| - Hey look the air is a-splode analyze bury carrotify cheesify churn condense dance devour enflame evaporate extinguish fishify fluffalize fluffle giggle gnarl grate grapify gutter hurl impose implode inhale jellify lumpify meep meet moan moshygoshywhatymuttyhinkypinkyfy mumble muffle nickelize nose nosify phillipate preach process purge quack rant run shit shatter slap snap snarl sphincturbate sputter squash squish squishify submit throw touch unwind wobble wonkify zombify ing. the girl a-splode analyze bury carrotify cheesify churn condense dance devour enflame evaporate extinguish fishify fluffalize fluffle giggle gnarl grate grapify gutter hurl impose implode inhale jellify lumpify meep meet moan moshygoshywhatymuttyhinkypinkyfy mumble muffle nickelize nose nosify phillipate preach process purge quack rant run shit shatter slap snap snarl sphincturbate sputter squash squish squishify submit throw touch unwind wobble wonkify zombify s a bleu nose because Corbin Blue is stuck in her body but how did he get stuck in da frst plce??? the air is a-splode analyze bury carrotify cheesify churn condense dance devour enflame evaporate extinguish fishify fluffalize fluffle giggle gnarl grate grapify gutter hurl impose implode inhale jellify lumpify meep meet moan moshygoshywhatymuttyhinkypinkyfy mumble muffle nickelize nose nosify phillipate preach process purge quack rant run shit shatter slap snap snarl sphincturbate sputter squash squish squishify submit throw touch unwind wobble wonkify zombify ing it is a-splode analyze bury carrotify cheesify churn condense dance devour enflame evaporate extinguish fishify fluffalize fluffle giggle gnarl grate grapify gutter hurl impose implode inhale jellify lumpify meep meet moan moshygoshywhatymuttyhinkypinkyfy mumble muffle nickelize nose nosify phillipate preach process purge quack rant run shit shatter slap snap snarl sphincturbate sputter squash squish squishify submit throw touch unwind wobble wonkify zombify ing to my house now if you have no air a-splode analyze bury carrotify cheesify churn condense dance devour enflame evaporate extinguish fishify fluffalize fluffle giggle gnarl grate grapify gutter hurl impose implode inhale jellify lumpify meep meet moan moshygoshywhatymuttyhinkypinkyfy mumble muffle nickelize nose nosify phillipate preach process purge quack rant run shit shatter slap snap snarl sphincturbate sputter squash squish squishify submit throw touch unwind wobble wonkify zombify to a party sleepover in my house. The robot a-splode analyze bury carrotify cheesify churn condense dance devour enflame evaporate extinguish fishify fluffalize fluffle giggle gnarl grate grapify gutter hurl impose implode inhale jellify lumpify meep meet moan moshygoshywhatymuttyhinkypinkyfy mumble muffle nickelize nose nosify phillipate preach process purge quack rant run shit shatter slap snap snarl sphincturbate sputter squash squish squishify submit throw touch unwind wobble wonkify zombify ed down the moon and it landed in the entire UK. Now, the moon went up again and then the uk will a-splode analyze bury carrotify cheesify churn condense dance devour enflame evaporate extinguish fishify fluffalize fluffle giggle gnarl grate grapify gutter hurl impose implode inhale jellify lumpify meep meet moan moshygoshywhatymuttyhinkypinkyfy mumble muffle nickelize nose nosify phillipate preach process purge quack rant run shit shatter slap snap snarl sphincturbate sputter squash squish squishify submit throw touch unwind wobble wonkify zombify in the sky at night be blibned by whiteness and when the sun is out beware for total coldnessss and no light at all the lawnmower is making Europe shrtr. aklsdlaldklajdkldouund erstandthisakldjlkasjd klasjkldouunderstandth isklajdklsajdklaslkdou understandthisaklsjdkl ajdkljdouunderstandthi sajdklad why are you a-splode analyze bury carrotify cheesify churn condense dance devour enflame evaporate extinguish fishify fluffalize fluffle giggle gnarl grate grapify gutter hurl impose implode inhale jellify lumpify meep meet moan moshygoshywhatymuttyhinkypinkyfy mumble muffle nickelize nose nosify phillipate preach process purge quack rant run shit shatter slap snap snarl sphincturbate sputter squash squish squishify submit throw touch unwind wobble wonkify zombify ing this it is so important a-splode analyze bury carrotify cheesify churn condense dance devour enflame evaporate extinguish fishify fluffalize fluffle giggle gnarl grate grapify gutter hurl impose implode inhale jellify lumpify meep meet moan moshygoshywhatymuttyhinkypinkyfy mumble muffle nickelize nose nosify phillipate preach process purge quack rant run shit shatter slap snap snarl sphincturbate sputter