| - Contributed by World Recipes Y-Group
- A virtual Easter Egg is an intentional hidden message, in-joke, or feature in a work such as a computer program, webpage, video game, movie, book, or crossword. They are always good for an unexpected laugh and give some insight into the tastes of the developers.
* The Secret Passage
* Jade Figurine: It's a main quest item, which has also used in Diablo II.
* The Imperator, the carrot: Actually, it's a legendary sword, which is a carrot and grants Song of the Carrot skill.
* Letters
- Easter Eggs are hidden messages that are usually difficult for a player to find. Minecraft features various easter eggs. These can be found on all types of consoles for example, PC.
- The Resistance series contains a number of Easter Eggs for the player to find.
- The following Easter eggs are found on the DVDs, although some can be found without the DVDs. Other than Bloody GIR, these Easter eggs range from transparent images to even deleted scenes.
- Searching Easter eggs may be hard to find, but with a little patience and having enough knowledge, one may spot how what could be considered a minimal detail in the game, may actually be a reference to another work or even a hidden message. It may take long because most of the Easter eggs present in Castle Crashers are references to works in other media. Easter eggs may also exist in the game's source code, but these hidden messages are sometimes harder to find and understand.
- An Easter egg is hidden content intentionally inserted by the creators.
- Easter eggs are unexpected or undocumented features found within media that are included as a bonus or a reference. This is a list of known Easter eggs in the Sly Cooper series.
- Der Begriff „Easter Egg“ wird in Computerspielen für lustige, kuriose und geheimnisvolle Dinge, aber auch für Anspielungen und Andeutungen, die von den Machern einprogrammiert wurden, verwendet. Als Easter Egg wird manchmal auch fälschlicherweise ein Spielfehler bezeichnet, wie zum Beispiel die Blue Hell oder die Lemmings.
- Easter Eggs are hidden or infered links or messages found in items such as books. In this case, these are primarily links to real world things.
- This is a disambiguation for easter eggs in the Just Cause game series. An "easter egg" is an intentionally hidden message or item in the game.
- This is a list of easter eggs and other interesting scenarios that can be made to happen, or happen of their own accord, in the Pikmin series of games. Easter Eggs are specially hidden secrets that have been put on purpose. Normally, these do not affect gameplay and are just for entertainment. This section will also include smaller secrets that do not qualify as Easter Eggs.
- Easter Eggs are a collection of eggs that disappear when clicked. The collection includes six eggs that used to be sold at Bizarre Bazaar.
- Below is a listing of various easter eggs within the game.
- 1. the bright red objects that Richard Dawkins mouth is forever watering over. 2. (pagan sex toy) 1.
* the oblongish-ball-shaped bastardization of a great Christian holiday used by pagan-homosexuals to lure innocent children into their bear dens
- [//de.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Easter Eggs] (dt.: Ostereier), sind kleine versteckte Besonderheiten. In League of Legends gibt es viele bei bestimmten Champions, Gegenständen oder auf bestimmten Karten. Easter Eggs werden in bestimmte Kategorien aufgeteilt:
* Events
* Versteckte Passive
* Besonderer Spott
* Trivia
- Easter Eggs sind meist lustige versteckte Anspielungen auf andere Serien, Filme oder Spiele. In der Assassin's Creed-Reihe gibt es sowohl Easter Eggs, die sich auf Assassin's Creed beziehen, aber auch solche, die auf andere Medien hinweisen. Auch in anderen Medien befinden sich Anspielungen auf die Assassin's Creed-Reihe.
- Numerous Easter Eggs appear throughout the series. Some of them are listed below, along with the name of the episode in which they appeared.
- Being highly non-linear, the Katamari series is quite easily given to hiding references to Namco, other video games, or even the series itself. Often, simple objects in game will be arranged as a reference of some kind and can either be out in the open, or can be hidden and only seen under certain conditions.
- This article features easter eggs revolving about the series in other media or the show parodises other comics, TV or movie.
