The Gunslinger Born is a seven-issue comic book series written by Robin Furth and Peter David, illustrated by Jae Lee and Richard Isancove, and published by Marvel Comics from February to August of 2007. The mini-series, which is the first of five such series, retells the story of Roland's time in Hambry, and is followed by The Long Road Home.
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| - The Gunslinger Born is a seven-issue comic book series written by Robin Furth and Peter David, illustrated by Jae Lee and Richard Isancove, and published by Marvel Comics from February to August of 2007. The mini-series, which is the first of five such series, retells the story of Roland's time in Hambry, and is followed by The Long Road Home.
- The Gunslinger Born was first published on February 7, 2007 with the last issue published on August 1, 2007; there are seven issues. The hardback version was published November 7, 2007 containing the entire comic collection.
* Chapter One
* Chapter Two
* Chapter Three
* Chapter Four
* Chapter Five
* Chapter Six
* Chapter Seven
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| - The Gunslinger Born was first published on February 7, 2007 with the last issue published on August 1, 2007; there are seven issues. The hardback version was published November 7, 2007 containing the entire comic collection. The story opens with Roland and his ka-tet training with their eagles under the guidance of Cort. After training Roland sees Marten, who calls him over to show him his mother unclothed in Marten's bed. Roland angrily goes to Cort and challenges him for his father's guns. Cort agrees and lets Roland go prepare, with Roland returning with David the hawk as his chosen weapon; he wins the duel, becoming a gunslinger. The rest of the story in The Gunslinger Born is basically a retelling of the events in The Gunslinger and Wizard and Glass.
* Chapter One
* Chapter Two
* Chapter Three
* Chapter Four
* Chapter Five
* Chapter Six
* Chapter Seven
- The Gunslinger Born is a seven-issue comic book series written by Robin Furth and Peter David, illustrated by Jae Lee and Richard Isancove, and published by Marvel Comics from February to August of 2007. The mini-series, which is the first of five such series, retells the story of Roland's time in Hambry, and is followed by The Long Road Home.
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