| - Lilly
- [year, designer, language availablity, etc]
- Lilly, when not participating in battle against gym challengers, can always be found tending to the plant life in Floreren City, and has a major role in the care of the city's prized Sunfloras . Trainers who defeat her will be given the Floral Badge.
- Lilly je bruxa hlídaná skupinou delších brux. Královský lovčí zaplatí za její hlavu.
* Varování - Spoiler : Následují zásadní informace o ději hry Zaklínač nebo knih o Zaklínači. Lilly najdete poblíž Kruhu tichého hromu na Hřbitově v bažinách. V jedné z povídek se Lilly objevuje též.
- Lilly è una bruxa che vive in compagnia del suo branco di vampire. Il Cacciatore reale offre una ricompensa per avere la sua testa. Attenzione: Spoiler!: Significativi dettagli della trama a seguire. Lilly la trovi nel Cimitero della palude, nei pressi del Circolo del Tuono Muto.
- A famous movie star named Lily Lavender comes to Wigglehouse to choose one of The Wiggles as a leading man in her new movie "Lilly Lavender Gets Married."The wiggles show of their talents to win.
- right left|100px Rencontre: Port-Faranga Faction: N/A Métier: Prostituée Quête: Un moment agréable avec Lilly Récompenses de combat et/ou de vol à la tire:
* XP+50
* 9 pièces d'or et 1xeau
- Lilly is a character labeled as The Awful Video Gamer in Total Drama Idiots.
- Lilly war die Freundin von Boris. Sie half ihm aus dem Gefängnis zu entkommen. Als Boris ein Loch in die Wand schoss, wurden alle Wachleute herausgesaugt und starben im Weltraum. Lilly war kurz davor auch herausgesaugt zu werden, doch Boris konnte seine Füße in den Boden reindrücken, wodurch er nicht wegfliegen konnte. Er hielt Lilly fest und sie dachte, er würde sie retten, doch er ließ sie einfach los um sich selbst zu retten. So wurde auch sie durch das Loch rausgesaugt. <default>Lilly</default> BildWiki.png Alias Status Gruppe Familie Nationalität Auftritte Dargestellt von Sprecher
- Lilly stellt eine pinkfarbene Seerose dar.
- Lilly is a Rank 10 Networker who befriends Rank 9 players and helps them achieve Rank 10. Her MLN description reads: Lilly is living (or ar least functional) proof that Androids have been around for as long as six thousand years, which is what she claims her age to be. She is a mining Android and says her Masters were an ancient civilization of gold traders in what is now Southern Mexico.
- The base stock for all of her potions is 10.
- Lilly, known in Japan as Igarashi Ran, is a character from MegaMan Battle Network 4. She is the priestess of WindMan's temple on Scissor Island and is the NetOp of WindMan.EXE.
- Lilly is a friendly, cute witch. She is one of the main characters in MySims Action, and can also be a potential recruit. She is a little strange, as she hates Morrigan but thinks that Morcubus is funny. Her cousin is also Wendalyn.
- Lilly, la vampiresa de la ciénaga, es una gran lamia que está acompañado por varios otros lamias. El Cazador Real te pagará por su cabeza. 1.
- In Lilly's eyes protecting the environment is a massive commando operation. Demos, conferences, talks and meetings aren’t really her thing. She’s more interested in staging operations that involve throwing some punches to make both a mental and physical impression on the clan’s enemies.
- Bio: Age: 20 years Likes: Lilies Hates: Wilted Flowers Related to: Kylie (sister)
- Lilly is a large bruxa who is accompanied by several other bruxae. The Royal huntsman will pay handsomely for her head. Spoiler warning: Significant plot details follow. Lilly is found near the Circle of Mute Thunder in the swamp cemetery. If using the Full Combat Rebalance mod, she may be in the normal spot or in the crypt accessed through the Wayfarer's stone inside the Southern Refugee Cave.
- Lilly manages the popular Seagull Restaurant in the town of Parm. With a frank and straightforward personality, she is quick to chide Justin every time he gets into some sort of mischief. Though it may appear otherwise, she truly understands her son Justin well.
- The character was originally named Lilly Romero and then changed to Lilly Truscott. Miley Cyrus first auditioned for the role but was cast as the main character instead. Emily Osment auditioned for the role after Cyrus was cast.
- Lilly goes together with her husband Matthew and her son Jackson to Sally's house. They want to buy it. However Jackson is scared away by Ramona Benson.
- Lilly is a character appearing in the XY series, who is a Pokémon Performer.
- Lilly is one of the two Drill Instructors from Metal Slug 6. An experienced instructor, she is very strict and sometimes harsh towards her cadets, sometimes more than other Drill Instructors. However, much like the other instructors, she will get much softer once she falls in love with someone.
- Lilly is a dog (ghost) that is available to everyone for purchase in the SC Marketplace at the price of File:Sc.png350 and to Members at the 10% discount price of File:Sc.png315.
- Lily is a small brown puppy with lighter brown chest and a dark-spotted eye. She also wears a pink bow around her neck.