- Los Easter Eggs (Huevos de Pascua en español)son bromas bromas, secretos, referencias, etc que aparecen varias veces alrededor de diferentes juegos de Mario.
- Easter Eggs are hidden parts of a game that are mostly found through players experimenting or boredom.
- Listed here are the numerous Easter Eggs found throughout the Infamous series.
- Easter eggs are deleted, hidden, or unused things in games that can be seen in some way.
- Easter Eggs, zu deutsch Ostereier, sind besondere Sachen, die Insomniac Games in die Ratchet & Clank Serie hat einfließen lassen. Dies könnten zum Beispiel Teddybären oder das Gesicht von Dan Johnson sein. Easter Eggs können aber auch Anspielungen an Sachen sein, welche es im realen Leben gibt, oder Anspielungen an reale Filme oder TV Serien. Auch Durchbrüche der vierten Wand zählen als Easter Eggs.
- Easter eggs is a stash located in the Agroprom in Clear Sky.
- These are the Google Easter Eggs.
- from __future__ import * raises SyntaxError: not a chance
* Typing import __hello__ prints out Hello World!
* Typing import this prints out the Zen of Python.
* Typing import antigravity opens up a webcomic.
- Un Easter Egg, que significa Huevo de pascua en español, son mensajes ocultos que se pueden encontrar ya sea, en programas informáticos, películas, discos compactos o videojuegos.
- Un easter egg es un término para una característica oculta e indocumentados en los programas de los medios de comunicación y la informática. Minecraft tiene algunos easter eggs ocultos.
- There is an easter egg that can occur in the Elevator, where BidyBab peeks through the window.
- Niantic tries to add references to the Anime in Pokémon Go. The following is a list of Easter Eggs that have been discovered.
- Los Easter Eggs son referencias a películas, videojuegos, programas de TV, etc. puestas a propósito por el mismo autor del nivel. En esta pagina encontraras Easter Eggs de otros niveles, también puedes publicar los tuyos.
- "Crysis 2 Easter Eggs" is a YouTube video showing all the Easter Eggs above, not including the "Pier 17 Room" on multiplayer. It also states the missions that contain these easter eggs.
- There are many hidden "Easter Eggs" in the Saints Row series.
- Easter Eggs (рус. Пасхальные яйца) — пятый эпизод Angry Birds Seasons, посвящённый Пасхе. Содержит 15 уровней, плюс три уровня от Twitter.
- Estos incluyen accesorios para Yandere-chan, modos de juego, un pequeño evento programado en el menú de inicio y una figura/fantasma transparente.
- In Sharons Zimmer hängt das berühmte Bild »Das Mädchen mit dem Perlenohrgehänge« von Jan Vermeer. Kategorie:Easter Eggs Kategorie:Pandora Hearts Kategorie:Manga Kategorie:Anime
- Both Dungeon Keeper and Dungeon Keeper 2 contain sneaky little easter eggs, whether they be hidden in the game's code, secret messages from developers of Bullfrog or unique voice lines.
- son la serie de eventos que estan presentes coincidencialmente en algun lugar (como algo subliminal) y que revela algo intrinseco en la propia serie que suscreadores a ocultado porque le daria fin a los enigmas.
- There are a few easter eggs in Eddsworld. Here's a list of them:
- Easter eggs are hidden secrets in a game. ADOM contains many hidden amusing secrets for those who keep their eyes open.
- This page lists the easter eggs found in the MotorStorm series.
- A virtual Easter egg is an intentional hidden message or feature in an object such as a movie, book, CD, DVD, computer program, or video game. The term draws a parallel with the custom of the Easter egg hunt observed in many western nations.
- Psychiatrist Carl Jung was referenced throughout the Assassin's Creed series:
* The Animus was named for Jung's anima and animus.
* Women in the series such as Eve, Maria Thorpe, Maria Auditore da Firenze and Sofia Sartor (mostly wives of the male Assassins) shared their names with stages of anima development, a male's inner feminine personality.
* Furthermore, in the Abstergo Files, it was stated that Abstergo believed their research would put an end to the debate over the existence of Jung's collective unconsciousness.
