| - Smoking Gun refers to compelling, unimpeachable evidence of wrongdoing. For example, the 1997 letter from the Vatican discouraging Ireland's Catholic bishops from reporting on all suspected child-abuse cases to the police that was uncovered by Irish Broadcaster RTE leaves no doubt about the Vatican's role in coverign up clerical pedophilia. According to Joelle Casteix, director of Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, charcaterized the letter as "the smoking gun we've been looking for."
- The introduction of a key piece of evidence at the climax of a trial. Particularly, it is evidence that renders moot everything that has gone before or would have rendered the whole trial unnecessary from the beginning because it clearly implicates (or absolves) the defendant. It can come in two styles:
* A person introduces evidence in the case or at least in a different light, and this inevitably shows the perpetrator for the criminal due to this evidence being so crucial. In this case however the evidence was already in the system and therefore in reality is totally legal. Most lawyers will not make fly by statements or ask different questions they have not researched however as in reality this can lead to losing a case because of an unexpected answer that can turn the tables.
* A person introduces evidence randomly WITHOUT anyone knowing about it beforehand, even the judge. The evidence is absolutely crucial, and even by existing in the room at the exact moment, the perpetrator is either found guilty, or exposed. If the perpetrator is not the defendant or the prosecution, expect them to be in the courtroom when this evidence is shown, and the bailiff and security will get them before they can make any motion to escape. In real life introducing evidence in this manner is completely illegal to the system, and can cost the defense or prosecution the case, get the case mistrialed, set for a new date, or given a new jury. Not that that matters in fiction. Sometimes justified or hand waved by the prosecutor and/or the judge being informed of the existence of such a smoking gun, and if not cooperating, at least acquiescing to the Courtroom Antic needed to bring it in. Sometimes other courtroom antics are pulled to buy time if it is known the Smoking Gun will arrive soon. Examples of Smoking Gun include: