Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is an American comedy web series by comedian Jerry Seinfeld, distributed by digital network Crackle, that premiered on July 19, 2012. Episodes feature Seinfeld introducing a vintage car selected for a guest comedian, followed by a drive to a pre-selected cafe or restaurant for coffee. Many of the guests include comedians who are pals of Jerry's such as Joel Hodgson. Episodes are known to diverge from the format spontaneously, as when Michael Richards implores Seinfeld to take a side street, when Seinfeld returns after coffee with Carl Reiner to join him for dinner with Mel Brooks—or when car trouble inevitably arises.
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| - Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is an American comedy web series by comedian Jerry Seinfeld, distributed by digital network Crackle, that premiered on July 19, 2012. Episodes feature Seinfeld introducing a vintage car selected for a guest comedian, followed by a drive to a pre-selected cafe or restaurant for coffee. Many of the guests include comedians who are pals of Jerry's such as Joel Hodgson. Episodes are known to diverge from the format spontaneously, as when Michael Richards implores Seinfeld to take a side street, when Seinfeld returns after coffee with Carl Reiner to join him for dinner with Mel Brooks—or when car trouble inevitably arises.
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| - Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is an American comedy web series by comedian Jerry Seinfeld, distributed by digital network Crackle, that premiered on July 19, 2012. Episodes feature Seinfeld introducing a vintage car selected for a guest comedian, followed by a drive to a pre-selected cafe or restaurant for coffee. Many of the guests include comedians who are pals of Jerry's such as Joel Hodgson. Episodes are known to diverge from the format spontaneously, as when Michael Richards implores Seinfeld to take a side street, when Seinfeld returns after coffee with Carl Reiner to join him for dinner with Mel Brooks—or when car trouble inevitably arises. As of May 2015, the series had been streamed nearly 100 million times. The show has been renewed for four more seasons, up to its ninth season. The show's six-episode sixth season premiered on June 3, 2015.