squash squish squishify submit throw touch unwind wobble wonkify zombify a life Abba able-bodied spiderman gimp train abortion ad air conditioner airplane amv antidisestablishmentarianist anvil apple juice arthritis asparagus attorney autobiography balloon banana band baseball bat bass guitar bathtub beach ball beagle bikini bildungsroman blanket blender blimp blow-up doll boat bollocks bomb booby book boo-ook bowling ball brand bread knife brickbat brisket broadsword broom Buddah businessperson DarkMatter2525 cake can opener cardboard box fsssss cash cellphone Yahweh Zeus cheeseburger Phyllis Hyman Giggle Stick chromosome classified document Tamia clock cob cockroach computer communist cookie cutter couch Alicia Keys corset cow Toni Braxton Adele cubicle cuddly toy cutting board Mt. Jeffmore Mount Jeffmore diamond diesel engine diet mouthwash diet pill diode dishrag dishwasher document dog house dogma dongle driptray duck egg electric toothbrush electron extension cord encyclopedia entropy escape pod etch-a-sketch etching fan feces fissile uranium flaming Nazi flan flightdeck Ford Pinto fork frying pan Furby furnace gas tank gelato giant humming bee that can be a real dick and hums when you're having a conversation with someone glass orb glycerin glucose glue God goddess goose egg gork Green Lantern ring guacamole gun guru hairball harpsichord heretic high-powered laser rifle home theater system homology homotopy horse hot dog hotel house houseplant hub cap hybrid engine idiot igneous protrusion imitation fake vomit infinity iPod jeans jellybean Jesuit katzenjammer kitten kumquat lasagna lawnmower leash lemon limited edition, gold plated, autographed rabbi lithium lobster lollipop LSD lubricant luggage lunch magma mammary gland memo microscope microwave milk mitten mouse mongoose Milquetoast muffin muffinface mug muskrat neck needle neurotoxin noun nuclear reactor nystagmus oil operating system operating theater option ostrich egg ovary oven pedophile paper pastry peach peanut pen petroglyph philanthropist π squared pie pile of flaming horse feces pill pillow plague politician pool table pork chop possibility potato masher potato president-for-life prostate prostitute queer question mark quote rain meter rake ramen noodle random string of characters and typeage spawned by someone snorting crack random string of utility muffin research kitchens and cheeseburgers with a large fries and a coke, plus a kids meal spawned by salad forks ablating US Navy aircraft carrier super hornets reindeer reverse osmosis ricer rifle road rock round house sacrifice salad fork sceptre scroll sea bass search engine sesame seed oil shank shark sheep slightly-below-average man skyscraper skull snowflake sonk spoon squid stapler steak dinner steak knife stick stool sample street sign sweet and sour chicken Tac Tachovah tadpole tank teabag telephone ten-foot pole tennis racket Texas toast thong thumbtack tire toaster tofu tomato tong tooth toothpick truffle t-shirt tube Turing machine turkey sandwich tuxedo Utility Muffin Research Kitchen US Navy aircraft carrier US Navy F/A 18 Super Hornet VCR vector field vortex virus whip Wii xanthochroi xylophone zebra Zork zoot suit . Abba able-bodied spiderman gimp train abortion ad air conditioner airplane amv antidisestablishmentarianist anvil apple juice arthritis asparagus attorney autobiography balloon banana band baseball bat bass guitar bathtub beach ball beagle bikini bildungsroman blanket blender blimp blow-up doll boat bollocks bomb booby book boo-ook bowling ball brand bread knife brickbat brisket broadsword broom Buddah businessperson DarkMatter2525 cake can opener cardboard box fsssss cash cellphone Yahweh Zeus cheeseburger Phyllis Hyman Giggle Stick chromosome classified document Tamia clock cob cockroach computer communist cookie cutter couch Alicia Keys corset cow Toni Braxton Adele cubicle cuddly toy cutting board Mt. Jeffmore Mount Jeffmore diamond diesel engine diet mouthwash diet pill diode dishrag dishwasher document dog house dogma dongle driptray duck egg electric toothbrush electron extension cord encyclopedia entropy escape pod etch-a-sketch etching fan feces fissile uranium flaming Nazi flan flightdeck Ford Pinto fork frying pan Furby furnace gas tank gelato giant humming bee that can be a real dick and hums when you're having a conversation with someone glass orb glycerin glucose glue God goddess goose egg gork Green Lantern ring guacamole gun guru hairball harpsichord heretic high-powered laser rifle home theater system homology homotopy horse hot dog hotel house houseplant hub cap hybrid engine idiot igneous protrusion imitation fake vomit infinity iPod jeans jellybean Jesuit katzenjammer kitten