- Easter Eggs are hidden references, inside jokes, or similar material found within the Midnight Club series.
- Easter Eggs are hidden jokes, homages or secrets added by the game's developers. There are some of these in Rulers of Nations added by Eversim.
- Easter Eggs were found in some Wiggles videos/episodes.
- Easter Eggs are intentional hidden messages, in-jokes or features in an object such as a movie, book, CD, DVD, computer program, web page or video game.
- Easter Eggs are hidden references to other games or pop culture.
- This is a list of Easter eggs that can be found in episodes of Rick and Morty.
- Easter Eggs is the fourth episode of the second RIS Bouteina season.
- Há diversos easter eggs e referências a outros jogos da Maxis e à cultura popular na série Spore.
- These are currently all the Easter eggs and references to other media found in RAGE. NOTE: Please keep this page in alphabetical order.
- Like many other games, Clicker Heroes has a few Easter eggs (or references) to come across while playing. Here is a list of the ones that have been found so far:
- If you search "doge meme", the text ui for the site changes to a colorful and diffierent sized font.
- There are many easter eggs or secrets in Driv3r.
* Timmy Vermicelli is a pun on Tommy Vercetti the lead protagonist in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
* Gator's Yacht features a foreshadowing of Driver: Parallel Lines
- Old Coot is found in Mohole in the Badlands, sitting on a bench next to his shack. This old man is Parker from the first Red Faction game as he reminiscences about his past, but it is not known what he is doing in the Badlands. He also mentions the fact that he is indestructible when the player tries to harm or kill him.
- The leg is on top of a roof in East Harlem directly north of Central Park on the first building on the right of the road to the right of a ventilation system, it looks like any leg dismembered on Prototype but does not disappear. The Severed Leg was also featured as a hoax that once you find the leg, you will be sent into a secret level.
- Easter eggs are messages, in-jokes or little known features that are hidden within League of Legends, which usually have minimal impact on gameplay. Easter Eggs have been split into the follow categories: Easter eggs/Events|Events Easter eggs/Hidden Passive|Hidden Passives Easter eggs/Special Taunts|Special Taunts Easter eggs/Trivia|Trivia (i.e. little known content)
- A number of easter eggs have been hidden throughout the Carnivores games.
- An Easter egg is an intentional inside joke, hidden message, or feature in a work such as a computer program, movie, book, or crossword. According to game designer Warren Robinett, the term was coined at Atari by personnel who were alerted to the presence of a secret message which had been hidden by Robinett in his already widely distributed game, Adventure.The name has been said to evoke the idea of a traditional Easter egg hunt. Like in many other video games, Easter eggs in the Zoo Tycoon series are very common.
- Easter Eggs is an Achievement Hunter series that spotlights "easter eggs" found in video games. The series dates back to April 22, 2011 where Geoff Ramsey, Gavin Free, and Burnie Burns show the Top 10 Xbox 360 Easter Eggs of All Time. In 2016, the series was reformatted to highlight one or more easter egg in specific video games.
- Although the shirt isn't dyable, you can combining the shirt with the Swamp Lord's War Paint from the Bleeargh's Gratitude quest to give an interesting tie-dye effect.
- This was a crossover parody between the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" 1987 animated TV series and the celebrity gossip show "TMZ", where Shredder and the Foot Soldiers annoyed the famous celebrities, the ninja turtles.
- An Easter Egg is another word for special hidden things hidden in games, that are there on purpose.
- The Easter Eggs COB by Greg Poehlein of Norn Holiday will hide eight easter eggs in the Creatures 1 garden. There are eight different styles of eggs. Each egg gives the following when eaten:
* Starch 150
* Glucose 40
* Hunger -150
* Need for Pleasure -60 They use the C1 class numbers:
* 2 6 180
- Easter eggs are secret things put in the game by the developers. Some Easter eggs were not meant to be found and some were easily found. In the Future series, "teddy bears" appeared as Easter eggs.
