| - Remus John Lupin 1960-1998, även kallad Måntand (engelska Moony), är trollkarl och medlem av Fenixorden under ledning av Albus Dumbledore. Han figurerar för första gången i den tredje boken Harry Potter och fången från Azkaban i serien om Harry Potter som lärare i Försvar mot Svartkonster. Som lärare blir han snabbt omtyckt, delvis eftersom han tror mer på praktiska övningar än teori.
- Remus John Lupin 1960-1998, även kallad Måntand (engelska Moony), är trollkarl och medlem av Fenixorden under ledning av Albus Dumbledore. Han figurerar för första gången i den tredje boken Harry Potter och fången från Azkaban i serien om Harry Potter som lärare i Försvar mot Svartkonster. Som lärare blir han snabbt omtyckt, delvis eftersom han tror mer på praktiska övningar än teori.
- Remus John "Lunatyk" Lupin (ur. 10 marca 1960 r. – zm. 2 maja 1998 r.) — czarodziej półkrwi. Jako dziecko został zaatakowany przez Fenrira Greybacka, przez co stał się wilkołakiem. W 1971 roku rozpoczął naukę w Hogwarcie. Został przydzielony do Gryffindoru. Był na tym samym roku co Syriusz Black, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans oraz Severus Snape. Jeden z Huncwotów, współzałożyciel magicznej Mapy Huncwotów. W 1975 roku został prefektem i pełnił tę funkcję do 1977, czyli do ukończenia Hogwartu. W 1997 roku poślubił Nimfadorę Tonks i miał z nią jednego syna, Teddy'ego Lupina. W 1998 roku brał udział w Bitwie o Hogwart, w której został zamordowany przez Śmierciożercę Antonina Dołohowa.
- Remus John Lupin (10. märts 1959 – suvi 1998 ), hüüdnimega Totu.
- Canon leaving point: End of Prisoner of Azkaban. Spoilers for the same within article.
- Remus John Lupin (10 marzo 1960 - 2 maggio 1998) fu un Mago e un licantropo.
- Professor Remus J Lupin (1960 - 1998) was a wizard and the Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He died at age thirty-eight.
- Remus Lupin, also known as Professor Lupin, is a Harry Potter Minifigure introduced in 2004 where he appears prominently with sets based on The Prisoner of Azkaban and then redesigned for a final appearance in 2011.
- Remus Lupin is the English STT for the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix pack. It replaces Arthur Weasley in the English Pack pack.
- Full name: Remus John Lupin Age: 44 Date of birth: March 10th, 1960 Blood: Half=blood Wand:Juniper, 12”, Resilient, Phoenix Tail Feather Alumni: Gryffindor Affiliation: Remus is a Private Investigator on the good guys side. He’s too old to go back to Auror school but he believes the skills and knowledge he learned from being in the Order in the wars could still be helpful now.
- Remus Lupin is a wizard and thirty year survivor of lycanthropy. He is a talented magic user with little understanding of modern technology.
- Professor Remus John Lupin (10 March 1960 – 2 May 1998), also known as Moony, was a half-blood wizard (son of Mr. and Ms. Lupin), affected with lycanthropy after a bite from Fenrir Greyback. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1971 to 1978 and was sorted into Gryffindor house. During his school years, he was one of the Marauders; he was best friends with James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew. Together they created the Marauder's Map. After Hogwarts, Remus and his friends joined the Order of the Phoenix and fought in the First Wizarding War. However, Pettigrew betrayed James and his wife Lily to Lord Voldemort, out of fear. Remus lost all of his closest friends in various ways by the end of the First Wizarding War, though he and Sirius Black later reclaimed
- Remus John Lupin, Orden de Merlín - Primera Clase , (n. 10 de marzo de 1960- m. 2 de mayo de 1998) era uno de los mejores amigos del padre de Harry, James Potter. Es descrito como un hombre que viste pobremente, de aspecto pálido y enfermizo, y con muchas cicatrices. Murió en combate durante la Batalla de Hogwarts el 2 de mayo de 1998, asesinado por Antonin Dolohov y siendo así el último de los cuatro Merodeadores en morir. Sin embargo, no tardó en ser vengado, ya que Filius Flitwick asesinó a Dolohov un par de horas más tarde.
- Der früh ergraute Professor Remus John Lupin (* 10. März 1960; † 2. Mai 1998), der Lehrer für Verteidigung gegen die dunklen Künste in Harrys drittem Schuljahr, ist der erste, der von seinem Fach etwas versteht. Überdies kann er das Fach so interessant unterrichten, dass es Harrys ganzer Klasse richtig Spaß macht. Er bildet Harry zusätzlich einzeln aus, damit er sich mit dem Patronus-Zauber gegen Dementoren wehren kann. Im Laufe der Zeit findet Harry heraus, dass Lupin während der Schulzeit von Harrys Vater zu dessen engstem Freundeskreis gehörte.
