| - Race: dwarf Alignment: lawful evil Armor class: 16, 17, 18 Hit points: 78, 131, 191 Attack bonus: +11/+6, +17/+12/+7, +25/+20/+15 Damage: level 10: d12 +3 (great axe +2) level 17: d12 +4 (great axe +3) level 25: d12 +6 (great axe +5) Hit dice (level): 10, 17, 25 Spellcasting: cleric 10, 17, 25 Challenge rating: 8, 13, 18 Size: medium Blueprint:(‡) x2_mephduer010 to x2_mephduer012
| - Race: dwarf Alignment: lawful evil Armor class: 16, 17, 18 Hit points: 78, 131, 191 Attack bonus: +11/+6, +17/+12/+7, +25/+20/+15 Damage: level 10: d12 +3 (great axe +2) level 17: d12 +4 (great axe +3) level 25: d12 +6 (great axe +5) Hit dice (level): 10, 17, 25 Spellcasting: cleric 10, 17, 25 Challenge rating: 8, 13, 18 Size: medium Trained skills:(‡) concentration (16, 23, 34), spellcraft (13, 20, 28) Feats: alertness, armor proficiency (heavy), armor proficiency (light), armor proficiency (medium), battle training vs. giants, battle training vs. goblins, battle training vs. orcs, combat casting, darkvision, extra turning (level 25 only), hardiness vs. poisons, hardiness vs. spells, power attack (level 17 and above), shield proficiency, skill affinity (lore), skill focus (concentration) (level 25 only), spell focus (evocation) (level 17 and above), spell penetration, stonecunning, turn undead, weapon focus (great axe), weapon proficiency (martial), weapon proficiency (simple) Blueprint:(‡) x2_mephduer010 to x2_mephduer012