| - I am working on a Chronological timline for each season (though i am binge watching too) For those willing to help i need some insight on these points
* when about jade gets cell phone(red) /she had it in "Tales of theDemon Tail"and "Agent Tag" so it was probably somewhere before that
* Every episode she complains to jackie about not having a phone like in "Danger in The Deep Freeze"around the 14min mark. Listed below 1.
* Danger in The Deep Freeze 2.
* Lost City of the Muntabs When i have a finished a season i will add below for feedback
* Season 1 Episodes 1.
* The Dark Hand 2.
* The Power Within 3.
* The Mask Of El Toro Fuerte 4.
* Snake Hunt 5.
* Enter The Viper 6.
* Shell Game 7.
* Through The Rabbit Hole 8.
* Project A, For Astral 9.
* Bullies 10.
* Tough Break 11.
* The Rock 12.
* The Warrior Incarnate 13.
* The Jade Monkey 14.
* The Dog And Piggy Show 15.
* The Tiger And The Pussycat 16.
* Day Of The Dragon
* Season 2 Icon Key
* XX = Demon Portal Release episode
* C = Main Plot/Canon
* F = Filler
* V = Valmont costume change to (Robe/Dress)
* P = Jade gets phone after episode Episodes 1.
* The Mother of All Battles - F 2.
* The Stronger Evil - C 3.
* The J-Team - C 4.
* Jade Times Jade - XX,C 5.
* The Curse of El Chupacabra - F 6.
* And He Does His Own Stunts - XX,C 7.
* Queen of The Shadowkhan - C,V 8.
* Lost City of The Muntabs - F 9.
* Rumble in The Big House - XX,C 10.
* Showdown In The Old West - F 11.
* Origami - F 12.
* Shanghai Moon - XX,C 13.
* The Lotus Temple - F 14.
* Danger in The Deep Freeze - F 15.
* Armor of The Gods - XX,C,P 16.
* Agent Tag - F 17.
* The Return of The Pussycat - F 18.
* Tale of The Demon Tail - XX,C 19.
* Scouts Honor - F 20.
* Into The Mouth of Evil - F 21.
* The King and Jade - F 22.
* The New Atlantis - XX,C 23.
* The Eighth Door - XX,C 24.
* Demon World Part 1 - XX,C 25.
* Demon World Part 2 - XX.C 26.
* Enter The Cat - F 27.
* Pleasure Cruise - F 28.
* Tough Luck - F 29.
* The Chosen One - C 30.
* Glove Story - F 31.
* The Chan Who Knew Too Much - F 32.
* Chi of The Vampire - F 33.
* I'll Be a Monkey's Puppet - F 34.
* The Amazing T-Girl - C 35.
* Shrink Rap - F 36.
* The Good, The Bad, The Blind, The Deaf and The Mute - C Notes: I'm assuming jade got her phone just after "Armor of the Gods"
* Season 3
* Season 4
* Season 5 .