| - The VR-10 Xylines-class spacetug was a short-range spaceship designed for use in docks. The spacetug used its tractor beam projectors to tow larger starships, mostly bulk transports, bulk carriers, and container ships, to their specific bay. The spacetug was also able to help the ships unload their cargo. These spacetugs were 42-meter starships that reached a maximum atmospheric speed of 230 kmh. The vessels were designed to always tow in the same star system and as such, they were not equipped with a hyperdrive. However, modifications were made to individual ships that made them capable of micro-jumps within the same system. The VR-10 Xylines-class spacetug required a crew of just two beings, but it could also lodge up to eight passengers; and was able to hold two weeks worth of consumables and 225 tons of cargo. The spacetug housed two highly-precise turret-mounted Hansen FeatherTouch tractor beams that could be used defensively, but most pilots did not consider them to be weapons. The spacetug was also slower and clumsier than other similarly-sized ships, and weapons were particularly hard to install because of the unusual arrangement of the spacetug's power couplings, leaving the ship defenseless except for the two tractor beam projectors. While difficult, the installation of weapons was not impossible. The pirate Yearo Seville installed two turret-mounted laser cannons, placing one in each of the tractor beam pylons. He also added a third gun, a ball-turret heavy laser cannon, in the bow of his spacetug. Seville's vessel also was adapted to accept a one-legged pilot.