| - A lady and her suitor are having a romantic date on a rowboat. This was a popular dating image for the 19th and early 20th century upper classes, as it provided a chance for couples to be alone together, but still in plain sight to avoid accusations of anything sexual happening. The typical image is the lady sitting under her Parasol of Prettiness in a mildly Pimped-Out Dress, while the gentleman sits on the other side, wooing her in various ways. A Sister Trope to Serenade Your Lover, Courtly Love (another romance ideal), Married At Sea (taking this to another level).
| - A lady and her suitor are having a romantic date on a rowboat. This was a popular dating image for the 19th and early 20th century upper classes, as it provided a chance for couples to be alone together, but still in plain sight to avoid accusations of anything sexual happening. The typical image is the lady sitting under her Parasol of Prettiness in a mildly Pimped-Out Dress, while the gentleman sits on the other side, wooing her in various ways. These days, "old-fashioned" means just that. This isn't quite a Dead Horse Trope, but spoofs of it far outnumber straight uses these days, usually with at least one of the participants falling into the water if the boat doesn't sink. Also, the "Tunnel of Love" rides in amusement parks was sort of a play on this trope, using the dark to allow couples to have intimate contact with nobody actually seeing anything. A Sister Trope to Serenade Your Lover, Courtly Love (another romance ideal), Married At Sea (taking this to another level). Compare The Gay Nineties, , Chaste Hero, Celibate Hero, The Ingenue, Purity Personified, Princess Classic, Coy Girlish Flirt Pose, Together Umbrella. Examples of Old-Fashioned Rowboat Date include: