| - Charlie Brown has a critical opinion of Lucy, as she is always doing mean things to Linus, or dropping fly balls. He also hates how she always calls him names, such as "blockhead", "wishy-washy" and other things like that. He also hates the football gag she pulls on him every year. She even plays this trick on him during the Homecoming game in It's Your First Kiss, Charlie Brown, which leads to Charlie Brown's teammates unfairly blaming him for costing them the game, even though Lucy was at fault.
| - Charlie Brown has a critical opinion of Lucy, as she is always doing mean things to Linus, or dropping fly balls. He also hates how she always calls him names, such as "blockhead", "wishy-washy" and other things like that. He also hates the football gag she pulls on him every year. She even plays this trick on him during the Homecoming game in It's Your First Kiss, Charlie Brown, which leads to Charlie Brown's teammates unfairly blaming him for costing them the game, even though Lucy was at fault. In the early days of the strip, although Charlie Brown had a fairly better relationship with her than he did in the later days, he often became annoyed by her "fussbudget" personality, and became ever more annoyed when she took that as a compliment. However, even though Charlie Brown does not like Lucy's mean and crabby personality, he still cares for her and trusts her. In the early days, Charlie Brown would read stories to Lucy, and act as a parental figure to her. Charlie Brown clearly trusts Lucy, as, despite the fact that she always pulls away the football when pulling her famous prank on him, Charlie Brown still trusts her enough to try again the next year, assuming that she will not pull it away that time. He also trusts her enough to tell her his problems when she is in her psychiatry booth.