- Lilly est une brouxe qui a pris la tête d'un petit groupe de ses congénères et sévit aux alentours du cimetière des marais chans le chapitre V. Il ne vous sera possible de la terrasser que si vous vous y rendez pendant la nuit. Apportez le trophée au chasseur du roi dans la grotte des druides pour toucher la récompense de sa destruction. Avertissement « spoiler » : Des détails majeurs suivent. Lilly a élu domicile non loin du cimetière des marais, tout près de la crypte de la strige.
- She is a panfu designer when designing she saids a few words to ella Phew,I think I need a creative break, 'I'm out of ideas. Every once a year she holds a contest ,last year (2009) on halloween the theame was something to die for. She also desings furniture for panfu,she is best friends with ella and max but mostly ella.It is still unknown if Lily has an account.
- Lilly (Original: Lily) ist eine schlanke, cremefarbene Siamkätzin, deren Beine, Schweif, Schnauze und Ohren braun sind. Sie hat lebhafte, ungewöhnlich strahlend blaue Augen und miaut in einer gespenstisch hohen Tonlage.
- Lilly[[:File:|[, ]]] is a level 19 Horde enchanting vendor located in a small camp south of the Sepulcher near Olsen's Farthing, in the forsaken zone of Silverpine Forest. See List of Silverpine Forest NPCs.
- Lilly is a halfling encountered by Vox Moronica. As an NPC, she is played by Matthew Mercer.
- Lilly is one of the Barones' neighbors and complains about Frank and Marie's behavior. She's one of the people who thought about taking legal action to remove them from the neighborhood.
- Lilly ist ein weiblicher Tiger. Sie hat am 22. November Geburtstag und ist eine eingebildete Dorfbewohnerin.
- Image:Trophy Lilly.png Die Bruxa Lilly streift nachts auf der Insel im Friedhofssumpf mit anderen ihrer Art ihr Unwesen, und zwar in unmittelbarer Nähe von Vesper und seinem Gefolge. Nur wenn Geralt sehr erfahren ist, sollte er es gleichzeitig mit beiden aufnehmen. Im ungünstigsten Falle erregt er dabei die Aufmerksamkeit von Erscheinungen, die sich zu der Zeit dort aufhalten. Lilly ist eines von zwei Trophäenmonstern im fünften Akt (Quest "Die Vampirin aus den Sümpfen", 10.000 Exp). Der Königliche Jägersmann zahlt Geralt für den Kopf von Lilly 1.000 Orens.
- Lily was the only female prisoner condemned to the Hole when Logan first arrived, befriending Logan and trying to protect him when he first fell asleep. She gave sexual favors to the other Holers in exchange for food and also so no one would hurt her. Part of the first escape attempt of the whole she was brutally beaten by Fin for her failure even though she had been sabotaged by Tenser Ursuul. After Logan escaped the Hole she was turned into a Ferali for the Khalidorian army, after Logan discovered it was her he got through to her and commanded her to attack the Khalidorians and flee into the mountains, butchering and consuming them before fleeing into the isolated part of the mountains, her fate is unknown.
- Lilly is a lighthouse on Willy's Island, found in the middle of the harbour. She warns visiting ships away from the sharp and dangerous rocks on the island.
- Lilly es una chica que cría Pokémon en la region Usurio,mas tarde en Wintex y luego en Saidiway. Lilly tiene una protectora pokemon.
- Lilly was Winter Frore's sycophant before Winter became an infant and left Foo. Lilly was originally a classmate of Clover Ernest, who had a big crush on her. She didn't love him back, but was friendly with Stream, another sycophant from their class. One day, Lilly left school. No one knew why, but some said it was to go help her mother. Lilly is introduced in the fourth book, as a lonly sycophant living in the Invisible Village. She was taken to Sycophant Run by Brindle, because he thought she had the key to the sycophant's secret, how they die. They are shocked to realize she does not have it. In the end, she and Clover fall in love.
- Lilly, bekannt als Obomi in der japanischen Version, ist ein Roboter aus Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL. Ursprünglich wurde sie von einem Juwelendieb kontrolliert, der ihr beigebracht hatte, wie man sich duelliert, damit sie die Duellrätsel lösen konnte, die Juweliergeschäfte in ihre Alarmanlagen programmiert haben. Sie wurde bei einer Flucht von dem Verbrecher getrennt und landete in einem See in Heartland City. Dort wurde sie von Yuma, Tori und Bronk gefunden. Die vier verbrachten den Tag miteinander, spielten zusammen und Obomi besiegte Yuma und Bronk sogar in einem Duell.
- Lilly is a character from MegaMan Battle Network 4. She is a priest on Scissor Island and is the NetOp of WindMan.EXE. In the Eagle Tournament, she is Lan's opponent and visits him before their match starts. After a friendly conversation, she gets thirsty and drinks from the fourd around her neck. Unfortunately, it was filled with rice wine instead of water and she became intoxicated. Then she tried to cheat to win the match. First, she uses a virus in one of the robots and pretends to be attacked by it so Lan will come to save her and be deleted by the virus. Lan delete the virus. Later, she pushes Lan when he was leaving the park, making him drop his PET into the fountain. MegaMan.EXE was unharmed. Then Lilly unleashed WindMan.EXE on the Net with his full powers unleashed. When Lilly bec