| - Interprete Lanzamiento Apariciones Duración Álbum Anterior soundtrack Siguiente soundtrack Este es un Soundtrack del álbum Resident Evil 5 Original Soundtrack.
- PreQuest: Catnapped! Given by: Bill Tanner Goals:
* Rescue Sarah Tanner
* Defeat Mikey the Brick Hand In: Bill Tanner Reward:
* 150 gold
* 1435 experience
* Shortblade of Flowers Leads to: None
- Damsel in Distress was a web enhancement for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, published at Wizards.com on March 15, 2001.
- Damsel in Distress was a single page strip which ran in IPC's Shiver and Shake comic in 1973 and 1974. It revolved around the efforts of Sir Knight to rescue the otherwise anonymous Damsel from the tower where she was held captive, by a variety of increasingly unlikely methods.
- <default>Damsel in Distress</default> Title Gender Race Alignment Faction Occupation Descriptor Class Focus Level Health Status Location Coordinates Voiced by Created by Written by Appearances A Damsel in Distress runs around the Smoldering Corpse Area with her torn dress covered in blood, pleading for someone to help her dying sister in the nearby alley.
- The word "damsel" derives from the French demoiselle meaning "young lady". It is an archaic term not used in modern English except for effect or in expressions such as this, which can be traced back to the knight errant of Medieval songs and tales, who regarded the saving of such women as an essential part of his raison d'être. The helplessness of the damsel in distress, who can be portrayed as foolish and ineffectual to the point of naïvety, along with her need for others to rescue her, has made the stereotype the target of feminist criticism.
- Damsel in Distress is a cutscene in Resident Evil 5. It is played during Chapter 1-2.
- Damsel in Distress, to mini-przygoda będąca częścią gry fabularnej Star Wars: Roleplaying Game (WoTC) wydawanej przez Wizards of the Coast. Przygodę wydano w 2001 roku. Jej autorem jest Stephen Kenson. Damsel in Distress wydano on-line na stronie wydawnictwa (Wizards.com). Wizards of the Coast wydało więcej podobnych mini-przygód (także on-line) i wszystkie określano wspólnie jako tzw. Web Adventures.
- The subject of the damsel in distress, or persecuted maiden, is a classic theme in world literature, art, film and video games. She is usually a beautiful young woman placed in a dire predicament by a villain or monster and who requires a hero to achieve her rescue. After rescuing her the hero can usually convince the woman to be his wife. She has become a stock character of fiction, particularly of melodrama. Though she is usually human, she can also be of any other species, including fictional or folkloric species; and even divine figures such as an angel or deity.
- To enter Crow's Nest you'll need to complete the quest Bark up the Right Tree. In order to complete that quest, you'll need to complete Seahorse Salad first. Once in Crow's Nest proper, Servus and Alina's House is the first building on the left (next to the Sewer Tunnels entrance, across the road from Henry and Eleanor's House). If you'd like to loot the house thoroughly before leaving, refer to the Servus and Alina's House article. Otherwise, return to Servus at the Ministry to complete the quest.