| - Roddy Toomim, better known is DJGeki, is an American musician, video game developer, and businessman. When Dan Potter was in college, he joined the unofficial development group Cryptic Allusion with the hopes of creating a Playstation 2 game and searching for a publisher. When Dan Potter started developing for the Sega Dreamcast, the two decided to make the development group a legal game company. Thus, Cryptic Allusion, LLC, was registered in the state of Texas. He is currently working on music for the upcoming games Feet of Fury 2 and Donk!: Samurai Duck.
| - Roddy Toomim, better known is DJGeki, is an American musician, video game developer, and businessman. When Dan Potter was in college, he joined the unofficial development group Cryptic Allusion with the hopes of creating a Playstation 2 game and searching for a publisher. When Dan Potter started developing for the Sega Dreamcast, the two decided to make the development group a legal game company. Thus, Cryptic Allusion, LLC, was registered in the state of Texas. Roddy Toomim, through Cryptic Allusion, made an appearance at E3 2001 to distribute DC Tonic demo CDs to the Dreamcast fans at the show. DC Tonic has been well received and has even been reportedly mistaken for an actual commercial demo, though the developers were rushed for time in its production, and the tools used were not at a very high level of quality at the time. In 2003, Roddy Toomim co-designed and composed many of the songs for the first independent commercial Dreamcast game developed with KallistiOS, a multiplayer dancing and typing game entitled Feet of Fury. Shortly thereafter, it was announced that he would be composing the music for Cryptic Allusion's next commercial Dreamcast game. The game would be an expansion of a demo that he co-developed and for which he composed the music, Tryptonite, included on the DC Tonic demo CD. In 2005, Cryptic Allusion shifted from developing for the Dreamcast to developing shareware for Mac OS X and Windows. Their first game was Marbol, a game idea by Brian Peek of Ganksoft Entertainment, originally intended for a Dreamcast release, and demoed for the Dreamcast on the DC Tonic demo CD. Roddy composed the music for the game. He is currently working on music for the upcoming games Feet of Fury 2 and Donk!: Samurai Duck.