| - Alien Horta is a character who is only playable from the of the game. Read more about this topic on the Memory-Alpha Wikia.
- The Horta were a silicon-based lifeform native to Janus VI and members of the United Federation of Planets. According to Spock, they were a very emotional as well as intelligent species who appreciate the strengths and differences of others, and they were a literate and tool-using species.
- The Horta were a silicon-based lifeform indigenous to the planet Janus VI. First contact was made between the Horta and the United Federation of Planets in 2267. They became Federation members shortly thereafter. (TOS: "The Devil in the Dark") By the late 23rd century, several Horta served in Starfleet, including Lieutenant Naraht. In 2305, Sanaht began to represent his people on the Federation Council. (TOS novel: My Enemy, My Ally; ST novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Le Docteur McCoy eut aussi son moment de communion avec le Horta. Ce dernier ayant été blessé d'un coup de pistolet à rayon, McCoy, après le moment d'hésitation qui vit jaillir la fameuse phrase Je suis un médecin, pas un briqueteur, soigna/répara le Horta en utilisant un mortier à base de silicone utilisé habituellement pour la construction des cliniques d'urgence portatives.
- Horta invariable [ˈɔɾta] 1.
* comarque historique du Pays valencien ayant pour capitale Valence, répartie dans 4 comarques administratives actuelles gentilé
* hortenc
* Horta Nord
* Horta Oest
* Horta Sud 1.
* catalan oriental : [ˈɔɾtə]Catégorie:Prononciation en catalan oriental
* occidental : [ˈɔɾta]Catégorie:Prononciation en catalan occidental
* valencien méridional : [ˈɔɾtɔ]
* comarques de Fraga, Lérida, Almenar, Linyola, Cubells, Agramunt, Noguera, Isona et Peramola : [ˈɔɾtɛ]Catégorie:Prononciation en catalan nord-occidental (zone où -a final est prononcé ɛ)
- Hortas are sapient, silicon-based lifeforms native to the caves of planet Janus VI. They secrete a powerful, corrosive acid, which allows them to dig perfectly round tunnels and move through them while feeding on rocks and minerals. They do not breathe oxygen, but are not harmed by it either. Despite their somewhat sluggish appearance, the Hortas have demonstrated great speed and flexibility, as well as resistance to phaser shots.
- thumb|Die Mutterhorta. thumb|Die Eier der Hortas. Die Horta sind eine nicht-humanoide Spezies, die auf Janus VI lebt. Sie sind eine auf Silizium basierende, intelligente Lebensform und die erste Siliziumlebensform, mit der die Föderation Kontakt hat. Hortas sind außerordentlich intelligent und verfügen auch über einen gewissen Sinn für Geschmack. 2369 befindet sich ein Bild einer Horta auf einem Computerdisplay im Klassenraum von Keiko O'Brien auf Deep Space 9. (DS9: , )
- La fisiologia degli Horta è molto differente dalle forme di vita basate sul carbonio che più comunemente si trovano nella galassia. Gli Horta sono difficili da rilevare con i tricorder e sono invulnerabili ai phaser di tipo I, mentre possono essere feriti da un phaser di tipo II modificato. Si nutrono di roccia e così si sono sviluppati scavando tunnel. Gli Horta scavano tunnel nella roccia come la maggior parte degli umanoidi camminano attraversando l'aria, spostandosi con l'aiuto di un acido estremamente corrosivo. Lasciano sulla loro strada dei tunnuel di sezione perfettamente circolare. L'acido è corrosivo al punto che lascia soltanto frammenti di ossa e denti se usato su un Umano. Benché gli Horta non si siano evoluti in ambienti in cui fosse presente ossigeno, sembrano capaci di sopr
- The Horta was a silicon-based lifeform from Janus VI. It was composed of a material similar to fibrous asbestos. Horta physiology was very different from the carbon-based norm more commonly found in the galaxy. Horta were difficult to detect with tricorders, and were invulnerable to type 1 phasers, though they could be injured with an adjusted type 2 phaser. They fed on rock, and thus they were nourished just by tunneling. Horta tunneled through rock like most humanoids walked through air, moving with the aid of an extremely corrosive acid. They left perfectly round tunnels in their wake. This acid was so corrosive that it only left fragments of bone and teeth if used on a Human. Although Hortas did not evolve in an oxygen environment, they seemed able to exist in it for extended periods o