| - Red Alert, also known as WW III, is a fixed screen shooter developed by Irem and published by GDI in 1981 for Arcades. This game features gameplay similar to Space Invaders, but with the Invaders replaced by fighter jets, helicopters and such.
- Red alert is a new guild on Shika, with lots of friendly members willing to make conversation. Don't hesitate to ask us for anything, and as we are recruiting feel free to make Red alert your home!
- Barbara Jean got a job selling insurance and Van decides to renew his vows for Cheyenne and his anniversary.
- Red Alert is the fourteenth single from GirlSpice and unfortunately did not make the top 40 anywhere but made the top 100 in UK, USA, Asia and Europe
- Used by and , summons additional monsters to fight enemies.
- Red Alert was a pay-per-view for the Classic Wrestling Federation. So far this was a one time event, held on May 5th, 1999 at the Royal Albert Hall in London, England.
- Red Alert is the thirteenth episode of Season 3 of The Mentalist.
- Red Alert egy nagyon ügyes szerelő, legalább olyan jó mint Ratchet. Képes még a legborzasztóbb helyzetben is higgadt maradni.
- Red Alert to Fembotka pojawi się w 3 seri co dziwne Red Alert teraz to płeć żeńska.
- Explanatory note: This quest is not in the game HKO as of 2011 anymore. This entry describes a Beta-quest of 2008. All brutal-sounding quests like "bring me body-parts of a slain creature" have been removed before the release of HKO in 2009. You cannot kill creatures in the present HKO of 2011 virtually anymore, but only put them to sleep for a while. Start NPC: Mr. Policeman Description: Mr. Policeman needs your help clearing out dangerous creatures. Rewards:
* 1500 HKO Experience
* 200 Florapolis friendship
* 100 money
* Hunter's shoes Previous Quest: Next Quest: Walkthrough:
- Nothing escapes his notice, no matter how small. When his sensors are activated, thinks trouble is coming. Edgy... unpopular with comrades, but appreciated. Can trigger alarms in other Autobots. Excellent sensory perception. Fast in vehicular mode. Carries 25-mile range rocket launcher with particle beam rifle. Prone to rash judgements which can lead to injury to himself and comrades.
- Red Alert is the Autobot security director. He has enhanced senses and is usually depicted as a friend of the Autobot Inferno.
- Red alert, here in outer space Red alert, interstellar space Red alert, save the human race Red alert, red alert! Battle stations everyone All phasers set on stun Facing down the enemy Flying through the galaxy Red alert, here in outer space Red alert, interstellar space Red alert, save the human race Red alert, red alert!
- Red alert could also be ordered during various other emergency situations, such as a ship being boarded, radiation exposure, a security alert, massive systems failure, an imminent warp core breach, and an evacuation order, among others. (TNG: "Descent" , "Final Mission" , "True Q" ; VOY: "Threshold", "Day of Honor"; DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil"; Star Trek Generations; Star Trek Beyond) Sections of a starship could be placed on red alert while other sections remained at a lower alert status. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
- Command & Conquer: Красная Ртуть 2 (Комманд энд Конквер: Рёд Алёрт 2) — компьютерная игра, выпущенная в 2000 году группой мексиканских нелегалов "Бомбители" (LALKI BOMBIT PUKAN BATTHERT AZAZAZA STUDIO-CLINIC) и посвящённая знаменитому противостоянию Малого шайтана (СССР) и Большого шайтана (США). Несмотря на капиталистическое окружение и буржуазное сознание игроделов, стратегия вышла на пятерочку, а местами — вполне неплохо. Правда, Кукловод в игре так и не появился, зато появился повод делать продолжение.
- A red alert (also condition red or code red or general quarters) is the highest emergency alert on a Starfleet starship. Image:RedAlert.gif When Red Alert is called, a loud warning klaxon begins blaring, accompanied by flashing red warning lights. All Starfleet personnel are required to report to duty stations — even those who were sleeping at the time. In addition to this, there are a number of things that occur once a red alert is sounded:
* The ship's weapons - phasers and photon torpedoes/Quantum torpedoes - are brought to ready status.
* All crew members are to report to duty, whether that be their primary duty station or a secondary duty station within five minutes. Those crew members asleep at the time are to report to duty within fifteen minutes.
* Secondary stations c
- Axl realizes his friends have changed, and feels he must leave Red Alert immediately. This causes controversy when Axl comes across Maverick Hunter Zero, and gets involved with not only causing a war between Red Alert and the Maverick Hunters to get Axl to come back, but also has to take down the people he once held close to him. Red sees through Sigma's evil ways and tries to break ties with him, but it's too late: with Axl already gone and his generals corrupt, he has no option but to fight to win Axl back and bring peace back to his army. Sadly, this doesn't happen.
- A red alert is an emergency alert that is the highest imminent danger status on a Federation starship. A red alert can be initiated by the commanding officer, the first officer, the ops officer, chief engineer, the tactical officer, or the main computer. Once the alert is sounded crewmembers are warned by signs and alert klaxons, and they proceed to battlestations. When the ship is under red alert, power is diverted to weapons and shields. (TOS episode: "The Cage")
- Paranoia is the character trait that makes Red Alert as good as he is at his job. Nothing escapes his notice - a whiff of smoke, a whisper of crackling electricity, a faint scent of fuel exhaust. Anything, no matter how small, that triggers his sensory circuitry directs his thoughts immediately to the expectation of trouble. Most of his comrades find his edgy, driven nature an unwelcome presence among their ranks, but they all appreciate his dedication to his duty. "He may have a few wires crossed in his logic center," says Inferno, "but at least his optical sensors are looking straight ahead."
- Prior to the events in X7, Red Alert wouldn't usually use such tactics that would make them known for their violence. Sigma, at some point, realized the potential in Axl's shapeshifting ability, and decided to intervene. He teaches Red how to use the DNA from Axl's transformations to power up his army. Sooner or later, this power ends up corrupting the generals of Red Alert, turning them into Mavericks. Interestingly enough, Sigma was referred to as the "Professor" by Red and Tornado Tonion.
- Although the time of divergence in Red Alert is the Aztec repulsion of the Spanish conquerors, history does not change much until after WWI. The devastation was nearly total and it would take the European nations involved nearly two decades to recover fully. Meanwhile, in the new world, the United States was growing as a major power having suffered few casualties in the war compared to the Europeans.
- The phrase "Red Alert" comes from the naval tradition of "General Quarters" ("Action Stations" if you're British), where a ship prepares for battle. Much of the procedures are the same. The alert is sounded by a drum or over an intercom. Off-duty sailors report to their stations, cannons are loaded, and the decks are cleared of non-essential items. On modern ships one of the most important steps taken is to close all watertight doors, thus if the ship is holed the leak is contained. See Red Alert for a wiki version. Understand? Good. Let's move out. Examples of Red Alert include:
- Red alert was used by humans to signify the highest level of danger. When the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler picked up a mauve alert from a Chula ambulance that had been set to crash in the middle of World War II by Captain Jack Harkness, Rose commented on there being a "mauve" alert. She believed red alert to signify the highest danger, but the Doctor informed her that was only for humans, whereas the "rest of us," as he put it, signified danger with mauve. He also stated that a lot of aliens saw red as camp — "all those red alerts, all that dancing." (TV: The Empty Child)