| - Scorpio (Max Fury) ist einer der Bösewichte aus der ersten Staffel der Ultimate Spider-Man Serie.
- Has scorpion armor with a tail full of venom.The arms have claws like a scorions.
- Scorpio is A Lone Person who does not need no ones help, but himself, as he journey to find his destiny, he is for not to take orders from no one else.
- The beast only known as Scorpio was a terrible mutant.
- Scorpio was an organic life form/tank hybrid that was hired by Annihilation Nation as a gladiator, and he previously worked as a hair stylist who was known for "taking more than a little off the top." He was also the champion there until Ratchet beat him. Scorpio was armed with Dual Flamethrowers and a powerful Saw Blade Launcher attachment. After being dethroned as the champion in Ratchet's attempt to meet Courtney Gears, he fought the Lombax in a later challenge.
- Scorpio seems to be the enemy (or at least antagonistic to) Captain Sunshine, for Scorpio taunts Sunshine about Wonderboy when they meet in Handsome Ransom. Flying into a crazed rage, Sunshine assaults Scorpio, leaving him to a beaten pulp. Since this first appearance, Scorpio has appeared in a number of other episodes. In What Color is Your Clean Suit?, Sergeant Hatred returns with Princess Tinyfeet in bondage to what he thinks will be renewed love in their Malice estate. However, Skorpio is waiting there, apparently another one of Tinyfeet's lovers.
- Scorpio (auto-acclamé Le Scorpio), aussi appelé le Tank scorpion, est un gladiateur cyborg Cerebellien qui combat à la station Q9 d'Opération Destruction. Il utilise ses lances-flammes et sa queue qui fait rouler des disques étincelants vers Ratchet. Écrase l'insecte! est un point de compétence obtenu en le tuant uniquement avec la clé.
- Scorpio is one of the Bosses that can spawn at this point. The other two are Capricorn and Sagittarius.
- The Scorpio is a standard enemy that can be found in and. __TOC__ __NOEDITSECTION__
- The Superfriends get a call from a scientist. Wonder Woman, Batman & Robin go to the scientist's lab, where it was revealed he was working on a growth powder in an attempt to end world hunger by making fruits and vegetables grow to huge proportions. The formula does not work on animals, but it did have the side effect of also affecting insects. An earlier experiment made a scorpion gigantic, as well as giving it the ability to talk. This scorpion, now called Scorpio, is attempting to steal the scientist's formula in order to mutate all insects then stage a revolution whereupon insects will overthrow humanity as Earth's prominent species.
- Scorpio was a strong believer in astrology. He organized a small criminal gang that used astrological signs as their aliases. Scorpio held a personal astrologer hostage in his high-rise apartment. When the astrologer turned on Scorprio, Scorpio attmpted to kill him by throwing him out a high window. The astrologer was rescued and Scorpio was arrested by Dick Tracy, who had investigating his involvement in another murder.
- Scorpio is a constellation that can be viewed in the skies of Gielinor. It can be observed clearly in the Observatory Quest. Like many of Gielinor's constellations, Scorpio is also present in the real-world.
- Scorpio (♏) is a star sign, used by animals under the Scorpio sign. Birthdates between from October 24th to November 22ndmark a Scorpio.
- Jacob Fury is the leader of the Zodiac.
- Name: Scorpio Run Time: 3:21 Year: 1988
- Scorpio is a member of the alien team Zodiac.
- Scorpio (スコーピオン, Sukōpion) est l'Esprit de la Constellation du Scorpion. Anciennement possédé par Angel, il est maintenant l'Esprit de Lucy Heartfilia. C'est le fameux petit-ami d'Aquarius.
- The Scorpio is a small gun in Fallout Tactics.
- Scorpio is one of the Stellazzio coins collected by Queen Stella. It is found in Quan's Dwelling, at the bottom of a rope ladder in the hot springs area.
- SCORPIO is the final companion character of the Imperial Agent and is obtained at the conclusion of the Agent's class quests on Belsavis.
- With Leo, Scorpio is associated with all those countries: those who really don't give a fuck, or who do give a fuck but a) won't do anything about it, b) can't do anything about it, or c) are so drunk that they forgot what it was that they were giving a fuck about. Countries include North Korea, Norway, China, India, Egypt, South Africa, Italy, Germany, Ethiopia, Syria, Turkey, which same as Taurus & Aquarius. Zambia, Angola, Burma, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Libya, Morocco, Cuba
- Scorpio is the name of several villains in the Marvel Universe, usually a member of the Zodiac and an enemy of Nick Fury.