- Professor Remus John Lupin, also known as Moony, was a half-blood wizard and the only son of Lyall and Hope Lupin. He was afflicted with lycanthropy during his childhood, as Fenrir Greyback's revenge against Lyall. Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts during the 1993-1994 school year. He was also a professor of Harry Potter, James's son, but resigned after Severus Snape revealed to the public that Remus was a werewolf. He fought against Death Eaters once more in the Second Wizarding War, during which he lost his friend Sirius. In 1997, Remus married fellow Order member Nymphadora Tonks and had a son, Edward Remus "Teddy" Lupin. Remus fought at the Battle of Hogwarts, during which his wife was murdered by Bellatrix Lestrange. Remus was also murdered by Death Eater, Antonin Dolohov, du
- Professor Remus John Lupin, , (10 March, 1960 – 2 May, 1998), also known as Moony, was a half-blood wizard and the only son of Lyall and Hope Lupin (née Howell). He was afflicted with lycanthropy during his childhood, as a result of Fenrir Greyback's revenge against Lyall. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1971-1978 and was Sorted into Gryffindor House. During his school years he was one of the Marauders, best friends with Sirius Black, James Potter, and Peter Pettigrew. Together they created the Marauder's Map.
- Remus John Lupinin 10.3.1960-2.5.1998 Fenrir Harmaaselkä -niminen ihmissusi puri Lupinia tämän ollessa pieni poika, joten hän on joutunut kärsimään ihmissusiudesta lähes koko elämänsä. Joka kuukausi täydenkuun aikaan Lupin muuttuu ihmissudeksi, ja voi pahimmassa tapauksessa hyökätä muiden kimppuun, ellei hän saa sudenmyrkkyjuomaa, joka tekee hänestä muodonmuutoksen ajaksi kesyn. Tylypahkan rehtori Albus Dumbledore tiesi asian ottaessaan Lupinin aikoinaan oppilaaksi Tylypahkaan, ja siksi tämä meni muodonmuutoksen ajaksi salakäytävää pitkin Tylyahoon, Rääkyvään Röttelöön. Tylyahon asukkaat luulivat, että talossa kummittelee ja Dumbledore vahvisti huhua.
- Remus John Lupin /Náměsíčník/ se poprvé objevuje ve třetím díle, kde se stává profesorem Obrany proti černé magii na Bradavické škole čar a kouzel, tu v mládí navštěvoval společně s matkou a otcem Harryho. Byl studentem nebelvírské koleje a jedním ze skupiny přátel přezdívajících si Pobertové, což byli tvůrci Pobertova plánku. Je vlkodlak, kteroužto vlastnost se snaží všemožně potlačovat. Na začátku pátého dílu pomáhá jako člen Fénixova řádu při přesunu Harryho ze Zobí ulice. Také bojuje v bitvě na odboru záhad, při které je zabit jeho přítel a jeden z Pobertů Sirius Black.
- Remus John Lupin (10 Mart 1960-2 Mayıs 1998) büyücüdür.Harry Potter'ın thumb|338pxbabasının en iyi arkadaşlarından biridir.Nymphadora Tonks ile evlenmiş ve Teddy Remus Lupin adında bir çocuğu olmuştur. Severus Snape "kazayla" ağzından kurtadam olduğunu kaçırmasıyla birlikte okuldan istifa etmesine rağmen Lupin Severus'a karşı hiç bir şey hissetmez. Bu yüzden de okulda ders verdiği dönemlerde yapmış olduğu Kurtboğan İksiri sayesinde de Dolunay dönemlerini acısız geçirdiğini de unutmaz.
- Remus Lupin was the only child of the wizard Lyall Lupin and his Muggle wife Hope Howell. Lyall Lupin was a very clever, rather shy young man who, by the time he was thirty, had become a world-renowned authority on Non-Human Spiritous Apparitions. These include poltergeists, Boggarts and other strange creatures that, while sometimes ghostlike in appearance and behaviour, have never been truly alive and remain something of a mystery even to the wizarding world.
- Professor Remus John Lupin, Orden des Merlin, Erster Klasse, (10. März 1960 - 2. Mai 1998), auch als Moony bekannt, war ein halbblütiger Zauberer und der einzige Sohn von Lyall und Hope Lupin. Er wurde während seiner Kindheit mit Lykanthropie infiziert, Fenrir Greybacks Rache gegen Lyall. Er besuchte die Hogwartsschule für Hexerei und Zauberei und wurde dem Haus Gryffindor zugeordnet. Während seiner Schulzeit war er einer der Rumtreiber, am besten befreundet mit Sirius Black, James Potter und Peter Pettigrew. Gemeinsam schufen sie die Karte des Rumtreibers.