| - Later in the game, a special talk event from Dionysis involving Jan will appear, where he will ask what the party thinks about Jan and Minnie's relationship. The Old Soldier's Test can be unlocked and the Affinity Chart will change between Dionysis and Jan after the event has been completed.
* If "Love keeps the ticker going" is chosen:
* "He is too old for her" is chosen; The Old Soldier's Test becomes available:
- [[Grafika:janwithlocke.jpg|left|thumbnail|Jan krzyczy na Locke'a ponieważ dowiedziała się że Eddie jest policjantem]]
- Jan was a 23rd century Human man. By the 2280s, Jan had joined the crew of space station Regula I, as the facility's steward. When Khan Noonien Singh used the Federation starship USS Reliant to travel to the station and board the facility in the year 2285, the laboratory complement were taken prisoner by Khan's boarding party. Jan's was the second throat slit by Khan when the augment superman tried to "convince" the scientists to give up the secrets of the Genesis Device. (TOS - Duty, Honor, Redemption novelization: The Wrath of Khan)
- She, Miren and Rana have raised Min to be fair; the young woman lives by it, although she sometimes thinks her life would have been easier if she had not had this education . They also admonished her not to behave like a fluff-brained girl and Min still thinks of her aunts when she hears that word . Jan always said that what could not be mended must be lived with. Another piece of advise that Jan and Rana always gave Min was to never kiss a man if she did not intend to marry him, which is why Min does not want to know what her aunts might think of her relationship with Rand .
- Jan var en manlig människa och han är son till Jens och Erika yngre bror till Erik. Han är barnbarn till Josefin och Sam. Han blev tredje generationens mekaniker och taktiker. Men Jan blev den sista mekanikern av ursprungliga Freedom fighters team när hans team under 2075 stred emot Jägarna. Endast Klara överlevde striden och med hjälp av Jonjanerna startade en ny generation. kategori:Teamet
- Jan is a Lynx appearing in Armored Core 4. He is ranked # 38 in the Data Arena. He also appears in Armored Core: For Answer as Collared's ranked #13 Lynx. Fully loyal to Aldra, Jan's soldier instinct has seen him through both the Lynx and Economic Wars.
- Jan – postać, występująca w Gothic II i Gothic II: Noc Kruka. Jest to łowca smoków przebywający na zamku w Górniczej Dolinie.
- Jan leitet zusammen mit ihrem Partner Mike eine Kommune, die Marihuana anbaut und der Locke sich anschließt. Auf den ersten Blick ist sie eine gemäßigte Person, zeigt jedoch ihr explosives Temperament, als sie erfährt, wer Eddie in Wirklichkeit ist. („“) John Locke Dargestellt von Terry O'Quinn
- King of the Garanvuli
* A great warrior at the Dawn
* Also known as Jan Ironclad
* He became King in 136 ST
* He built Jansholm.
* He died or retired in 154 ST
* He still guards Jansholm as the city wyter.
* The Durengard Scroll claims that he fortified Whitewall as well but gets the period of his reign (Chaos Age rather than Dawn Age) wrong. No other Heortling or Garanvuli kings of the same name are known.
- Jan was a freelancing mercenary working for Roberts.
- Jan was a farmer working at a private community which was home to many people, including Mike, Kim, Adam, Bobby, and John Locke. When Locke brought a man named Eddie to dinner, the retreat had no idea that he was a police officer. It was not until six weeks later that Mike and Jan discovered the truth. Eddie had been gathering evidence in the hopes of exposing their illegal marijuana harvest located within a greenhouse on the retreat property. Locke made them aware that he was going to fix the situation. However, Locke's plans to murder Eddie did not come to realization when Locke decided he couldn't go through with it.
- Jan worked at "Fine Romance" and was also believed to be a member herself.
- He is played by Keir O'Donnell.
- Jan guarded the Tesseract in Tønsberg, Norway.
- Jan is one of Timmy's OCs.
- Jan is voiced by Katie Sah.
- Jan was one of the guards of the Tesseract.
- Jan appare durante un flashback di Locke nell'episodio "Ulteriori istruzioni". Insieme al suo partner Mike, ha un ruolo di leader della comune alla quale si unisce Locke e nella quale vengono segretamente coltivate delle piante di marijuana. Apparentemente una donna calma, dopo aver scoperto che Eddie, un autostoppista introdotto nella comune da Locke, è in realtà un poliziotto sotto copertura, mostra una tempra "esplosiva".
- Jan is one of the people held hostage in Circus Liquor when Kelly tried to rob the place.
- Jan (ジャン, Jan) is a minor character and friend of Leo, a young man who was turned into an Akuma when he tried to bring his mother back to life. After helping Jan realize Leo's true nature, Allen Walker exorcised Leo at Jan's insistence. In the anime, he is the son of European Branch Science Division member Jake Russell, but in the manga is father is unnamed and works for the New World Alliance.
- Jan is labeled The British Guy in Total Drama Teens.
- Jan è un Cacciatore di Draghi che si trova nel castello insieme al suo amico Feros. Però non è un guerriero, e desidera tornare a fare il fabbro: sta a noi convincere Garond della sua buona fede
- Jan is a workman employed by Columbia University. He appears in a deleted scene in Ghostbusters.
- Jan apparaît pendant les flash-backs de Locke dans Embuscade. Avec son compagnon, Mike, elle était l'une des chefs de la communauté de culture de la marijuana dont John Locke faisait partie. Alors qu'elle semblait très calme, quand elle découvrit qui était vraiment Eddie, elle montra un tempérament explosif. (Embuscade)
- Jan is the arts an crafts londge keeper of Camp Rock although she only appears in the Camp Rock 2 The Final Jam DS game.
- Jan is an NPC character in Soulcalibur V. Jan is a rebel who tries to kill Pyrrha. Jan uses Natsu's fighting style.
- Jan is a character from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. He is the "thug" of the Killer Bees, a small group of kids that causes trouble for the schoolteacher Mrs. Marie on Windfall Island.
- Jan apareceu durante os flashbacks de Locke no episódio "Further Instructions". Ela é uma dos líderes, com seu parceiro Mike, de uma comunidade que Locke entrou que cultivava maconha na floresta. Superficialmente calma, quando ela descobre quem Eddie realmente é, ela mostra um temperamento explosivo.
- Jan aparece durante los flashbacks de Locke en el episodio "[[|]]". Ella, junto a su socio Mike, son los líderes de una comunidad de cultivo de marihuana a la que Locke se une. Aparentemente calmada, cuando descubre quién es verdaderamente Eddie muestra un temperamento muy explosivo.
- Jan ist ein männlicher Vogel. Er hat am 17. Juli Geburtstag und ist ein sportlicher Dorfbewohner.
- Jaś – chłopiec będący na stypie wuja Stanisława, syn ciotki Ludki. Cały czas narzekał na wujka Władka i był wielokrotnie upominany przez Mariolkę za dłubanie w nosie. Wystąpił w odcinku pt. Stypa. W jego rolę wcielił się Wojciech Kors. Kategoria:Postacie Kategoria:Postacie epizodyczne Kategoria:Dzieci Kategoria:Młodzież
- Jan was one of the daughters of Aayla Secura and Grover. She and her sister Alice lived together on Hoth, where she forced Alice to be her maid until she got a much better maid named 'Rosie.' Alice then defected to Wat Tambor and became a prototype General Grievous. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.
- "A black goblin toadstool grower. He realized that if he grew toadstools, he wouldn't have to leave the village to look for them. However, he hasn't quite perfected the art yet. The only toadstools he manages to produce are strange new mutant hybrids. " — Details Window
- jan li soweli pi jo e sona. ona li ken pali e ijo mute. ona li ken sona li ken pilin li ken toki. jan sona li pana e nimi Homo sapiens tawa jan. (ni li "jan sona" kepeken toki Lasina.) jan li soweli pi tawa kepeken noka tu
- Jan – jedyna żeńska postać w Little Fighter 2. Walczy po stronie zła.
- Jan (ジャン Jan en japonés) es un personaje eventual del anime que únicamente ha aparecido en el episodio La Pi-Kahuna (ES), (HA) ‹№›. Es nombrado al principio del episodio por Víctor. Fue un surfista legendario conocido por su gran habilidad. Su mayor hazaña fue clavar una bandera en el pico de la roca durante la "Gran ola". Una vez que consiguió la hazaña, le regaló su tabla a Víctor y se fue a navegar por el mundo. Inicio » Personajes eventuales del anime [[]] [[]] [[]] » Kanto [[]] [[]] [[]] » Primera temporada [[]] [[]] [[]] [[]] [[]] [[]] ‹ Categorías ›
- Jan is a hunter in the bandit's camp. He was sent to the house outside the camp to be a lookout for the Order's movements. You will find him just after the tutorial part of the game inside the second house you find. He will threaten you with a weapon to find out who you are and what are you doing there. Talk to him and he will tell you that you need a decent weapon. Jan urges the you to head to the swamp and look for jobs there. He can show you the way to the Bandit's camp or the way to Harbour town.
- Wojownik - banita. Postać Przemasa. We wczesnych latach swojego życia był pomocnikiem w garnizonie wojskowym. Nauczył się świetnie strzelać z łuku. Z powodu odmiennych poglądów religijnych jego starszy brat (jednocześnie najlepszy przyjaciel) wyruszył w góry zamieszkałe przez Valachów. Po latach, w trakcie których Jan nic o bracie nie słyszał, postanowił wyruszyć aby go odnaleźć. W ten sposób natrafił na drużynę VB, do której się przyłączył. Z racji, że jest poszukiwany zmienił tożsamość. Jest teraz skrybą (opis po charakteryzacji). Na imię ma Schweinsteiger młodszy. Charakter: neutralny+. Wiek
- Jan is King's little brother. Jan was kidnapped by Mr. Big's men during the time of Art of Fighting and King was forced to collaborate with Big, until Ryo Sakazaki defeated the man and freed both his sister Yuri and Jan from Big's hands. In the second title, he was caught in a traffic accident and lost the use of his legs. The cost of his operation was covered by Ryo and Robert Garcia.
- Juan López Fernández, Jan, és el creador de Superlópez, el superheroi més “canyí” del còmic espanyol, malgrat que potser la fama d’aquest personatge ha impedit el reconeixement merescut per les seves altres contribucions a la historieta. Jan porta dibuixant des del 1956, any en el que va ingressar als Estudios Macián de dibuixos animats. Aquesta experiència en el món de l’animació li serviria després per treballar a la televisió cubana, país en el que residiria durant deu anys i en el que continuaria creant còmics. Al seu retorn a Espanya va començar a col·laborar amb l’editorial Bruguera, per a la que va reprendre en Superlópez, concebut per a un llibre d’acudits muts i al que va reconvertir en un autèntic fenomen de masses. Des de llavors ha comptat amb una extensa obra, la qual va rebre
- Jan es un personaje de Un Show Más que hace su debut en el episodio Cuentos de Terror del Parque II, en el cuento de Benson Wallpaper Man (El Tapizador), realizando el papel de antagonista. Jan apareció por primera vez en un comercial de televisión, para papel de pared. Él fue contratado por Mordecai y Rigby para que cubriera con papel una parte de la pared de la casa. Pero en lugar de eso, empieza a cubrir con papel todas las paredes y suelos. Mordecai, Rigby y Papaleta emprenden una larga persecución, a través de un laberinto de papel, para atrapar a Jan. De repente, cuando el trío encuentra a Jan junto con Benson, Musculoso y Skips envueltos en capullos de araña, Jan se convierte en una araña gigantesca. Esta araña asesinó a Musculoso cuando le clavó una pata en el medio del corazón y
- Uncle Jan is an NPC that appears in Chapter 26x Night of Farewells in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. He appears in a Gaiden chapter that can only be unlocked if both Nino and Jaffar survive Chapter 26 and are recruited. His actual name seems to be Jan, but Nino only refers to him as Uncle Jan during the short period he appears in. He is one of the original members of the Black Fang. Despite being a member of the Black Fang, is the only non-antagonistic character of the brigand class in all of The Blazing Blade.
- Jan is the director of the Fellowship's Meditation Retreat east of Serpent's Hold. He seems to be a nice enough man at first, but his warnings to never enter the cave make it clear that he actually knows of the Cube Generator and therefore the Guardian's true plans. He gave the Avatar the key to the retreat after joining the Fellowship, thus providing access to the Cube Generator, despite a warning not to enter the cave. It is likely that he was sentenced for his involvement with the darker aspects of the Fellowship after its dissolution.
- Name: Jan. A.K.A: Fiction and Reality. Origin: Nowhere and everywhere. Gender: Asexual. Age: Unknown. Classification: Godly Entity. Powers and Abilities: All, even memetic powers. Jan is every single character, thing, particle and everything else on fiction, reality and on OC history, with no exceptions. Also, every single thing that is born, even on fiction and reality, has its power added to Jan's own and multiplied infinitely by his powers. Striking Strength: Unknown. (Same reason as his AP) Durability: Unknown. (Same reason as his AP) Weaknesses: None, since his powers cancels weaknesses.