| - Deoxys ist ein legendäres Pokémon vom Typ Psycho. Deoxys hat eine Anfangsfreundschaft von 0, ist von der Spezies DNA und hat eine Fangrate von 3.
- Deoxys è un Pokémon di tipo psico introduto nella terza generazione. È un pokémon leggendario molto dificile d'ottenere, come no è catturabile in nessuna delle versioni dei videogiochi, soltanto si può ottenere mediante eventi nintendo.
- Deoxys(JP) is a species of Pokémon in the series of the same name. It is a Psychic Mythical Pokémon that made its first appearance in the third generation games, Ruby and Sapphire. It has 4 different forms changing around its stats.
- Deoxys Categoria:Pokémon de color roig Categoria:Pokémon de tipus psíquic Categoria:Pokémon que no poden criar Categoria:Pokémon rarsCategoria:Pokémon de tercera generació Categoria:Pokémon sense gènere Categoria:Pokémon de forma corporal 12en:Deoxys es:Deoxys Deoxys és un Pokémon llegendari del tipus psíquic. Té 4 formes diferents.
- Deoxys can change its form to adapt and dominant in the Speed, Defense, or Attack stats though it is usually caught with normal stats at first; the stats of the normal form are still extremely unbalanced, as the two Attack stats and the Speed stat are much higher than the Defense or HP stats. Deoxys is a very intelligent extraterrestrial creature, who travels to other worlds inside of a meteor. Very little is known of its origins, other than it is a mutation of an alien virus that was exposed to a mysterious laser. Deoxys also seems to be able to regenerate lost appendages via it's arms, and shown to have the ability to make far weaker copies of itself.
- Deoxys (デオキシス, Deokishisu, pronounced /di'ɑks.ɪs/) is a fictional creature in the Pokémon media franchise.
- Deoxys is a Legendary Psychic Type Pokémon. Originally a mere space virus, exposure to unknown beams of energy mutated it into its current form. It was an event-exclusive Pokémon in its original appearances, but takes the center stage as the final foe of the Delta Episode in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
- Deoxys é um lutador do Blast Battle. Participou de duas edições do torneio.
- Deoxys is a pokemon that you can only find in the psychic map. It is hard to find. It can also be bought for 100 credits in the credit shop.
- Deoxys (Japanese: デオキシス Deoxys) is a Psychic-type Mythical Pokémon. While it is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon, it has three other Formes. In Generation III, its Forme depends on which game cartridge it is on and cannot be changed without trading.
* Normal Forme is the default in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire and Pokémon Colosseum and XD.
* Attack Forme is the default in Pokémon FireRed.
* Defense Forme is the default in Pokémon LeafGreen.
* Speed Forme is the default in Pokémon Emerald.
- Deoxys (デオキシス, Deokishisu, pronounced /di'ɑks.ɪs/) is an extravagant mutation caused by exposing a specific extraterrestrial virus to a laser beam, although why this mutation takes place is not understood. They utilize psychokinetic powers combined with a high intellect. Its "brain" is in the form of a crystalline organ embedded in its chest, which is capable of firing lasers - perhaps due to its aforementioned psychokinesis. Its most useful technique however is the ability to morph between four different forms, each with its own unique purpose: its so-called "Normal" form, both an offensive and defensive form, as well as one for speed. It appears that the exact extent at how easily a Deoxys may switch between forms entirely depends on the individual - while some are forced to only change
- Deoxys est un pokémon issu de la mutation d'un ADN viral exposé à un rayon laser. Son cerveau serait le cristal situé sur sa poitrine. Il serait venu sur Terre, il y a seulement quelque année de cela à cause d'un simple accident d'astéroïde, l'un des gros cailloux de l'espace avait oublié de respecter la priorité de droite. Je conçois qu'il y a beaucoup d'événements improbables dans cette introduction, voire impossible, qui s'enchaîne mais c'est vrai, tout est vrai. Bon, il arrive finalement sur Terre, fait chier dès son arrivée à quelques autres pokémons légendaires qui le font disparaitre aussi vite qu'il est venu. Et voilà, vous savez toute l'histoire. Merci de voter pour le sondage et bonne journée.
- Deoxys (Japanese: デオキシス Deoxys) is a Psychic-type Legendary Pokémon. While it is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon, it has three other Formes. In Generation III, its Forme depends on which game cartridge it is on and cannot be changed without trading.
* Normal Forme is the default in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire.
* Attack Forme is the default in Pokémon FireRed.
* Defense Forme is the default in Pokémon LeafGreen.
* Speed Forme is the default in Pokémon Emerald.