| - William Black is a character in Nuka-World in 2287.
- William Black — prawdopodobnie najpotężniejszy bohater jaki kiedykolwiek żył. To on odkrył wolę, pokonał Dworzan i stał się pierwszym i najpotężniejszym Archontem, założycielem Starego Królestwa. Jest przodkiem bohatera z Dębowej Doliny.
- William Black is likely the most powerful Hero who ever lived. He is best known for discovering the power of Will, defeating The Court and becoming the first and greatest Archon of the Old Kingdom. He is a master of Strength, Skill and Will, and is the ancestor of Scarlet Robe, Theresa, the Hero of Oakvale, the Hero of Southcliff, the Hero of Bowerstone, Rose, the Hero of Brightwall, and Logan.
- William Black (1688 - 1765) was a British Assassin of British Assassins, later the Caribbean Assassins during the Golden Age of Piracy. He considered himself a Privateer, for no nation, but for the Assassins, by pirates and nations alike called him Black William. Between the years 1693 and 1699, his father will often go to the Mediterranean Sea and or the Caribbean to do his missions and also plunder for gold. A young Black wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. In 1726 he became the leader of the Assassin's bureau in Port-au-Prince. During his time as a Privateer he went through numerous aliases which were, Guillaume Noire, Guillermo Negro and Wilhelm Zwart. In 1739, he retired but was still an ally to the assassins. In 1771, he died at the age of 83. His 8 children succeeded
- William spent the first part of his life locked away in a secure root celler, kept alive and given basic care by a disgruntled Shadow Lord kinsman (and his family) whose brother was William's father. Said kinsman dumped William off with the tribe in St Claire as soon as William had shifted for the first time. He hadn't even been given a name. In late June of 2013, William came back for a brief visit and ran into Duke and X, helping bring the former into the fold of the Garou Nation. He left about a month afterward.
- William Black is likely the most powerful Hero who ever lived. He is best known for discovering the power of Will, defeating The Court and becoming the first and greatest Archon of the Old Kingdom. He is a master of Strength, Skill and Will, and is the ancestor of Scarlet Robe, Theresa, the Hero of Oakvale, the Hero of Southcliff, the Hero of Bowerstone, Rose, the Hero of Brightwall, and Logan. It is stated in the Tales of Albion that Scythe trained Nostro, the founder of the Heroes Guild. Scythe was said to have appeared in a worn, tarnished gold armour and a tattered blue cloak in a similar fashion as what William Black wore when he vanished. The book greatly implies that Scythe may be William Black. In later games he might appear, while he does not appear in Fable III in person, the Scy