| - Blutarch Mann is one of the triplet brothers of Zepheniah Mann and serve as an arch-nemesis of Redmond Mann in Team Fortress 2. Respectively, he's the owner of BLU. He had been engaged in a lifelong feud with Redmond over the control of the vast lands left to him by his father. After Zepheniah Mann's death, Blutarch hired team of nine mercenaries each in order to quickly defeat his brother and take control of his lands. However, as his forces were evenly matched, the situation quickly devolved into a protracted stalemate, leading Blutarch to look to Radigan Conagher for a life-extending machine, each hoping to outlive his sibling. Radigan made the same machine for both Redmond and Blutarch, so their feud continued, even into the year 1968. By 1971, however, Blutarch is tricked into meeting
- Blutarch Mann (* 02. September 1822 in Mann an der Themse, England; † 1972 in den Badlands, New Mexico, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika) war ein anglo-amerikanischer Unternehmer und Gründer sowie Geschäftsführer der vermeintlichen Baufirma Builders League United. Er war der Sohn des wohlhabenden Angloamerikaners Zepheniah Mann und seiner Frau Bette sowie der Drillingsbruder von Redmond und Gray Mann.
- Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Blutarch Mann (1822-1972) is the brother of Redmond Mann and Gray Mann and the one who hired the BLU team in Team Fortress 2, Blutarch uses an immortality machine to attempt to outlive his brother, but his brother did exactly the same. File:110px-Blutarch 1971.jpg
| - Blutarch Mann is one of the triplet brothers of Zepheniah Mann and serve as an arch-nemesis of Redmond Mann in Team Fortress 2. Respectively, he's the owner of BLU. He had been engaged in a lifelong feud with Redmond over the control of the vast lands left to him by his father. After Zepheniah Mann's death, Blutarch hired team of nine mercenaries each in order to quickly defeat his brother and take control of his lands. However, as his forces were evenly matched, the situation quickly devolved into a protracted stalemate, leading Blutarch to look to Radigan Conagher for a life-extending machine, each hoping to outlive his sibling. Radigan made the same machine for both Redmond and Blutarch, so their feud continued, even into the year 1968. By 1971, however, Blutarch is tricked into meeting with Redmond and quickly decide to declare a truce in order to get one of them pregnant to create a heir. But Gray Mann enters, revealing himself to be their long lost brother and assassinates both of them to gain control of their respective companies. In Grave Matters, Blutarch Mann become ghost shortly after his death. The first thing Blutarch does as a ghost is gloat to his brother that he outlived him, while Redmond says he was still bleeding out when Blutarch died. After a few seconds of fighting, they go to the RED Soldier, who is working as a lawyer, for legal help in determining that status of who won their father's land. RED Soldier tells them, that since they're ghosts, they're not actually dead but caught between worlds and neither have won until one of them passes on. Blutarch and Redmond leave and find the nearest pay phone and call their secretaries from their former companies and organize the mercenaries in order to try and send each other to Hell.
- Blutarch Mann (* 02. September 1822 in Mann an der Themse, England; † 1972 in den Badlands, New Mexico, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika) war ein anglo-amerikanischer Unternehmer und Gründer sowie Geschäftsführer der vermeintlichen Baufirma Builders League United. Er war der Sohn des wohlhabenden Angloamerikaners Zepheniah Mann und seiner Frau Bette sowie der Drillingsbruder von Redmond und Gray Mann. Zwar tritt er in Team Fortress 2 nicht persönlich auf, spielt jedoch eine bedeutende Rolle in der Hintegrundgeschichte des Spiels und taucht unter anderem in den Comics 'Loose Canon', 'Blood Brothers' und 'Grave Matters' auf. Im Spiel wird er, wie sein Zwillingsbruder Redmond und ihr Vater auch, von Nolan North vertont. North spricht ihn mit einer etwas tieferen Stimme als Redmond.
- Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Blutarch Mann (1822-1972) is the brother of Redmond Mann and Gray Mann and the one who hired the BLU team in Team Fortress 2, Blutarch uses an immortality machine to attempt to outlive his brother, but his brother did exactly the same. In late comic, Blood Brothers, set in 1972, he and "twin" brother decided to end this war. However, their long lost aforementioned brother, Gray Mann, assassinated them, ending the war and leaving no winner but himself. In Grave Matters (set a few seconds after the previous webcomic) has the ghosts of Redmond and Blutarch arguing who died first thus who won the war. They eventually have their opposing teams, RED and BLU, push each other's cart (who is stuffed with their corpses) to Hell, as whoever gets to Hell first is the first to be technically dead and so, whoever gets to Hell first loses. Since this is a never ending game mode, it is never determined who actually wins the war, as it simply depends of the players. File:110px-Blutarch 1971.jpg