| - Действия карты происходят в промышленной зоне, по структуре похожей на Nuke, на складе. Как сказано в описании карты в Мастерской Steam: «Преступники пытаются уничтожить улики на складе, до того, как спецназ доберётся до них». Карта обширна и сбалансирована. По строению похожа на Dust II и Mirage. Имеется много путей к точкам закладки бомбы и укрытий. Официальные фракции этой карты — Профессионалы (команда террористов) и SWAT (команда спецназа).
- Facade ist eine Bombenszenario-Karte aus Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
- Facade (Stylized as FACADE, pronounced "fassard") is a computer software company in the HD Universe. The player can buy stocks from them at the Bawsaq.com website in Grand Theft Auto V.
- As staff of Avaricia, Facade was often seen:
* Moderating the forums
- Facade (2008) is a short movie directed by Andrew Neill.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Facade]] façade, from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Facade]] facciata, a derivation of faccia (“‘front’”), from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Facade]] facies (“‘face’”); compare face
- Michael Cichowicz is an American professional wrestler better known by the ring names Michael Facade and simply Facade. He is readily recognizable for his flamboyant ring attire, including decorative bandanas, masking his face, or bright, neon-rimmed sunglasses and neon shirts. He also can be seen wearing dreadlocks.
- Damage doubles if user is poisoned, burnt, or paralyzed.
- right|150px FACADE – firma tworząca oprogramowania i wydawca książek naukowych, występująca w Grand Theft Auto IV i Grand Theft Auto V. W GTA V w misji Grzeszna miłość mamy za zadanie zabić Jacksona Skinnera, który jest szefem tej firmy. Firma notowana jest na giełdzie BAWSAQ. FACADE jest parodią firmy Microsoft.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ Facade Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Facade (からげんき Bravado) is a Normal-type move introduced in Generation III.
- A facade is a shapechanging creature which often takes the form of a building or a similar inanimate object. They are extremely durable but of rudimentary intelligence, and need to be given precise telepathic instructions to assume complex forms. A full transformation takes about half a minute from start to ending. Currently, the only place facades are confirmed to exist is within the changeling village of Lost.
- miniatur|Das Firmenlogo [[Datei:Facade Lester Desktop.png|miniatur|Der Desktop von Lester]] Facade (dt. Fassade) ist ein Software-Entwickler und Buchverlag aus Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars und Grand Theft Auto V, der wahrscheinlich auf Microsoft basiert, was an dem ähnlichen Logo und dem Namen (Facade = Fassade im Gegensatz zu Windows = Fenster) erkennbar ist. Weiterhin erfährt man in GTA V, dass Facade auch ein Betriebssystem, ToSS OS, anbietet, das dementsprechend auf Microsoft Windows basiert. Unter dem Namen Facade Game Studios entwickelt Facade auch Videospiele.