| - Long ago, there was a great city called Bigak. Its location is completely unknown. However, it is known that it was abandoned in ancient times. When Bigak was abandoned, its population left it behind, along with its Chronicle, and migrated, for enough generations that much of their technology was lost, and when they reached civilization, their king fled to the city of Uruk, in ancient Mesopotamia. ("Of course, now that location's in Iraq," the man commented as he told the legend, "but four and a half thousand years ago it was the most powerful city around.")
| - Long ago, there was a great city called Bigak. Its location is completely unknown. However, it is known that it was abandoned in ancient times. When Bigak was abandoned, its population left it behind, along with its Chronicle, and migrated, for enough generations that much of their technology was lost, and when they reached civilization, their king fled to the city of Uruk, in ancient Mesopotamia. ("Of course, now that location's in Iraq," the man commented as he told the legend, "but four and a half thousand years ago it was the most powerful city around.") At that time, Lugal-Zage-Si was the king of Uruk, and in a time when all cities had their own ruler, Lugal-Zage-Si was expanding through conquest. He had originally ruled Umma, but then he conquered Uruk and started ruling it instead, and conquered Lagash from there. It was a logical place to keep Bigak's history. The king was a commoner there. He passed down the legend to his son, and made sure it was not altered, and told his son to be extremely careful as well that the legend did not change through the generations. And thus Bigak was remembered...by a few. Not rediscovered, but remembered, the the the the the!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 [[Illogic Book/|]] [[Illogic Book/|]]