| - When the Battle Brawlers came to the Doom Dimension, they were met by the Soldiers and a deal was struck: if all of the Brawlers could defeat the Soldier of their attribute, the Soldiers would take them out of the Doom Dimension and let them take all of the Bakugan that Masquerade and his minions sent there. They all won, so the Soldiers kept their end of the bargain, using their Attribute Energies. In Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia, the Soldiers reappear, conversing with Drago and giving him a body, transforming him into Neo Dragonoid, before sending him to the human world to get Dan. Then Vestroia starts to collapse without him and all they can do is wait and discuss. After Drago returns to New Vestroia, the Perfect Core becomes stable again. Later, they send Drago and the others to Earth. The Six Ancient Warriors then battled Zenoheld after he threatened to destroy the Bakugan if they did not come. Although they had the upper hand, the tide of the battle turned quickly after Zenoheld unleashed the Assail System. They were defeated, but before they could lose their attribute energies, they transferred their power to the Bakugan Resistance Bakugan, thus giving up their lives.