| - Derived from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Sofa]] صفة (súffa, sofa, long seat made of stone or brick). The word may have entered European languages via Turkish or through the Moorish occupation of Spain.
- Sofa is sung by Suga Shikao. It is used as the opening theme for xxxHOLiC Shunmuki OVAS.
- In general:
* A piece of furniture also called a couch As an abbreviation SOFA:
* SOFA, an abbreviation for the international expositions of Sculpture Objects & Functional Art (SOFA NEW YORK & SOFA CHICAGO)
- Numerous and various secrets, sorrows, and stories were shared while sitting on the settee sofa in the drawing room. Many residents and guests discovered that revealing their secrets was not safe after sitting on the comforting couch. Sorrows and tragedy often befell those who sat or slept on the davenport of despair. Still, others would soon discover that they became the talk of the town subsequent to telling lies, half-truths, and less-than-true stories while resting on the deceptive divan.
- Ein Sofa ist eine Sitzgelegenheit für mehrere Personen ähnlich einer großen Couch. 2374 rollt ein Stift unter das Sofa in Dr. Bashirs Quartier. (DS9: ) Als die USS Voyager 2378 Neutrinoemissionen in einem Nebel entdeckt, vermuten die Offiziere, dass sie auf ein Wurmloch gestoßen sind, das sie in den Alpha-Quadranten führen könnte. Thomas Eugene Paris meint zu Harry Kim, dass sie vielleicht direkt im Wohnzimmer seiner Eltern landen werden. Captain Kathryn Janeway fügt noch hinzu, dass sie vielleicht das Sofa von Kims Mutter verschieben müssen. (VOY: )
- Some sofas contain a hide-a-bed or folded mattress (see fold-out-couch). Other sofas are fairly comfortable for sleeping without a fold out.
- A sofa, or couch, is a piece of furniture designed for sitting on. Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect catch a Chesterfield sofa that is in an eddy in the space time continuum from prehistoric Earth to modern day Earth. While watching a video of the Grebulons from Wowbagger's ship the Tanngrisnir, Arthur Dent saw soft sofas in their station.
- Sofa - Wykorzystana w budowie Wehikułu Czasu. Główny element. W XIX wiecznym podwórku została zniszczona. Jest koloru błękitnego. To sofa typu myrpling - charakteryzuje się ponadczasową konstrukcją. frame|Sofa