| - Darth Fear, also known as The Bringer of Fear, was once a boy named Ravin Thron. He was the 2nd child in his four children family. His father was an a Jedi already in exile because of his beliefs and was now in hiding because of the Great Jedi Purge. His mother, on the other hand, was a descendant of the Sith Lord Aloysius Kallig. His mom and dad were killed when Semo the hutt's slave empire came to Saleucami to find those to become slaves. Around the same time, a group called the Jedi Remnant came to Saleucami to look for people with a high midi-chlorian count. They found his brother and younger sister, but couldn't find him in time.
| - Darth Fear, also known as The Bringer of Fear, was once a boy named Ravin Thron. He was the 2nd child in his four children family. His father was an a Jedi already in exile because of his beliefs and was now in hiding because of the Great Jedi Purge. His mother, on the other hand, was a descendant of the Sith Lord Aloysius Kallig. His mom and dad were killed when Semo the hutt's slave empire came to Saleucami to find those to become slaves. Around the same time, a group called the Jedi Remnant came to Saleucami to look for people with a high midi-chlorian count. They found his brother and younger sister, but couldn't find him in time. He later fled using the dark side of the Force after his twin sister was killed. The New Republic attacked Hutta for Semo's interaction with the Empire and found Ravin. He was brought to the half destroyed Jedi Temple on Coruscant to be train as a Jedi. He trained under Luke Skywalker with many padawans such as former sith assassin in training, Somoht. He served the order until he realized that they were never going to teach him the dark side powers. He thought the dark as stronger. He still served the order until he found someone you would teach him the dark side, Darth Sidious, in his newest clone form. After joining the dark side, stealing the New Republic transmiter codes from Dac, and delivering them to an imperial outpost on Kashyyyk, he fought Luke, who followed him and left him for dead on a burning tree after a long duel. However, Fear was able to stay alive and kept fighting the Jedi with newer ways every time. He realized the evil in the dark side later, but didn't really care until 51 ABY when what he had done and why people like Luke or his brother Marrk Thron, didn't want him to go down the dark path. Because of this he turned to the light again and helped one of his apprentices, Ashla Zeln, turn back to the light as well.