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- An empath was a sentient who apparently had the ability to manipulate the minds of Humans, and possibly other species as well. They could reach into their victim's minds and paralyze them, or draw out the buried memories of their past misdeeds, overwhelming them with their own conscience. In this way the empath's suggestion for their absolution, that they commit suicide, was accepted and embraced. The only recorded empath was Clat of the Guild of Vindicators.
- Empath was a Mutant.
- Cost: 30000 RP Points Empath is a psionic aspect that allows a psionist access to Communicative Telepathy only, but in return, grants +2 to one's Psi stat, making Empath a matter of trading telepathic breadth for more raw psionic ability. The Almedae have Empath innately.
- Empath (Manuel De La Rocha) a mutant with the power of empathy.
- Empath (Japanese: エンパス Empath) is an ability created by Radio RebelRadio Rebel for Generation VI.
- An Empath is a reincarnated mortal being, reborn with the ability to feel others' emotions; the power of Empathy. When mortals are reincarnated as Empaths, they often enter fields enabling them to heal and guide others; usually become priests, counselors, teachers, psychiatrists, columnists, etc. Their power allows them to help others, such as healing someone's emotional pain. While Empaths are a separate race of magical beings, other beings can also receive the power of empathy and are sometimes referred to as empaths, too, regardless of their species.
- Empath was the son of an impoverished noble Castillian who could trace their lineage back to the ancient Romans. Hailing from Spain, Manuel de la Rocha was a mutant who attended school at the Massachusetts Academy, where he was one of the original students of then villain, the White Queen. Frost's students, who were known as the Hellions, were rivals of Charles Xavier's students, the New Mutants. De la Rocha was one of the few Hellions, along with James Proudstar, Magma and Firestar to survive an attack by time-traveling villain Trevor Fitzroy (although Empath's former teammate, Tarot would eventually be resurrected).
- An Empath is a life-form with a very specific manifestation of telepathic abilities. Though most telepaths have an innate empathic sense; a passive ability to sense emotions within a certain range and is often referred to as an "empathic range", the extent of which varies depending on a telepath's rating and ability. A pure empath is much rarer and can "push" emotions into other minds, affecting judgment and planting suggestions without the brute force control of a normal telepath. The average empathic range for a PC rated telepath is around 20 to 25 meters.