Main Gates: Rucker Avenue and Pacific Avenue, #: (70-7555) Shipyard Commander: Rear Admiral Jennifer McNair : The Everett Naval Shipyard was built in the 1990s as a homeport for a carrier battlegroup. It also became a shipyard capable of repairing and re-supplying the largest warships afloat. For a time, the yards were humming with constant activity and the district boomed on the pay of the thousands of sailors. The changes brought on by the Awakening, the rise of the megacorporations as independent military powers and the decline of the United States Navy eventually changed all of this. At first it looked as though the shipyard would shut down, but in 2042 the shipyard got a second lease on life when Congress passed the Military Improvement Act.
Main Gates: Rucker Avenue and Pacific Avenue, #: (70-7555) Shipyard Commander: Rear Admiral Jennifer McNair : The Everett Naval Shipyard was built in the 1990s as a homeport for a carrier battlegroup. It also became a shipyard capable of repairing and re-supplying the largest warships afloat. For a time, the yards were humming with constant activity and the district boomed on the pay of the thousands of sailors. The changes brought on by the Awakening, the rise of the megacorporations as independent military powers and the decline of the United States Navy eventually changed all of this. At first it looked as though the shipyard would shut down, but in 2042 the shipyard got a second lease on life when Congress passed the Military Improvement Act. Since then the Everett Naval Shipyard has been very busy. It is currently the homeport for the nuclear carrier battlegroup based around the supercarrier Koontz. Occasionally, a cutter from the Salish-Shidhe will come to the shipyards for repairs and refitting in accordance with the treaty between the Salish-Shidhe Council Defense Forces and the City of Seattle.