| - Five 「ハイヴ, Haivu ?」 es una agente norteamericana del FBI que viaja a Japón como parte de sus deberes con NEST para prestar a apoyo a las investigaciones de los ataques terroristas. Es una maestra hacker y comparte un pasado lleno de misterios junto a Nine y Twelve.
- Five is a turquoise numberjack with brown eyes. She is very wise, and as she is 5, she is probably 15 in age... or 420. She was a capable numberjack but was killed by M00NSH0T
- Five (5)
- Five ist eine Karte im Überlebenskampf gegen Zombies bei Call of Duty: Black Ops. Auf dieser Karte ist auch John F. Kennedy spielbar, alternativ gibt es auch noch Fidel Castro, McNamara und Nixon.
- The number five "5" symbolizes
- Alien Captive, "Five" was supposed to be the fifth Drudge alien hostage The Trust had obtained. He first appeared in an old version of The Conduit manual as a Skimmer, but never appeared in the game. The manual described him as: "The intelligent captured alien number Five is sullen and resentful of his treatment at the hands of The Trust. He is willing to explain to Michael Ford what happened to him and communicates telepathically in distorted English." Perhaps the reason for him not making an appearance is that it is pointless for The Trust to "capture" The Drudge and force them to speak, as they were the ones who created the Drudge.
- Five was voiced by Sean Cullen who also voiced Four and Seven.
- FIVE is an E.P by Circus-P. Includes three original with Miku English as "The Tale Of A 10 Year Old Vampire Queen" beyond of "Addicted" (revised) and the english version of "iNFeCTioN". There are also 5 bonus tracks, including "Synthesized Love" (Miku ver.) and remixes of notable songs written by him. A crossfade of the album could be heard here and is available on Bandcamp. The cover that initially the album would be released
- Five is a UK television network owned by RTL Group. It is known for its former flagship soap opera Family Affairs, which aired from 1997 to 2005. Five currently screens Home and Away in the United Kingdom, and from 2008 will screen Neighbours, having poached the show from the BBC.
- Five is the first book of Morphers. It introduces five teenagers( Reuben,Rachel,Nick,Caleb,andNoah) and their first battle against Adam. It is also the first of a two part introduction and formation of the Morphers.
- It's a number, that comes between four and six, and and also watch you get when you add one and four together.
- This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
- Five is the world that contains magic, the world where people that are able can cast a spell at will, or manipulate the planes of existance as long as they are able. The thing is though, it's not always as simple; you have to have the right powers, and these have to come from somewhere. Sometimes the energies that have been takenhave been taken from somewhere that counts, like straight from the earth itself. Wizards and Mages both use mana which is a substance accumulated over time, a substance that is tied from the head to the foot, with everything inbetween. The key to using this energy is
- This story's theme is Light Me Up by Ween. “I must say, Nail, you are one pathetic warrior. Do you really think you stand a chance against me?” The wind blew serenely in the background, a contrasting backdrop to the horrific scene that Frieza was inflicting upon Nail. Nail had, to no avail, attacked Frieza with all his might; in spite of this, Nail was the one who was defeated. His torso was covered in cuts and bruises while Frieza’s appearance remained pristine and unscarred. He hung his back in shame, turned away from Frieza. For not even a moment had Nail held the upper hand, and he knew this all too well.
- Die Afrikanische Elefantenkuh Five stammt aus dem Krüger-Nationalpark in Südafrika und lebt im englischen West Midland Safari Park in Bewdley (Worcestershire). Five wurde etwa 1991 in Südafrika wild geboren. Der Kruger National Park liegt im Nordosten des Landes und grenzt an den Limpopo, den Grenzfluss zu Mosambik. Nach Zeitungsberichten lebte sie bis 1998 in einem Elefantenwaisenhaus, aus dem sie zusammen mit den ebenfalls dort lebenden Jungtieren Latabe, Tooth und Jack im Februar 1998 in den englischen Safaripark gebracht wurden. Sie erreichte den Park am 16.02.1998, drei Tage nach ihren beiden Artgenossen. Tooth wurde 2007 nach Rhenen (Niederlande) abgegeben.
- Five a large pink numeral shaped like a "5", living in Mainframe. This number has rounded teeth with a huge tongue. Along with Nine, Five also has two eyes. Sometimes Five carries a hand bag around. Five usually hangs round Dot's Diner or Al's Diner on Level 31 for their energy shakes. When Bob and Dot began to fiercely argue with each other, Five joined an assembly of Sprites and Binomes to discuss the problem with Phong, and hopefully mend their relationship. (The TIFF) Five was also one of two numeral characters abducted by the Web Creature, the other being Nine. (Trust No One)