kumquat lasagna lawnmower leash lemon limited edition, gold plated, autographed rabbi lithium lobster lollipop LSD lubricant luggage lunch magma mammary gland memo microscope microwave milk mitten mouse mongoose Milquetoast muffin muffinface mug muskrat neck needle neurotoxin noun nuclear reactor nystagmus oil operating system operating theater option ostrich egg ovary oven pedophile paper pastry peach peanut pen petroglyph philanthropist π squared pie pile of flaming horse feces pill pillow plague politician pool table pork chop possibility potato masher potato president-for-life prostate prostitute queer question mark quote rain meter rake ramen noodle random string of characters and typeage spawned by someone snorting crack random string of utility muffin research kitchens and cheeseburgers with a large fries and a coke, plus a kids meal spawned by salad forks ablating US Navy aircraft carrier super hornets reindeer reverse osmosis ricer rifle road rock round house sacrifice salad fork sceptre scroll sea bass search engine sesame seed oil shank shark sheep slightly-below-average man skyscraper skull snowflake sonk spoon squid stapler steak dinner steak knife stick stool sample street sign sweet and sour chicken Tac Tachovah tadpole tank teabag telephone ten-foot pole tennis racket Texas toast thong thumbtack tire toaster tofu tomato tong tooth toothpick truffle t-shirt tube Turing machine turkey sandwich tuxedo Utility Muffin Research Kitchen US Navy aircraft carrier US Navy F/A 18 Super Hornet VCR vector field vortex virus whip Wii xanthochroi xylophone zebra Zork zoot suit s are using the USA as an airplane n canada will get Abba able-bodied spiderman gimp train abortion ad air conditioner airplane amv antidisestablishmentarianist anvil apple juice arthritis asparagus attorney autobiography balloon banana band baseball bat bass guitar bathtub beach ball beagle bikini bildungsroman blanket blender blimp blow-up doll boat bollocks bomb booby book boo-ook bowling ball brand bread knife brickbat brisket broadsword broom Buddah businessperson DarkMatter2525 cake can opener cardboard box fsssss cash cellphone Yahweh Zeus cheeseburger Phyllis Hyman Giggle Stick chromosome classified document Tamia clock cob cockroach computer communist cookie cutter couch Alicia Keys corset cow Toni Braxton Adele cubicle cuddly toy cutting board Mt. Jeffmore Mount Jeffmore diamond diesel engine diet mouthwash diet pill diode dishrag dishwasher document dog house dogma dongle driptray duck egg electric toothbrush electron extension cord encyclopedia entropy escape pod etch-a-sketch etching fan feces fissile uranium flaming Nazi flan flightdeck Ford Pinto fork frying pan Furby furnace gas tank gelato giant humming bee that can be a real dick and hums when you're having a conversation with someone glass orb glycerin glucose glue God goddess goose egg gork Green Lantern ring guacamole gun guru hairball harpsichord heretic high-powered laser rifle home theater system homology homotopy horse hot dog hotel house houseplant hub cap hybrid engine idiot igneous protrusion imitation fake vomit infinity iPod jeans jellybean Jesuit katzenjammer kitten kumquat lasagna lawnmower leash lemon limited edition, gold plated, autographed rabbi lithium lobster lollipop LSD lubricant luggage lunch magma mammary gland memo microscope microwave milk mitten mouse mongoose Milquetoast muffin muffinface mug muskrat neck needle neurotoxin noun nuclear reactor nystagmus oil operating system operating theater option ostrich egg ovary oven pedophile paper pastry peach peanut pen petroglyph philanthropist π squared pie pile of flaming horse feces pill pillow plague politician pool table pork chop possibility potato masher potato president-for-life prostate prostitute queer question mark quote rain meter rake ramen noodle random string of characters and typeage spawned by someone snorting crack random string of utility muffin research kitchens and cheeseburgers with a large fries and a coke, plus a kids meal spawned by salad forks ablating US Navy aircraft carrier super hornets reindeer reverse osmosis ricer rifle road rock round house sacrifice salad fork sceptre scroll sea bass search engine sesame seed oil shank shark sheep slightly-below-average man skyscraper skull snowflake sonk spoon squid stapler steak dinner steak knife stick stool sample street sign sweet and sour chicken Tac Tachovah tadpole tank teabag telephone ten-foot pole tennis racket Texas toast thong thumbtack tire toaster tofu tomato tong tooth toothpick truffle t-shirt tube Turing machine turkey sandwich tuxedo Utility Muffin Research Kitchen US Navy aircraft carrier US Navy F/A 18 Super Hornet VCR vector field vortex