The Busy Barber, also known as Busy Barbers in some reissues, is a short animated film by Walter Lantz Productions, starring Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. It is the 64th Oswald short by Lantz and the 116th in the entire series.
The Busy Barber, also known as Busy Barbers in some reissues, is a short animated film by Walter Lantz Productions, starring Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. It is the 64th Oswald short by Lantz and the 116th in the entire series.
The Busy Barber, also known as Busy Barbers in some reissues, is a short animated film by Walter Lantz Productions, starring Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. It is the 64th Oswald short by Lantz and the 116th in the entire series.