| - The Leet World or Leet World is a machinima series on YouTube made by SmoothFewFilms. This is an epic show of 4 Counter-Terrorists and 4 Terrorists living in a house together, doing challenges. Leet World's main characters are named: Chet, Player, Leeroy, Ahmad, Ellis, Montrose, Cortez, and Westheimer.
- The Leet World is a machinima series made by Smooth Few Films that revolves around Counter Strike characters who partake in a reality show. Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists live together in a house and do challanges against each other. In addition to having two Youtube channels (it's own YT channel, LeetWorld, and as a part of SmoothFewFilms YT channel), The Leet World also has it's own website, [1].
- The Leet World is a Counter-Strike-based Machinima which follows the exploits of two teams of four Terrorists and four Counter-Terrorists as they compete against each other in a Reality Show. However, it soon becomes apparent that this is no ordinary TV show, and the two disparate teams are going to have to put aside their differences and make friends... or, as the creators put it, "we see what happens when they stop being noobs and start acting leet!"
| - The Leet World or Leet World is a machinima series on YouTube made by SmoothFewFilms. This is an epic show of 4 Counter-Terrorists and 4 Terrorists living in a house together, doing challenges. Leet World's main characters are named: Chet, Player, Leeroy, Ahmad, Ellis, Montrose, Cortez, and Westheimer.
- The Leet World is a Counter-Strike-based Machinima which follows the exploits of two teams of four Terrorists and four Counter-Terrorists as they compete against each other in a Reality Show. However, it soon becomes apparent that this is no ordinary TV show, and the two disparate teams are going to have to put aside their differences and make friends... or, as the creators put it, "we see what happens when they stop being noobs and start acting leet!" The Leet World is now finished. The series is known for its comedy, compelling underlying story, well-developed characters and great original music. The Leet World is made by Smooth Few Films, and can be viewed on their website here.
* A Storm Is Coming: Played with in Season 2, Episode 5, when Montrose mocks Ellis' cliche only for it to actually thunder.
* Artificial Human: The hostages, Asher and Player.
* Badass: Cortez views this concept as his credo. Upon meeting his team for the first time, he is disappointed that he seems to be the only one "with much experience in badass."
* Badass Bookworm: Leeroy, particularly in the second season, although he's technically more of a Badass Hacker.
* Badass Normal: Almost everyone, except the robots and Ahmad while on HAX.
* Bald of Evil: Dr. Sung.
* Battle in the Rain: Episode Seven of Season Two; subverted when the Westheimer vs. Cortez showdown is interrupted by Asher putting a bullet in Cortez.
* Big No: Chet whenever Player is killed or injured.
* Berserk Button: Season 2, Episode 10, Part 2, Ahmad and the threatening of his friends.
* Catch Phrase: Montrose's "Bitch got served."
* Cain and Abel: Cortez and Mendoza.
* Cool Old Guy: 50-year old Westheimer is repeatedly referred to as "old" and fits the trope almost perfectly.
* Confession Cam: An important part of each episode is the interviews, in which the cast members comment on the events taking place in the house and their fellow contestants.
* Cloudcuckoolander: Ahmad, particularly after HAX. Sometimes Player, although he has an excuse...
* Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Somewhat bizarrely, just as Player's self-destruct goes off.
* Death Is a Slap on The Wrist: Within the context of the challenges, getting killed means waiting in the Death Room until you respawn. Though it turns out that Death Is Cheap in the series as a whole.
* Defeat Means Friendship: The Domination Guy, after being beaten by Cortez.
* Disability Superpower: Cortez and his killing-people-without-eyes schtick. Note that while he does not, in fact, need eyes to kill a man, he does completely fail at Marco Polo.
* Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Two examples: The Producer and the Domination Guy.
* Enforced Plug: The CTs receive advertising contracts after winning season 1, leading to Westheimer and Chet occasionally inserting plugs for "Sir Spice-a-Lot's Chicken" or "Koala Cola" into conversation.
* Fate Worse Than Death: Ellis claims that dying in the Death room is "worse than death. Whatever that means."
* Flash Step: Ahmad uses this when boosting his speed with HAX.
* Gratuitous Spanish: Mendoza, the Ocho Muertos, and especially Cortez all speak mostly English with Spanish sprinkled here and there.
* Handicapped Badass: Cortez's near-blindness doesn't stop him from reaching new heights in badassitude.
