| - Zenobia is a cleric of Artemicia working under Confessor Unithien Earthhaven in the Fourth Age. Despite her piety, she has a dark past going back to the Second Great War.
- Zenobia or Throat of Hell is a poison of particular interest because of its painful side-effects to the victim when ingested in food or drink. It was seldom-used because it was not swift not easily disguisable poison, but it was highly respected because of the excruciating pain. It was recommended for those special occasions when the prospective victim was completely at the assassin's mercy, and the killer wanted to impose a remarkably horrifying demise on his — and often her — enemy.
- Zenobia is a country on the continent of Zetegania, which shares its northern border with Palatinus. It is the setting of Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen.
- Nombre: Zenobia Ubicación: La Rioja (España) Estilo: power / heavy metal Web oficial: www.zenobia-metal.com Myspace: www.myspace.com/grupozenobia
- Zenobia is fought in Final Fantasy XIII-2 alongside her tentacle-like arms, called Vaballathus, in Academia 400 AF. The Undying uses the Vaballathus both for offense and defense, shielding herself with them and using them to launch enemies into the air.
- Zenobia was a woman who aided Conan's escape in The Hour of the Dragon and is Conan's queen in The Return of Conan (Conan the Avenger).
- Mother Zenobia is mother superior at the Blessed Lady of the Lobster.
- Zenobia est une chienne anthropomorphe de l'univers de Mickey Mouse.
- Zenobia ha un aspetto completamente diverso dagli altri generali della morte, in quanto ha il corpo di colore rosso e da esso si snodano numerosi tentacoli.
- Zenobia was a dwarf fighter from the world of Oerth who, along with her companions, was sent to Toril after angering an evil mage.
- Zenobia - Aparece en el libro de Salgre y Oro como un personaje ficticio de las Cronicas Vampiricas escritas por Anne Rice. Fue creada por Asphar uno de los sirvientes inmortales de Eudoxia, esta ultima fue quien ordeno secuestrarla del palacio donde Zenobia era esclava a la edad de 14 años. Después de que Marius hubo destruido a Eudoxia (con la ayuda de Akasha) Zenobia le pide que se haga cargo de ella, pero Marius decide dejarla al cuidado de Mael y Avicus sus amigos inmortales y quedando este último enamorado de la joven vampira. Marius se enteraría después de muchos años que Avicus abandono a Mael para huir con ella, dejándolo solo y resentido.
- Zenobia was a witch, presumably from Athens, Greece. She fell in love with a man named John Knapp, but after he left her, she vowed that anyone he loved would be killed. Attempting to make good on her promise, she killed his wife, and attempted to kill his teenaged daughter. However, she was stopped by the Werewolf Hunter, burned to death by Godolphin powder.
- She belonged to a family with Aramaic names. She herself claimed to be of the Seleucid line of the Cleopatras and the Ptolemies. Athanasius of Alexandria reported her being "a Jewess follower of Paul of Samosata", which explains her strained relationship with the rabbis. Later doubtful Arabic sources provide indications of her Arab descent. Al-Tabari, for example, writes that she belonged to the same tribe as her future husband, the 'Amlaqi, which was probably one of the four original tribes of Palmyra. According to him, Zenobia's father, ‘Amr ibn al-Ẓarib, was the sheikh of the 'Amlaqi. After he was killed by members of the rival Tanukh tribal confederation, Zenobia became the head of the 'Amlaqis, leading them in their nomadic lifestyle to summer and winter pastures.
- thumb|270px Zenobia ist der Name einer Raumstation der Time Lords. In dem Handlungsbogen The Trial of a Time Lord findet auf Zenobia ein Prozess gegen den Sechsten Doctor statt, der beweisen soll, dass er sich mehrfach in die Belange anderer Planeten eingemischte. Auf der Raumstation befindet sich einer der Zugänge zur Matrix, die Siebte Tür genannt wird.