increases accuracy by 20% for 5 minutes.
- "The child is Hope?!" This clip show opens with Xena learning that Gabrielle did not kill her daughter in early scenes from "Maternal Instincts." Other images from this show include Gabrielle killing Hope and then attempting to drink the poison herself. Upon the return to the present day, Gabrielle sits on a log, distraught, and when Joxer approaches she begins to cry. Joxer attempts to comfort her, to no avail. They are supposed to meet Xena at the Temple of Mnemosyne, and Gabrielle tells Joxer she has to rid herself of her painful memories. Gabrielle goes to the temple alone, and Xena is not there. A woman comes from the temple, blank and amnesiac, and Gabrielle decides to go in the temple. The guards warn her she will risk losing her memory of entire life.
- Polski tytuł: Nie zapomnij mnie. Michael ma za zadanie ochraniać prezydenta niewielkiego państwa Ameryki Południowej, który przyjeżdża z wizytą do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Jego córka ma poważne obawy o zdrowie ojca w czasie wizyty. Podczas śledztwa Knight jedzie na przyjęcie, gdzie poznaje kobietę, Micki. Przez przypadek podsłuchuje ona rozmowę 2 mężczyzn, którzy rozmawiają o zamachu. Niestety kobieta została nakryta, a chcąc pozbyć się świadka zostaje ona porwana. Michael widząc wszystko pomaga kobiecie. Niestety ulega ona wypadkowi i traci pamięć. Knight domyśla się, że te sprawy są powiązane i ma nadzieję, że kobieta wszystko sobie przypomni i będzie mogła pomóc mu w śledztwie.