* Heroic Sacrifice: Ahmad tackles Asher just before Asher's self-destruct sequence goes off, saving the rest of the cast.
* I'm Not Here to Make Friends, This Is a Competition: Various characters, especially Cortez in the first half of season one and Westheimer in the second half.
* Insult Backfire: In Season 1 Episode 2
* Jerkass: Cortez and Player, though Cortez mellows a bit to become more of a Jerk with a Heart of Gold and Player... has an excuse.
* Lame Excuse: Chet's "condition" in episode 2.8.
* Last Stand: The finale.
* Leeroy Jenkins: Played straight with Ahmad (running out in the open) and Player (team flash), even though the MMORPG-playing Leeroy is named after him (probably).
* Leet Lingo: Player can only speak through text chat at the bottom of the screen, and does so exclusively in leet-speak.
* Meaningful Name: The creators are based out of Houston, Texas. Montrose is the name of a street in Houston known for being inhabited by homosexuals. Doubles as a Genius Bonus.
* Mega Manning: Player is supposedly capable of this, which is why the entire Leet World tournament was created: to train him to become the ultimate soldier.
* Mexican Standoff: Round One of the first challenge ends like this; there are others, including when they're deciding what to do about Player.
* Mysterious Mercenary Pursuer: The Domination Guy.
* Noodle Implements: Ellis has nightmares where Ahmad kills him "with an eggbeater and some perseverance." Also, he has a Cousin Austin who "can do things with a beet and a chicken that would distract anybody."
* Overly Long Name: Cortez Emilio Alejandro Jesus Cardinal. End of story.
* Precision F-Strike: The producer's last words are a deadpan "Well, shit."
* Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: Player's answer to Chet's question in the death room
* Punctuated Pounding: Ahmad punctuates his pounding of Asher with shotgun blasts.
* Ratings Stunt: Or, the Producer's excuse for the ramped-up challenges in Season 2.
* Reality TV Show Mansion: The Leet World House, although it is far from extravagant.
* Rivals Team Up: The Terrorists and the CTs, against some outside force.
* Robotic Reveal: While his Artificial Human status had been hinted at since his introduction, and confirmed just moments before, Asher's eyes flashing red after receiving his reprogramming was the final confirmation that he definitely wasn't human.
* Running Gag: Many, including Leeroy's 'online social life,' Player's ass, and the ski-masked Ochos Muertos continually getting their names mixed up between them.
* Shut UP, Hannibal: Player and Chet to the Producer in the season 2 finale.
* Son of a Whore: Westheimer's mother was a dear, but she was also kind of a slut. Referenced in the second season by Cortez.
* Sound Effect Bleep: Most swear words are bleeped out. Played with when a furious Ellis "starts inventing new ways to swear."
* Sunglasses At Night: Why doesn't Cortez take his sunglasses off during a night fight in the rain?
* Talking to Himself: Eddie voices Cortez, Westheimer, Montrose and the Domination Guy. Daniel voices both Chet and the Producer.
* The Chessmaster: The Producer.
* The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Cortez and Westheimer, although in the latter's case it's more "arrest you." Usually.
* The Rest Shall Pass: Ellis during the retreat to the garage, complete with "I'll be right behind you!"
* Tourette's Syndrome: Ahmad after his stint on HAX leaves him with brain damage.
* Verbal Tic: Cortez and his apparent obsession with buuuurros.
* Vitriolic Best Buds: Ellis and Montrose in the latter part of the first season and in the second, very much Type II. Particularly during the series finale, plus right after Montrose insinuates that Ellis likes farm animals and Ellis threatens to pee in his bed:
* Wham! Episode: Episode 2.7, and then again shortly afterwards with episode 2.10.
* Worthy Opponent: Westheimer and Cortez, albeit begrudgingly; the Domination Guy and Cortez; and, oddly enough, Mendoza to Westheimer.
* Your Mom: Played with, Montrose responds with an insult with Your Dad. And it was actually good, so he followed up with a remark that became his Catch Phrase.
- The Leet World is a machinima series made by Smooth Few Films that revolves around Counter Strike characters who partake in a reality show. Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists live together in a house and do challanges against each other. In addition to having two Youtube channels (it's own YT channel, LeetWorld, and as a part of SmoothFewFilms YT channel), The Leet World also has it's own website, [1].