| - As stated, vampirism is a virus that can be transmitted through the saliva of the vampire (similar to the enzyme found in the saliva of Marvel Comics vampires), and into the prey through incisions in the neck made by their fangs when feeding. Once infected, if not fully drained, it takes approximately 72 hours for the virus to mutate the soon-to-be vampire, transforming them into a new life form, one that feeds on the blood of humans in order to replenish their haemoglobin, which is not produced in the body of a vampire. Vampires can eat human food, but it has little to no nutritional value. Along with "The Thirst", vampirism also endows someone with an improved metabolism and biological functions that grant it a much increased longevity, superhuman physical and mental capabilities, and th
| - As stated, vampirism is a virus that can be transmitted through the saliva of the vampire (similar to the enzyme found in the saliva of Marvel Comics vampires), and into the prey through incisions in the neck made by their fangs when feeding. Once infected, if not fully drained, it takes approximately 72 hours for the virus to mutate the soon-to-be vampire, transforming them into a new life form, one that feeds on the blood of humans in order to replenish their haemoglobin, which is not produced in the body of a vampire. Vampires can eat human food, but it has little to no nutritional value. Along with "The Thirst", vampirism also endows someone with an improved metabolism and biological functions that grant it a much increased longevity, superhuman physical and mental capabilities, and the ability to recover from tremendous injury in a relatively short amount of time, all of which are directly granted via new specialized organs that are created during the mutation process. The vampire race also possesses its own language, which all vampires can speak. Though most vampires shown in the films and series are bilingual, some are only capable of speaking the vampire language. The vampires in the Blade films and The Series are also much stronger and faster than humans, displaying impressive physical strength to jump and leap great distances and deliver blows and strikes that can knock a full grown man across a room and moving fast enough to side-step bullets. Their pounces and throws can make concrete crack, such as when Drake slams Blade to the floor. They possess impressive physical resilience, shrugging off injuries that would kill a normal human, with the wound only slowing them down. Injuries they receive recover quickly, taking less time than it would for humans or even regenerating lost body parts, a process which is sped up by the consumption of blood. Vampires can perform amazing feats of agility. In the sequel, vampire assassins display superhuman maneuvers in their battle with Blade. Their senses are also refined and heightened to a very high degree. In the series, it is shown that vampires can perceive things in the ultraviolet spectrum. Depending on what Tribe they come from, vampires will possess specific strengths and drawbacks, in addition to their inherent abilities. These vampires, especially the Reapers, have also been shown to be able to scale almost any surface, in the same manner as spiders. On occasion, they have been shown to be able to do so without the aid of using their hands and standing up straight while mounted on the wall (as seen in Blade: The Series). Despite their impressive physical and mental abilities, they have many drawbacks. They are severely allergic to silver, sunlight, garlic, and EDTA. The allergic reaction is so severe that it causes vampires to spontaneously combust and turn into ash. Deacon Frost, however, was able to temporarily suppress his weakness to UV rays by wearing sunblock. They are also addicted to blood, which acts as sustenance and a drug for them. This is seen in its extreme with the Reapers who are so dependent on human and vampire blood, that not having it in their system causes their metabolism to burn faster and cause rapid deterioration to their body. Vampires in the Blade films and TV series are not affected by religious symbols such as crucifixes. This is due to the depiction of vampirism as a biological species and not a supernatural affliction. Other abilities traditionally associated with vampirism such as turning into mist or a bat are also not depicted. Because of being intricately tied into human society, vampires essentially have their hands and fingers pulling the strings behind the scene. Vampires co-exist in what might be considered a peaceful relation with humans, seeing as how the police are under the control of vampires, as well as the military, and most humans, unless directly affected by vampires, don't seem to care, or are aware of the existence of vampires. Since they are involved with so many different fields of society and technology, the vampires of the Blade world for the most part, with a few exceptions, lead hi-tech lives as seen throughout the movies and series.