Taylor James was the second daughter of Jimmy and Lydia James, the younger sister of Vivian James, and the older sister of Quinn and Haley James. She is also revealed to be the girl to whom Nathan Scott lost his virginity to. Fun-loving, carefree and never wanting to make plans or stay in one place for too long, Taylor was the polar opposite of her sister Haley. They often clashed over their differences despite having a deep, emotional connection that made sure that their sisterly relationship was maintained through any problems they faced (such as the revelation that Taylor and Nathan slept together). In the end, however, she proved her loyalty to Haley by forcing Nathan to realize that he still loved her after she left to go on tour. She later returned to Tree Hill with Quinn's recently
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- Taylor James
| - Taylor James was the second daughter of Jimmy and Lydia James, the younger sister of Vivian James, and the older sister of Quinn and Haley James. She is also revealed to be the girl to whom Nathan Scott lost his virginity to. Fun-loving, carefree and never wanting to make plans or stay in one place for too long, Taylor was the polar opposite of her sister Haley. They often clashed over their differences despite having a deep, emotional connection that made sure that their sisterly relationship was maintained through any problems they faced (such as the revelation that Taylor and Nathan slept together). In the end, however, she proved her loyalty to Haley by forcing Nathan to realize that he still loved her after she left to go on tour. She later returned to Tree Hill with Quinn's recently
- Taylor James ist Haleys, Quinns und Vivian James Schwester und das Mädchen, an das ihr Schwager Nathan seine Unschuld verlor. Fröhlich, unbeschwert und niemals gewillt Pläne zu machen oder für längere Zeit an einem Ort zu sein, Taylor ist das genaue Gegenteil ihrer Schwester Haley. Sie gerieten oft wegen ihrer Differenzen aneinander, trotz einer tiefen, emotionalen Beziehung, die dafür sorgte, dass sie durch einige gezeigte Probleme ihre schwesterliche Beziehung beibehielten (zum Beispiel die Offenbarung, dass Nathan und Taylor miteinander geschlafen hatten). Am Ende bewies sie ihre Loyalität gegenüber Haley dadurch, dass sie Nathan zwang sich einzugestehen, dass er Haley immer noch liebt, obwohl sie auf Tour gegangen war. In der 7. Staffel geht sie eine Beziehung mit Quinns Ex-Mann David
Portrayed By
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| - "The Last Day Of Our Acquaintance"
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| - Tay, Hurricane Taylor, Slut
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| - "The Heart Brings You Back"
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Marital Status
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| - Taylor James was the second daughter of Jimmy and Lydia James, the younger sister of Vivian James, and the older sister of Quinn and Haley James. She is also revealed to be the girl to whom Nathan Scott lost his virginity to. Fun-loving, carefree and never wanting to make plans or stay in one place for too long, Taylor was the polar opposite of her sister Haley. They often clashed over their differences despite having a deep, emotional connection that made sure that their sisterly relationship was maintained through any problems they faced (such as the revelation that Taylor and Nathan slept together). In the end, however, she proved her loyalty to Haley by forcing Nathan to realize that he still loved her after she left to go on tour. She later returned to Tree Hill with Quinn's recently divorced husband, David although their relationship soon ended. Taylor then had to face losing her mother.
- Taylor James ist Haleys, Quinns und Vivian James Schwester und das Mädchen, an das ihr Schwager Nathan seine Unschuld verlor. Fröhlich, unbeschwert und niemals gewillt Pläne zu machen oder für längere Zeit an einem Ort zu sein, Taylor ist das genaue Gegenteil ihrer Schwester Haley. Sie gerieten oft wegen ihrer Differenzen aneinander, trotz einer tiefen, emotionalen Beziehung, die dafür sorgte, dass sie durch einige gezeigte Probleme ihre schwesterliche Beziehung beibehielten (zum Beispiel die Offenbarung, dass Nathan und Taylor miteinander geschlafen hatten). Am Ende bewies sie ihre Loyalität gegenüber Haley dadurch, dass sie Nathan zwang sich einzugestehen, dass er Haley immer noch liebt, obwohl sie auf Tour gegangen war. In der 7. Staffel geht sie eine Beziehung mit Quinns Ex-Mann David ein, der sich jedoch schließlich mit Quinn ausspricht und Schluss macht. Kategorie:Charaktere
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