- Prawdziwe imię i nazwisko: Jacob Fury Uniwersum: 616 Klasa: człowiek Narodowość: Amerykanin Debiut: Strange Tales #159 [1967] Powiązania z grupami: Zodiac Rodzina ojciec-Nicolas Fury sr brat-Nicolas Fury jr
- Dopo l'omicidio dei Maghi del Fuoco a Campo Vecchio, egli preferisce lasciare il campo e si stabilisce da Cavalorn, portandosi dietro diverse merci e armi. Per 500 pezzi di metallo, ora insegna a chiunque ad usare le balestre fino al massimo livello.
- Scorpio (♏) is a zodiac sign. It is also known as the Scorpion.
- John Granger (born June 12, 1984), better known by his ring-name Scorpio, is an English professional wrestler currently signed to High Impact Wrestling and Totally Fictional Wrestling Federation.
- Scorpio is an astrological horse. He can breed with Cancer to produce the foal Capricorn. If you are born under this sign, Scorpio offers one 5th Element every year on the day of your birthday. By bringing together the 12 astrological horses, you will get the horse Serpentarius. This Horse can not be sold.
- Scorpio (スコピーオン Sukōpion), "The Scorpion" (天蠍宮 Tenkatsukyū), is a Celestial Spirit that is one of the 12 Golden Zodiac Keys. He is Aquarius' boyfriend. His key is currently owned by Lucy Heartfilia.
- Scorpion (original version スコルピオ) is a Pyrus coin-shaped Bakugan Trap from New Vestroia, who is given to Dan by Mira. Dan nicknamed him Scorpio, but that could also be a translation error.
- Scorpio is a SRU Term that gives an officer (usually the sniper) the permission to fire his weapon/use lethal force. This command is given by the Team Sergeant.
- The Scorpio is a unique assault rifle manufactured by Dahl and appears in Borderlands 2. Scorpio is obtained from the mission Bearer of Bad News located in Sanctuary.
- Thể loại:Nhân vật Scorpio (スコーピオ) là tiền đạo của Team Garshield.
- Scorpio was born 16.2 trillions years before he and Manarxus went to Earth. He is slightly older than Manarxus.
- Reaching connection with the other through searching of ones own feelings. Manipulation of the nuances which effect others in daily communication. The mastery of the persona. The search for complete connection with that which is outside. The sign of psychology. Working with raw power and energy, and manipulation of said. back to astroologyback to home
- Scorpio teilt sich den Spawnplatz mit Capricorn und Sagittarius.
- __INDEX__ Scorpio ist der BitBeast von Rock Scorpio aus Beyblade - Metal Fusion. Kategorie:BitBeast (Beyblade - Metal Fusion)
- SCORPIO was an assassin droid created on Iokath by unknown parties centuries before the Cold War, acting as the guardian of Megasecurity Ward 23 on Belsavis. During the Galactic War, SCORPIO opposed an Imperial Agent codenamed Cipher Nine but was unsuccessful and was reprogrammed to serve Cipher Nine. Following Nine's disappearance during the Eternal Empire's invasion, SCORPIO traveled to Zakuul and established herself as an information broker called the Lady of Sorrows. Eventually, she joined the Alliance to oppose Emperor Arcann, only to later betray her compatriots to seize the Eternal Throne and through it the Eternal Fleet.
- Scorpio is one of the nineteen Records. It is a record that plays the music when Jennifer explores the orphanage in "The Little Princess" chapter. It is used on the record player in the Reception Room of the Rose Garden Orphanage. It can be found, using the Libra record, in the Library in the "Rag Princess Sews" chapter. It can later be used to find the Sagittarius record.
- Scorpio is a sub-boss in the game Mario Rise Of Shadow. He looks like a very very very big Scorpion. He attacks by swinging his claws back and forth and hitting the ground with his tail. Scorpio dies after Mario and freinds defeat him his claws fall off an his pupils get big. It is unknown if he will make any more apperances.
- Scorpio (スコルピオ Sukorupio) is a Scorpionman, Stinger's elder brother and an assassin who was promoted to the Karō of Jark Matter who rules the Sasori System and also the one responsible for killing Dr. Anton and indeed framed his younger brother, Stinger into this murder.
- Scorpio is one of Eris' Pets in Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas. He resembles a giant scorpion as his name and story in Greek mythology suggests.
