| - You're partaking in an older game for any number of reasons: maybe your friends recommended it to you incessantly for years, maybe you've recently gotten interested in the series or genre it's part of and want to go back to the source, maybe you got it on a Steam sale as part of one of their gigantic all-inclusive packs. Anyhow, this is an old game. While you can certainly see its quality, there's just something in it that's bugging you. There's a gameplay mechanic that is not only outdated, but needlessly complicated compared to the equivalent you would most likely find in a modern game. You can't help but wonder: how could anyone come up with this extremely complicated version of a simple concept, years before the simple one appeared? For example, imagine if for decades a popular American dessert was apple and carrot pie (let's assume that carrots would in no way improve apple pie, just in case it turns out they would). For decades everyone would love their mom's apple-carrot pie and nobody would even think that just apple pie would be good. Then at some point someone comes up with good ol' apple pie, and it turns out that, to everyone's delight, apple pie is much, much tastier than apple-carrot pie. The absence of carrots in apple pie would then be obvious in hindsight - it takes an extra degree of invention to put carrots in it and therefore make the pie worse. The correct, simple way to do things is obvious in hindsight. It's not just that the old way to do things is outdated, or that a crucial gameplay development that made games much more convenient to play hadn't yet been invented, it's that somehow it seems like the old way took more effort to invent than the new way. Another way to put it is that these are essentially Real Life examples of Schizo-Tech. Almost always a side-effect of Technology Marches On, and a frequent cause of Seinfeld Is Unfunny. Compare Hilarious in Hindsight, contrast Older Is Better. Examples of The Pennyfarthing Effect include: