| - Jon Jafari is Jon Tron, a Video Game critic on normalboots.com. Using a cheerful, energetic style and plenty of cutaway gags and visual puns, he talks about certain elements of video games, good and bad, and occasionally reviews specific titles. His sidekick is a green parrot named Jacques, who talks in a vaguely robotic voice, has glowing red eyes, and offers stoic commentary to contrast Jon's boundless energy. He claims to have been inspired mainly by The Angry Video Game Nerd and Spoony. Then he photoshopped them making out.
| - Jon Jafari is Jon Tron, a Video Game critic on normalboots.com. Using a cheerful, energetic style and plenty of cutaway gags and visual puns, he talks about certain elements of video games, good and bad, and occasionally reviews specific titles. His sidekick is a green parrot named Jacques, who talks in a vaguely robotic voice, has glowing red eyes, and offers stoic commentary to contrast Jon's boundless energy. Although Jon sometimes critiques bad video games and bashes them a lot (at times rather harshly), he is not a Caustic Critic. He uses a lot less profanity than most others in his profession, and reacts to bad games with exaggerated confusion (and sometimes sadness or disappointment, or less often, outrage). His initial reaction to the nonsense and weirdness in the games he plays is chilled out and accepting... until he finally snaps, often with hilarious results. He claims to have been inspired mainly by The Angry Video Game Nerd and Spoony. Then he photoshopped them making out. Jon has been inducted into That Guy With The Glasses, specifically Blistered Thumbs (naturally).