| - "Breach" is the twenty-eighth episode of RWBY and the final episode of Volume 2. It premiered on the Rooster Teeth website on October 30th, 2014.
- After completing A Cold Front Approaches, this area is set ablaze.
- Breach is a general spell term to refer to these two spells:
* Lesser Spell Breach
* Greater Spell Breach Which are spells which breach magical protections.
- A breach is
- Breach ist eine Multiplayermap aus Call of Duty: World at War, die mit dem Kartenpaket 3 am 6. August 2009 thumb|Breacherschien. Sie ist eine mittelgroße Karte mit mehreren Gebäuden, die in den Nazi-besetzten Straßen von Berlin rund um das Brandenburger Tor spielt. In der Mitte der Karte ist es ziemlich offen, wodurch Spieler leicht verwundbar sind. An der Seite der Karte gibt es sehr viele Gebäude, die einem Deckung geben, sich für Scharfschützen eignen und gerne von Campern besetzt sind.
- An anonymous call leads Magnus in to a trap and a confrontation with an old enemy seeking vengeance for a past betrayal.
- Breach – mapa w trybie wieloosobywym Call of Duty: Black Ops III.
- Breach, is a Hybrid Saiyan that is formed from the two Saiyans Brocc and Preach using the Fusion Dance and is the main character in an upcoming fanfic, Breach: The Best.
- Breach is an alternative game mode in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. It is set in the virtual world of the Neural SubNet, but the augmentations and weapons used in this game mode are largely the same as Adam Jensen's. The System Rift expansion mission serves as the prologue to Breach. Breach was released as a standalone game, Deus Ex: Breach, on January 24, 2017. The standalone version is free-to-play and does not require Mankind Divided.
- Breach is the thirteenth episode of The Young Knight season 2.
- Breach — карта сетевой игры Call of Duty: World at War.
- Major Timothy Zanetti was working for "Project Otherside," a secret sub-Arctic nuclear reactor where scientists are probing other dimensions. In an accident at the facility, Zanetti is caught in a dimensional rift and afterwards is found in a coma with his body forever changed. His body is placed in an isolation chamber for the next twenty years, at which point he awakens. His body has become a conductor for a mysterious and deadly energy, able to "melt" biological substances only with a touch, and so he has to be dampened with a special containment suit. Left behind while Zanetti is comatose and presumed dead, are his wife Helen and son Tate.
- Breach spells strip an enemy mage of magical defenses. Lesser spell breach strips two spells, greater spell breach strips four spells, and Mordenkainen's disjunction strips six spells. In addition, a breach will lower spell resistance for ten rounds, excluding resistance from diamond soul. The reduced spell resistance is an extraordinary effect, so it cannot be dispelled (but is subject to other means of removal, such as lesser restoration). A breach will not affect friendly targets, after accounting for the PvP setting.
- Here is a list of the energy and magic damage resistance spells that are dispelled by breach:
* Shield
* Resist Fear
* Protection From Cold
* Protection From Fire
* Fireshield (Blue)
* Fireshield (Red)
* Protection From Acid
* Protection From Electricity
* Protection From Magic Energy
* Protection From The Elements
* Protection From Energy The combat protection spells dispelled by this spell are:
- Faction: Autobot Species: Transformer Function: TRACKER Rank: 1 - Loner/SpecOps Breach is quite an enigmatic figure - he refuses to talk much about himself, or even past events, believing instead that it is the present that is what is important. Always there with a smile and a quip, he seems to have unofficially affiliated himself with the Autobots, but he doesn't always do what is asked of him.