- Scorpio is a boss from Rockman Strategy based on the Zodiac Sign that is his namesake and which encompasses October 24 through November 22 of the "Tropical Calendar" (his Zodiac element is water) and is part of the Constellation Droids led by Apollo and Luna. Much like his Zodiac sign, he has a scorpion-like appearance. Scorpio dwells in a flying fortress high above the Pacific Ocean with his minions and he is equipped with the Hail Storm, a powerful water-based weapon that can freeze his opponents in their tracks from a great distance.
- Scorpio was taken by Avon and his crew to Helotrix, Caspar, Bucol-2, Pharos, Domo, Mecron II, Virn, Zerok, Beta 5, Malodar, Betafarl and Gauda Prime. Because of the teleport, landings were rarely made, and the ship was only seen to touch down on Terminal, Xenon, Caspar, and Betafarl. A landing was also made on Beta 5. Final touchdown was on Gauda Prime, where the ship broke in two on crash-landing. Orbital altitudes were mentioned twice: in Traitor the ship took up position 40 miles above Helotrix, and initial orbit over Malodar was 10 miles up.
- thumb|Scorpio.Scorpio war einer der größten Gladiatoren bei Zerstöre deine Welt und sah aus wie eine Kombination aus Alien und Panzer. Sein Gehirn gehörte ursprünglich dem B2 Brüller, welches auf einem Panzer aufgebaut war. Zuerst arbeitete er als Friseur. Doch durch einen Unfall war es gezwungen, sich zu einem Cyborg umwandeln zu lassen. Seitdem ist er Gladiator und war Meister, bis Ratchet ihn tötete.
- Scorpio is the darkest sign in the zodiac, and it is no wonder Scorpios have a reputation for being mysterious, complex and intense. They are ruled by two planets, Mars the God of war, and the planet Pluto, which governs sex, death, transformation, and atomic power. Consider the force that results from splitting an atom, and you will understand the power, will, and intense emotions Scorpios possess. Scorpio seeks to harness desire through will. Consequently, a Scorpio is not fond of weakness in himself, nor in others. Because the Scorpio feels things so intensely, they appear to be extremely private, and almost secretive. Their reputation for secrecy, however, is born more out of the difficulty the have articulating their emotions than a wish to keep them to themselves. However, when a Sco
- Scortopia is a medium sized, mostly developed, and with citizens primarily of Caucasian ethnicity whose religion is Jainism. It is a backwards nation when it comes to technology and many refer to it unkindly as a 'Third World Nation'. Its citizens pay high taxes and constantly express grievances about their government and work environments. The citizens of Scortopia work diligently to produce Sugar and Water as tradable resources for their nation. The government has no definite position on foreign affairs at this time. When it comes to nuclear weapons Scortopia will not research or develop nuclear weapons. Plans are on the way within Scortopia to open new rehabilitation centers across the nation and educate its citizens of the dangers of drug use. Scortopia allows its citizens to openly pr
- Scorpio arriva en frôce le 26/06/2007. Il s'imposa comme le leader de la Gauche Frôceuse en créant le Parti Socialiste.thumb Scorpio se présenta pour la première présidentielle de Frôce. Il eut le soutient du PS, du MoDem, du FLD et avec une attente celle du PCF et du reste de la gauche. Une candidature digne du Front Populaire. Il se présenta face à Dieu ( UMP ), Yohann Vivier ( D. Droite ), Jean Marie ( FN ). Scorpio gagna le second tour.
- To begin with there is a principle that I must set down before anything else can be said: Scorpio is the sign that is the most misinterpreted and just plain dumped on of any sign in the zodiac. This is a great tragedy. To be sure this sign is a force to be reckoned with, but this can go either way. Having said that, the other side of the Scorpio is the brilliance that is creation. They can learn to see that also, and to bring about great joy in others. In essence they are the destroyer and the creator in one. They are the lowly scorpion and the sacred phoenix.
- Scorpio was a hyperpig and a former crime lord of Chasm City. He was once part of the pig slave-crew of a pleasure craft. When the craft was attacked by a passing lighthugger, he found himself and his fellow crew-pigs used as game in a sadistic hunt by the human invaders. Being the only pig to survive, and with the revelation that, even while as crew aboard the space-yacht, he was a slave to human masters, Scorpio developed an intense hatred of humankind which drove his rise to infamy, becoming a feared figure in the Rust Belt. He was eventually captured and detained by Demarchist authorities, being transported aboard one of their intra-system vessels, likely to execution.