| - __NOEDITSECTION__ Vasco da Gama was the funniest guy ever. No, really, you should've seen him that one night. We were drinking late and Vasco said "I discovered the most peculiar thing, yesterday." And we were all like "What was it, Vasco? Tell us!" And then he said "Your mom's vagina. *trollface*" Oh God, we laughed so hard. I tell you, Vasco is one masterful son-of-a-bitch when it comes to entertainment. And I didn't just use that word because it had enter in it. Get it? Eh? Okay, maybe I'm not as good as the great Vasco himself. If only you could've seen him. You'd have laughed yourself to death. I'm not even kidding. He humored some Arabs to death once. It wasn't a pretty sight. He then stole all their gold. Hilarious!
- Vasco da Gama conosciuto anche come Roberto Da Crema, (Gama, 1469 - Crema, 1524) fu, insieme ad Amerigo Vespucci, Giovanni Soldini e il TomTom, uno dei grandi navigatori a cavallo del Cinquecento.Certamente, navigare a cavallo era complicato, ma non con le speciali bisacce galleggianti che l'ingegnoso Vasco aveva applicato al suo purosangue.Fu il primo europeo a navigare fino in India passando per la complanare di Foggia.
- Vasco da Gama (ヴァスコ・ダ・ガマ Vasuko da Gama) is one of the 100 historical figure spirits who resides in the Village of Heroes.
- Vasco da Gama var et interstellart forskningsfartøy, eid av Den Internasjonale Romadministrasjonen og ble brukt til og utforske nye og ukjente planeter og systemer i galaksen. Skipet oppdaget blant annet planeten Hubro, som var den eneste oppdagede planeten som lignet Jorden. Etter å ha dratt inn i planetsystemet NGC 1099, mistet Hovedkontroll JORD all kontakt med skipet, og skipets skjebne var uavklart i flere hundre år.
- After Pedro Álvares Cabral's failure to eliminate the Indian Assassins, King Manuel I of Portugal - who was influenced by the Borgia - sent Vasco da Gama with 800 men strong to Calicut. Da Gama was to complete what Cabral had failed, and used the guise of the expulsion of all Muslims to cause enough chaos to stir up the Brotherhood there. His fleet bombarded the city, killing hundreds, but the Captains sent to take control of the area were finally killed or driven from the city.
- Vasco da Gama, un navigor portuges, nase sirca 1469 en Sines o Vidigueira en la provinse de Alentejo en la sude de Portugal e mori la 24 de desembre 1524 en India. Se fama xef veni de se descovre de la via par mar de Europa a India sirca la Capo de Bon-Espera. Re Manuel I de Portugal dona a da Gama la carga de completi la atentas de Bartolomeu Diaz per descovre la via sude a India. Cuatro barcones su se comanda ia departi de Portugal en julio 1497 e ariva en la sude-ueste de la penisola indian la 20 de maio 1499. da Gama retorna a Portugal en setembre 1499.