| - This page is meant as a helpful guide to what you should, and shouldn't aim for. If you are any type of phoenix, you should target:
* Streuners
* Lordakias
* Boss Streuners If you are any type of Liberator, you should target all of the phoenix's targets plus:
* Boss Lordakias
* Saimons If you are a Piranha, target all aliens above plus:
* Mordons
* Boss Saimons
* If you are high enough in Experience Points, go for the StreuneRs If you have a Nostromo or Spearhead, add these to your list of targets: Try to avoid pvp in the above ships except if FE or UFE!
| - This page is meant as a helpful guide to what you should, and shouldn't aim for. If you are any type of phoenix, you should target:
* Streuners
* Lordakias
* Boss Streuners If you are any type of Liberator, you should target all of the phoenix's targets plus:
* Boss Lordakias
* Saimons If you are a Piranha, target all aliens above plus:
* Mordons
* Boss Saimons
* If you are high enough in Experience Points, go for the StreuneRs If you have a Nostromo or Spearhead, add these to your list of targets:
* Boss Mordons
* Devolariums
* If high enough level, go for the Boss StreuneRs.
* Sibelonits
* Kristallins Try to avoid pvp in the above ships except if FE or UFE! If you bough the Vengeance, chase down these guys too:
* Boss Devolariums
* Sibelons
* Lordakiums
* Kristallons
* Boss Sibelonits
* Boss Kristallins If you have a Goliath or Aegis, stay with what's above unless you are FE and can take down:
* Boss Lordakiums
* Boss Sibelons If you have a Citadel, you can tank:
* Boss Lordakiums
* Boss-Kristallons
* Boss Sibelons
* Maybe a Cubikon In all the "Stronger" ships, you can target uber aliens solo, just beware the Uber Lordakiums and Uber Kristallons! Also, in these ships, you could do a bit of pvp or try to solo a Cubikon (good luck with that if you don't have an FE or UFE Vengeance or up!) Additional tips see: Tips For Newbs and Tips and Tricks.