| - This narrow bronze band has two small diamonds set beside each other, and several small scratches above, around and below them. Closer examination reveals a face, with the diamonds as eyes, but the details are so vague it is impossible to tell who the face is, or even which race it represents.
- Alternative methods of arriving at Daemonheim are:
* Taking a ferry from the dock in front of Al Kharid bank, also accessible from Lumbridge swamp.
* Taking a ferry from the dock behind the bank in Taverley.
* Venturing through the Wilderness from Varrock and heading east.
* Using the portal in the Tower of Voices section of Prifddinas. The Ring of kinship's teleport will not work beyond level 20 Wilderness. File:Ring of kinship teleport.gif
- leftRing of Kinship on sormus, jonka saa Dungeoneering Tutorilta. Sen avulla voit luoda oman Dungeoneering tiimin, teleportata Daemonheimiin, avata party interfacen, ja sisällä luolastoissa on myös vaihtoehto "Custom", jonka avulla voit muuttaa ja parantaa ringin antamaa apua. Sen voi laittaa myös päälle. Jos kadotat tämän, voit saada uuden Dungeoneering tutorilta.
- Note: The Ring of kinship's teleport can be used in combat by right-clicking, but it will not work beyond level 26 Wilderness. Alternative methods of arriving at Daemonheim are:
* Taking a ferry from the dock in front of Al Kharid bank, also accessible from Lumbridge swamp.
* Taking a ferry from the dock behind the bank in Taverley.
* Venturing through the Wilderness from Varrock and heading east.
* Using the portal in the Tower of Voices section of Prifddinas. File:Ring of kinship teleport.gif
- Ring of Kinship is a ring that is used mostly for training Dungeoneering. With this item you can bind items, Check Dungeoneering perks, check your Dungeoneering Tokens, Teleport to other team players inside Dungeoneering and if you upgrade it, it can be extremely powerful ring.
- Elk team van spelers worden gelinkt aan de Ring of Kinship waardoor spelers lid kunnen worden van dat team en de speler de mogelijkheid geeft om een eigen team te organiseren. Ook is er een kamer in Daemonheim waar spelers in een willekeurig team geplaatst kunnen worden. Ook hiervoor moet een Ring of Kinship gedragen worden.