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- Battle Cry is a song available to the Songstress that raises the Strength of all party members for the duration of the battle. The effect can be stacked up to five times. Each of the girls' Battle Cries are different; each harmonizes their respective theme song.
- Part of the Songfic Series. Brambleclaw's point of view.
- For 60 seconds, players within range move 25% faster, attack 15% faster, and skills recharge 33% faster. Concise: (60 seconds.) Players in range move 25% faster, attack 15% faster, and recharge skills 33% faster.
- Battle Cry (Japanese: ときのこえ Battle Cry) is a Fighting-type Status move introduced in Generation V.
- Image:Battlecry.png Image:Combonormal.png Image:Bodyskill.png Image:Magicattack.png Image:Soulmagic.png Image:16sec.png Self
* Nearby party members receive Infused [Melee] (12s).
* Become Resistant (12s).
- "Battle Cry" is the sixteenth episode of Robotech: The Macross Saga.
- Battle Cry is significant as it is the first & only EUWC televised production since its hiatus in 2008. The promos and segments featured on the show detail just how the EUWC Superstars have been carrying on with their lives during the past 2 years of inactivity, and of their feelings over the return of the EUWC.
- A Battle Cry (also known as Battle Intro) is the statement said by the fighter before they battle. Each statement usually relates to the character's background story or any of his or her special powers. The Battle Cry made its debut appearance in Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks and returned in Mortal Kombat (2011).
- A Battle Cry is an ability given once you have progressed far enough down a class skill tree. Each Battle Cry is a skill that the entire group will benefit from for a period of time, and is activated by pressing the "X" button. Using a Battle Cry depletes combo from your combo meter; its cost can be decreased for the Human alignment based on the efficiency percentage.
- [[Category: DP skills]] Used by , knocks down nearby enemies and increases the caster's offensive attributes.
- Battle Cry ist ein Song der Band Imagine Dragons und wurde am 2. Juni 2014 zum Film Transformers 4: Ära des Untergangs veröffentlicht.
- Battle Cry is a song written and performed by Imagine Dragons and is the theme song to Transformers: Age of Extinction.
- Battle Cry (ときの声, Toki no Koe) is an ability in which someone or something utilizes an extremely loud and high pitched battle cry by yelling at the top of their lungs; Morgiana has been shown to utilize her Battle Cry to scare away attacking enemies in battle.
- Battle Cry is the 151st chapter of Morikawa Jouji's manga series Hajime no Ippo.
- A battle cry is a yell or chant taken up in battle, usually by members of the same military unit. Battle cries are not necessarily articulate, although they often aim to invoke patriotic or religious sentiment. Their purpose is a combination of arousing aggression and esprit de corps on one's own side and causing intimidation on the hostile side. Battle cries are a universal form of display behaviour (i.e., threat display) aiming at competitive advantage, ideally by overstating one's own aggressive potential to a point where the enemy prefers to avoid confrontation altogether and opts to flee. In order to overstate one's potential for aggression, battle cries need to be as loud as possible, and have historically often been amplified by acoustic devices such as horns, drums, conches, carnyx