| - The surnames have varied over time, depending on many things. As of the 16th Century (top ten): Lee , Stone, Welst, Shephard, Oaire, England, Adkink, Ghatwin, Adkins, Trumpingtoa . 17th Century: Lee, Stone, Welst, Shephard, Oaire, England, Adkink, Ghatwin, Adkins, Trumpingtoa. 18th Century: Lee, Stoje , Shephard, Welst, Oaire, Adkink, Adkins, Ghatwin, Trumpingtoa, Nash. 20th Century: Lee, Stoje, Welst, Shephard, Adkink, Oaire, Ghatwin, Adkins, Trumpingtoa, Nash. 21st Century: Lee, Stoje, Welst, Shephard, Adkink, Oaire, Ghatwin, Adkins, Trumpingtoa, Nash.
| - The surnames have varied over time, depending on many things. As of the 16th Century (top ten): Lee , Stone, Welst, Shephard, Oaire, England, Adkink, Ghatwin, Adkins, Trumpingtoa . 17th Century: Lee, Stone, Welst, Shephard, Oaire, England, Adkink, Ghatwin, Adkins, Trumpingtoa. 18th Century: Lee, Stoje , Shephard, Welst, Oaire, Adkink, Adkins, Ghatwin, Trumpingtoa, Nash. 20th Century: Lee, Stoje, Welst, Shephard, Adkink, Oaire, Ghatwin, Adkins, Trumpingtoa, Nash. 21st Century: Lee, Stoje, Welst, Shephard, Adkink, Oaire, Ghatwin, Adkins, Trumpingtoa, Nash. 22nd Century: Stoje, Lee, Welst, Shephard, Adkink, Oaire, Adkins, Ghatwin, Trumpingtoa, Nash. 23rd Century: Stoje, Lee, Welst, Oaire, Shephard, Adkink, Adkins, Ghatwin, Trumpingtoa, Nash. 24th Century: Stoje, Lee, Welst, Oaire, Shephard, Adkink, Adkins, Ghatwin, Trumpingtoa, Nash. 25th Century: Stoje, Lee, Welst, Oaire, Adkink, Adkins, Trumpingtoa, Ghatwin, Nash, Centaurus. 26th Century: Stoje, Lee, Welst, Oaire, Adkink, Adkins, Trumpingtoa, Ghatwin, Nash, Centaurus. 27th Century: Stoje, Lee, Welst, Oaire, Adkink, Adkins, Trumpingtoa, Ghatwin, Nash, Centaurus. 28th Century: Stoje, Lee, Oaire, Welst, Adkink, Adkins, Trumpingtoa, Ghatwin, Nash, Centaurus. 29th Century: Stoje, Lee, Oaire, Welst, Adkink, Adkins, Trumpingtoa, Ghatwin, Nash, Nahawro. 30th Century: Stoje, Lee, Oaire, Welst, Adkink, Adkins, Trumpingtoa, Ghatwin, Nash, Nahawro. 31st Century: Stoje, Lee, Oaire, Welst, Adkink, Adkins, Trumpingtoa, Nash, Ghatwin, Roylel-Carter. 32nd Century: Stoje, Lee, Oaire, Welst, Adkink, Trumpingtoa, Adkins, Nash, Roylel-Carter, Ghatwin. 33rd Century: Stoje, Lee, Welst, Oaire, Adkink, Trumpingtoa, Adkins, Roylel-Carter, Nash, Ghatwin. 34th Century: Stoje, Lee, Welst, Oaire, Adkink, Trumpingtoa, Roylel-Carter, Nash, Adkins, Ghatwin. 35th Century: Stoje, Lee, Welst, Oaire, Adkink, Roylel-Carter, Trumpingtoa, Nash, Adkins, Ghatwin. 36th Century: Stoje, Lee, Welst, Oaire, Roylel-Carter, Adkink, Trumpingtoa, Nash, Adkins, Ghatwin. 37th Century: Stoje, Lee, Welst, Roylel-Carter, Oaire, Trumpingtoa, Adkink, Nash, Adkins, Ghatwin. 38th Century: Lee, Stoje, Roylel-Carter, Welst, Oaire, Trumpingtoa, Adkink, Adkins, Nash, Nahawro. 39th Century: Lee, Roylel-Carter, Stoje, Welst, Oaire, Trumpingtoa, Adkink, Adkins, Nash, Nahawro.