| - In Guild Wars, to cover means to stack conditions, enchantments or hexes so that when they are removed, the more desired effects remain while the less important ones, the so-called covers, are removed. Skills used as covers are usually low cost and/or fast activating so that they can be quickly applied or re-applied.
- Characters and certain kinds of terrain provide cover against attacks. A character can attack an enemy with cover only if it’s the nearest enemy. A character with cover gets a +4 bonus to Defense. Areas on the Map denoted with a green outline count as providing cover.
- COVR decreases the suppression effect taken by 50%. The solo specialization is unlocked at rank 14, while the squad specialization, SQD COVR, is unlocked at rank 35.
- Cover is an ability that the Imperial Agent and the Republic Smuggler can take advantage of. It reduces the amount of damage you take and allows you to do cover-specific attacks, such as Cover Pulse, or Orbital Strike. When you start your class storyline, you can only crouch and that acts as your cover ability. It serves little to no purpose in the beginning of the game, unless you roll into a cover-spot; due to the fact that very little cover-specific abilities are available to you, and your damage is not reduced. When you go down your disciplinary path, you gain access to a cover shield that deploys, making cover much more useful, and all-around amazing. The color of the cover shield changes depending on your faction, red for Imperial and blue for Republic.
- Cover is a key component of the Gears of War series. No matter what difficulty level, any Gear, Red Shirt, or even Locust who runs into the open is guaranteed a swift and likely painful death. To learn to use cover, refer to the Golden Rule of the Gears. To learn about cover itself and what kinds of cover there are, please continue here.
- Cover is a game mechanic that reduces the chance of being affected by a ranged attack or power, by a certain percentage. It adds to the original block, evade and resist rates.
- Cover is a feature in The Elder Scrolls: Legends.
- Cover is a feature in The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
- Cover is a promotion in the Civilization games.
- Eine Coverversion ist in der Musik eine zeitlich dem Original nachfolgende Neufassung eines Musikstücks durch einen anderen Interpreten.
- Level: 3 MP Cost: 15 Casting Time: 1C Effect: Creates a weak barrier that absorbs damage and protects the party member it surrounds. Obtained: Default Spell (Cooke) Lv 19
- Cover is a form of protection, usually allowing the player to avoid danger (such as enemy gunfire) as well as to hide from enemy personnel using stationary objects in the environment to conceal their character. In the many of the Splinter Cell games, this action is usually invoked using the Back to Wall button. While the term 'cover' can be used ambiguously in the video game world, this article describes the cover system in the Splinter Cell series.
- The Cover skill exists in two forms: one is triggered when an ally is attacked, prompting its bearer to rush to the victim's aid and take the damage instead, the other is triggered when oneself is attacked and forces an ally to take the damage instead.
- Cover (被り物, Kaburimono) is the fiftieth chapter of the OnePunch-Man manga series.
- Als Cover werden die optischen Deckblätter von Blu-ray-, CD-, DVD- und sonstigen Datenträgern bezeichnet. Seit Grand Theft Auto III zieren die noch heute genutzten, aus elf einzelnen Zeichnungen, die durch schwarze Striche voneinander getrennt sind, die GTA-Cover. Darüber werden noch die Logos von Spiel und Publisher gelegt und je nach Land und Fassung noch Hinweise zur Alterseinstufung, Warnhinweise und Anderes. Die hier abgebildeten Cover beinhalten keine spielfremden Elemente.
- thumb|Typ generatorów Cover używanych na gwiezdnych niszczycielachCover - typ generatorów osłon, stosowanych od 340 ABY. Używany był przez Sojusz Południowych Systemów i Trzecią Republikę.
- Cover is some form of solid object that is used to block incoming fire and to occasionally to hide from enemies. Many types of cover offer different levels of defense. A wall would provide cover from almost all kinds of fire, whereas a cargo box might not provide cover from a Rocket Launcher.
- En música popular, una canción versionada o una versión (se usa a veces el anglicismo cover, que significa ‘cubierta’, a pesar de su uso impropio) es una nueva interpretación (en directo, o una grabación) de una canción grabada previamente por otro artista. En español es común utilizar el término «versionar» para referirse a la acción de crear o interpretar una canción versionada. En inglés, una cover band es una banda que exclusivamente interpreta versiones.
* Listado de canciones versionadas
- While in cover, the game's third-person camera focuses most of the attention to the area beyond the corner or cover, allowing the player to stay out of eyesight and earshot. 47 may also fire weapons while concealed behind cover. He can do so by blind firing (firing without tactically aiming), or by leaning out and taking more precise shots. Note that accuracy is severely affected while blind firing.
- Cover - najlepszy sposób na pokazanie przez artystów rockowych "patrzcie, znalazłem do tego słowa i akordy w internecie i nauczyłem się zagrać!" albo po prostu na zapchanie na płycie miejsca na ostatni czterominutowy utwór, kiedy żadna własna kompozycja się nie nadaje. Zdarza się, że covery stają się bardziej popularne od oryginałów, ale wtedy na ogół wszyscy zapominają, kto jest właściwym autorem.
- La cover è la prima pagina che introduce ed intitola il capitolo.
- When near certain objects a button is prompted and pressing it enters the character into Cover Mode. Pressing the same button will detach the player from the Cover. Note that simply "hiding" behind an object without pressing the prompted button will not put the character into Cover Mode.
- Cover is "[p]rotective action taken to mask or conceal an operation or activity from an adversary."
- Enemies behind a low wall, around a corner, or behind a tree enjoy some amount of cover; you can’t hit them as easily as you normally could.
* Cover(−2 Penalty to Attack Rolls): The target is around a corner or protected by terrain. For example, the target might be in the same square as a small tree, obscured by a small pillar or a large piece of furniture, or behind a low wall.
* Superior Cover(−5 Penalty to Attack Rolls): The target is protected by a significant terrain advantage, such as when fighting from behind a window, a portcullis, a grate, or an arrow slit.
* Area Attacks and Close Attacks: When you make an area attack or a close attack, a target has cover if there is an obstruction between the origin square and the target, not between you and the target.
* Reach: I
- Cover (suom. kansi, myös koveri) tarkoittaa populaarimusiikissa kappaletta, jonka yhtye tai artisti on levyttänyt, mutta jonka toinen yhtye tai artisti on esittänyt omana muunnelmanaan. Cover-albumiksi kutsutaan albumia, jonka kappaleet ovat alun perin jonkun muun esittämiä. Guinnessin ennätyskirjan mukaan The Beatlesin "Yesterdaysta" (Lennon/McCartney) on tehty kaikista kappaleista eniten cover-levytyksiä.
- A Cover is a human identity used by the Unchained. Much more than a simple human disguise, when she first Falls a demon's Cover is the remnants of the Infrastructure that supported her as an angel. A Cover is much more than a backstory and a few props, though. When she Fell, the demon interfaced with reality rather than the God-Machine and wrote her disguise into the world.
- Easily identifiable due to their height, strong build and red berets, these big guys wear special armor and fight harder than most of their counterparts, they can be found wearing helmets at times but more commonly than the scout. By themselves they will often charge the player, but in numbers (especially alongside Scouts) they will attempt to pin the player with gunfire while scouts attempt to flank the player's position. Normally positioned on the front line, they are the first to fight and will relentlessly hunt the player once he's sighted.