- Un Easter Egg (por su traducción al español "Huevo de Pascua") es cualquier referencia, mensaje o capacidad de Geometry Dash sobre sí mismo, o en algunos casos sobre otras fuentes o marcas, en esta página vamos a descubrir algunos Easter Eggs de Geometry Dash: Geometry Dash=
- This Statue of a Woman in robe or large towel who appears to have a jug for pouring water appears thoughout ShadowTale. I call her the "Watermaiden" cuz she looks like she's gunna take a bath or atleast pour one
- Un Easter Egg [ˈiːstər eɡ], littéralement « Œuf de Pâques » (pluriel Easter Eggs), est une fonction cachée au sein dʼun programme informatique (animation, jeu, message etc.) accessible à partir dʼun mot-clé ou dʼune combinaison de touches ou de clics.
- |-|Ace Combat 2====Ace Combat 2=== List of Easter eggs
* In the mission Jewel Box, there are several advertisements in buildings throughout Port Edwards. They include:
* The Ridge Racer series' mascot, Reiko Nagase
* Assoluto, a Ridge Racer vehicle manufacturer
* The Assoluto Istante (incorrectly spelled as "Istanet"), a vehicle from Rage Racer
* Almighty Human Project, an arcade racing game released in 1998
* "WonderPage", the original name for Namco's official website at
* A Cessna-like light aircraft with water pontoons, an aircraft that appears repeatedly throughout the Ridge Racer series
* Terrazi (incorrectly spelled as "Terazzi"), a Ridge Racer vehicle manufacturer and an enemy unit in Xevious
* AERO, a COFFIN model
* A Port Edwards restaurant
- Easter eggs (dosł. z ang. jajka wielkanocne) – różne komunikaty, żarty oraz mniej znane funkcje ukryte w League of Legends. Zazwyczaj mają minimalny wpływ na rozgrywkę. Podzielić je można na poniższe kategorie:
- A variety of easter eggs and shout outs can be found throughout Legacy Text taken from Icecreamassassin own description: Ice's Stalhrim Spoon of Assassination: a knife/spoon that adds to crafting skills, a small shout out to the author of Legacy icecreamassassin "It belongs in a museum" quest: a famous line from Indiana Jones and the last crusade "I've been known to locate some things from time to time."- Erianna. A memorable line by Red from The Shawshank Redemption. Jelal: Character name taken from Jelal in the Japanese Manga/Anime Fairy Tail
- There are some surprises in Insaniquarium! Here's the list: 1. Make fish look dead - type "zombie" when you are looking at a tank. Type again to disable 2. Change background to space - type "space" when you are looking at a tank. Type again to disable. 3. Change background to white - type "void" when you are looking at a tank. Type again to disable. 4. Change Prego's breeding sound to ultra - type "supermegaultra" when you are looking at a tank. Type again to disable the sound. 5. Make tank look wavy - type "wavy" when you are looking at a tank. Type again to disable.
- An Easter egg is an undocumented, obscure, or otherwise "hidden" command — usually buried deep within a program's source-code and only triggered by executing a certain series of actions or system commands. Often, an Easter egg will reveal an inside joke, though Easter eggs can also be placed into in-game props and scenery or only in areas visible to those that are actively using "cheat codes" (or otherwise circumventing the "normal" operation of the software). For more hidden in-jokes and references, see in-jokes and references.
- Years of coding and building have resulted in a number of hidden items tucked here and there around Star Wars MUSH. A few items are listed here.
* April 1st. It is tradition for the administrators to author an elaborate April Fool's prank.
* Scrabble Monkey. Find the Scrabble arena in the OOC area, type "touch monkey" to hear his comments about your (lack of) Scrabble prowess.
* Bananarama. You will be Banarama'd into submission by typing "ba " from anywhere in the game. Please don't even attempt to make Banarama create dirty words.
* Cackling. Ever wanted to be a Dark Jedi? Drink other's fear and let the melodrama seep from your pores by typing "+cackle" anywhere in the game.
* Whining. Now, you too can whine just like Luke Skywalker. "But I was going to Toshii Station t