Lava Demon, known as Lava Devil (ラバデビル Raba Debiru?) in Japan, is a sub-boss in Mega Man ZX. It appears in the region the player finds Flammole the Moleroid, and it basically is the Mega Man ZX series version of Yellow Devil. Unlike its predecessors, it is more bestial in nature, possessing claws and is bound to the lava when mobile. Like the Rainbow Devil however, it is controlled by a singular head of a mass-produced enemy, this being the case of a Galleon. However, unlike the other Devils, it will regularly lose its protective hide, completely exposing it. Being a fire-born enemy, it is weak against the Thunder element. It's blind, but can detect enemies by their movements. When an enemy is spotted, it can transform into several variations for attacking.
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| - Lava Demon, known as Lava Devil (ラバデビル Raba Debiru?) in Japan, is a sub-boss in Mega Man ZX. It appears in the region the player finds Flammole the Moleroid, and it basically is the Mega Man ZX series version of Yellow Devil. Unlike its predecessors, it is more bestial in nature, possessing claws and is bound to the lava when mobile. Like the Rainbow Devil however, it is controlled by a singular head of a mass-produced enemy, this being the case of a Galleon. However, unlike the other Devils, it will regularly lose its protective hide, completely exposing it. Being a fire-born enemy, it is weak against the Thunder element. It's blind, but can detect enemies by their movements. When an enemy is spotted, it can transform into several variations for attacking.
- Lava Demon es un enemigo y sub-jefe de Megaman ZX, que se encuentra en la región de Flammole the Moleroid, en el área K-1, básicamente es la versión ZX del Yellow Devil del Megaman Clásico o de Rainbow Devil de Megaman Zero. A diferencia de sus predecesores en las otras sagas, el es mas bestial por naturaleza, posee garras, y apariencia de bestia, además de ser capas de sumergirse en la lava. Al igual que el Rainbow Devil, posee una cabeza de repliod, en este caso la de un Galeón. Al ser hecho de lava es débil contra el elemento Trueno. És totalmente ciego y se guía por los movimientos.
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| - Lava Demon, known as Lava Devil (ラバデビル Raba Debiru?) in Japan, is a sub-boss in Mega Man ZX. It appears in the region the player finds Flammole the Moleroid, and it basically is the Mega Man ZX series version of Yellow Devil. Unlike its predecessors, it is more bestial in nature, possessing claws and is bound to the lava when mobile. Like the Rainbow Devil however, it is controlled by a singular head of a mass-produced enemy, this being the case of a Galleon. However, unlike the other Devils, it will regularly lose its protective hide, completely exposing it. Being a fire-born enemy, it is weak against the Thunder element. It's blind, but can detect enemies by their movements. When an enemy is spotted, it can transform into several variations for attacking.
- Lava Demon es un enemigo y sub-jefe de Megaman ZX, que se encuentra en la región de Flammole the Moleroid, en el área K-1, básicamente es la versión ZX del Yellow Devil del Megaman Clásico o de Rainbow Devil de Megaman Zero. A diferencia de sus predecesores en las otras sagas, el es mas bestial por naturaleza, posee garras, y apariencia de bestia, además de ser capas de sumergirse en la lava. Al igual que el Rainbow Devil, posee una cabeza de repliod, en este caso la de un Galeón. Al ser hecho de lava es débil contra el elemento Trueno. És totalmente ciego y se guía por los movimientos. Cuando su enemigo se mueve puede transformar en diversas formas para atacar pero retornara a la misma después de eso.