virus whip Wii xanthochroi xylophone zebra Zork zoot suit s crashed on top of 700,000,000 buildings letys shee if skfal yuk erpotsklj arhtrje you are the luchjkadjka cky one. beware if you are in all the othr prtz of da wrld thn a giant banana/pumpkin that you see to the top lft crnr of dis page thatis the bana na\pumpkin that w i l l b e s m a s h e d . now the purple shirt is freeky. a-splode analyze bury carrotify cheesify churn condense dance devour enflame evaporate extinguish fishify fluffalize fluffle giggle gnarl grate grapify gutter hurl impose implode inhale jellify lumpify meep meet moan moshygoshywhatymuttyhinkypinkyfy mumble muffle nickelize nose nosify phillipate preach process purge quack rant run shit shatter slap snap snarl sphincturbate sputter squash squish squishify submit throw touch unwind wobble wonkify zombify the water in the freezer for the year then lemme see ya a-splode analyze bury carrotify cheesify churn condense dance devour enflame evaporate extinguish fishify fluffalize fluffle giggle gnarl grate grapify gutter hurl impose implode inhale jellify lumpify meep meet moan moshygoshywhatymuttyhinkypinkyfy mumble muffle nickelize nose nosify phillipate preach process purge quack rant run shit shatter slap snap snarl sphincturbate sputter squash squish squishify submit throw touch unwind wobble wonkify zombify it. i am then mst intllgnt prsn mre intlgent thn albrt instin n ths s hw u r supsd 2 spll ths s nthr vrsion f my lnguag 23 2 3 34 3 54 54 54 6 56 45 53 4 3 4 2 32 3 54 6 566 3 2 32 i dnt apprcite ur tme rdin ths u == Abba able-bodied spiderman gimp train abortion ad air conditioner airplane amv antidisestablishmentarianist anvil apple juice arthritis asparagus attorney autobiography balloon banana band baseball bat bass guitar bathtub beach ball beagle bikini bildungsroman blanket blender blimp blow-up doll boat bollocks bomb booby book boo-ook bowling ball brand bread knife brickbat brisket broadsword broom Buddah businessperson DarkMatter2525 cake can opener cardboard box fsssss cash cellphone Yahweh Zeus cheeseburger Phyllis Hyman Giggle Stick chromosome classified document Tamia clock cob cockroach computer communist cookie cutter couch Alicia Keys corset cow Toni Braxton Adele cubicle cuddly toy cutting board Mt. Jeffmore Mount Jeffmore diamond diesel engine diet mouthwash diet pill diode dishrag dishwasher document dog house dogma dongle driptray duck egg electric toothbrush electron extension cord encyclopedia entropy escape pod etch-a-sketch etching fan feces fissile uranium flaming Nazi flan flightdeck Ford Pinto fork frying pan Furby furnace gas tank gelato giant humming bee that can be a real dick and hums when you're having a conversation with someone glass orb glycerin glucose glue God goddess goose egg gork Green Lantern ring guacamole gun guru hairball harpsichord heretic high-powered laser rifle home theater system homology homotopy horse hot dog hotel house houseplant hub cap hybrid engine idiot igneous protrusion imitation fake vomit infinity iPod jeans jellybean Jesuit katzenjammer kitten kumquat lasagna lawnmower leash lemon limited edition, gold plated, autographed rabbi lithium lobster lollipop LSD lubricant luggage lunch magma mammary gland memo microscope microwave milk mitten mouse mongoose Milquetoast muffin muffinface mug muskrat neck needle neurotoxin noun nuclear reactor nystagmus oil operating system operating theater option ostrich egg ovary oven pedophile paper pastry peach peanut pen petroglyph philanthropist π squared pie pile of flaming horse feces pill pillow plague politician pool table pork chop possibility potato masher potato president-for-life prostate prostitute queer question mark quote rain meter rake ramen noodle random string of characters and typeage spawned by someone snorting crack random string of utility muffin research kitchens and cheeseburgers with a large fries and a coke, plus a kids meal spawned by salad forks ablating US Navy aircraft carrier super hornets reindeer reverse osmosis ricer rifle road rock round house sacrifice salad fork sceptre scroll sea bass search engine sesame seed oil shank shark sheep slightly-below-average man skyscraper skull snowflake sonk spoon squid stapler steak dinner steak knife stick stool sample street sign sweet and sour chicken Tac Tachovah tadpole tank teabag telephone ten-foot pole tennis racket Texas toast thong thumbtack tire toaster tofu tomato tong tooth toothpick truffle t-shirt tube Turing machine turkey sandwich tuxedo Utility Muffin Research Kitchen US Navy aircraft carrier US Navy F/A 18 Super Hornet VCR vector field vortex virus whip Wii xanthochroi xylophone zebra Zork zoot suit s!!!!!!!!!111111111==