| - A series of bizarre murders lead Nick and Schanke to believe that somebody is hunting the city's most dangerous criminals for sport. When they go undercover to catch the killer, Schanke is taken hostage and it is up to Nick to save him before the hunter makes Nick her ultimate trophy.
- The scenario starts with a unique Light Cavalry Hero called Sundjata, and a small ally army fighting off a small group of Sosso Scouts comprised of Skirmishers and Swordsmen. The Player is required to get to a small town (yellow) to the northwest, in which Sundjata will get Spearmen and Light Cavalry, and a couple Cavalry Archers. The Objectives of the scenario are to destroy the Sosso Scouts encampment to the south-west, after getting to the Town.
- Hunted — карта сетевой игры в Call of Duty: Black Ops III. В центре карты протекает река Нил. На карте вновь три основные линии. Первая линия - это дорога ведущая к мосту и водопаду. Вторая линия также является дорогой. Третья линия - это мост в пещере. Все три линии объединяет вода. К примеру из пещеры можно по воде проплыть до второй линии или же до дома в центре карты. На карте есть водопад, игроку понадобится много усилий, чтобы его преодолеть.
- Hunted is the fifth novel in the House of Night Series.
- Hunted is a canceled, uncompleted short story written by Chicken Bond. It focuses on the efforts of the Zeverek bounty hunter Skorr to hunt down the former Toa Hagah of Water Arrea.
- Hunted is the fifth episode of Ben 10.
- This is a collab between Dawn, and Firey. Enjoy!
- Hunted is the 10th episode of Season 2. It premiered on January 11th, 2007.
- Hunted – mapa w trybie wieloosobywym Call of Duty: Black Ops III.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ __NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Hunted File:Nav bar right.png File:Quest Boss Icon.png Hunted is a that is part of the Liberation storyline. File:Cutscene World Army in Snow.jpg Carellen screams in fear when she sees Ramsay Bolton. She runs for the woods, terror lending her speed.
- Hunted is a reality competition adaptation of the British series of the same name where participants are challenged to go on the run as some of the world's most highly-skilled investigators and trackers pursue them in a nationwide manhunt.
- [[Plik:2819px-Tibian-WAR.jpg|thumbnail|200px|Pokonany gracz w Tibię grozi huntem]] hunted noob huashuashuas Przeciętna wypowiedź nooba zawierająca groźbę hunted Groźba hunted w Margonem Hunted (czasownik huncić) – popularna groźba w Tibii i innych grach MMORPG. Wypowiadający ją gracz sugeruje, że sam lub z kolegami (tak zwaną „gildją”) doprowadzi do deada gracza, któremu grozi, czyli innymi słowy – spuści mu wpierdol. Najczęściej można usłyszeć ją na serwerach Optional PvP (takich, na których nie można zabijać innych graczy). Po jej usłyszeniu ma się 99% szans, że więcej się nie zobaczy wypowiadającego ją gracza. Co ciekawe, groźby w kierunku graczy zazwyczaj kierują nooby o niskim poziomie, nie mogące nawet zaszkodzić lepszemu od niego w każdym stopniu graczowi.
- "Hunted" is the sixty-first episode of the animated series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003), which originally aired on November 27, 2004.
- Hunted is the ninth and final mission in Nice and the 18th mission of Undercover Mode.
- Essendo la sua storia congruente con la saga di Halo è stato accettato dalla Bungie Nell'intervista l'ex-soldato descrive la staziante notte che lui e la sua unità trascorsero nascosti in un gruppo di alberi, esattamente il boschetto nel quale si trova mentre ci racconta. Per sette ore rimasero nascosti nella boscaglie senza poter fare niente, udendo tutto intorno i Covenant che gli davano la caccia, dato che l'ex-soldato in questione è ancora vivo per raccontarcelo si intende che John-117 sia venuto a salvarli.
- thumb|left|200px|Leatherheads ureigene Angst[Leatherhead streift in der Kanalisation umher, bis er auf einmal von einem schattenhaften Verfolger bedrängt und angegriffen wird]Leatherhead: Wir verbringen unser ganzes Leben damit, uns Mauern zu bauen, um uns zu schützen, aber die Mauern helfen nicht, wenn der Feind aus dem Inneren kommt. Wenn du schutzlos bist, zeigt der Feind sich ... und er ist ein Monster.[Leatherhead versucht in wilder Panik zu flüchten, doch ein Gitter hält ihn auf, und der Schatten erreicht ihn]Leatherhead: [im Traum] Nein! Bleib weg!Leatherhead: Es ist unser Schicksal, dass das Ding, was wir am meisten fürchten, das Ding ist, das wir tief in unserem Inneren mit uns tragen.[Der Verfolger zeigt sich als eine böse, wilde Version von Leatherhead]
- "AAAAAHHHHHHH!" The scream came down the dim hallway, but you do not investigate. Rather, you clench your body to the chair as tight as you can, knowing that scream could only mean one thing. As the scream continued, you wonder who it could've been, thrashing through your memories to find out who worked around the bend. Perhaps it was Sam Flitcher, the telecommunications operator. Wait, didn't Arvo, the rifleman you hired, said he liked the dark spaces. You ravage through your memories, trying to figure out who-
- Also called Player Hunt. When someone says you are "hunted", that usually indicates that they and/or some of their high-level friends will look for you and kill you whenever possible. This usually arises from some kind of poor or inappropriate action on your part, but may not be for any specific reason. Sometimes, it is simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time or even saying that small wrong word (e.g. Noob), because always remember that low level players maybe have high level friends or another accounts, that are high level! Legend: -"PKs" means playerkillers.
- In the video, an unnamed veteran UNSC Marine describes a harrowing night he and his unit spent out in a group of woods, as he walks through them several years later. Pausing to point out plasma scoring on a tree trunk caused by a Plasma Rifle, he then approaches a clearing where he and his unit hid throughout the night and described how they hid from the group of Covenant soldiers who were hunting them. The Interviewer turns the lights of the scene off with the Marine's permission, and he describes the sounds of the Covenant forces moving through the woods.