| - History of this race is unknown.
- The Old Gods refer to the gods worshiped by the people of Eddis, and formerly Attolia and in Sounis before the invaders brought the New Gods. These gods include the many deities of streams and rivers, as well as minor spirits and sons. Some of the gods are: Eugenides, Hephestia, the Sky, the Earth, and many others.
- The Old Gods are the gods of religion and culture that were brought over to America by the immigrants who worshiped them and passed them down through the generations.
- The Old Gods are sleeping beings that were worshipped in the form of dragons by a significant number of Thedosians, specifically the people of the Tevinter Imperium, thousands of years ago. Legend holds that it was the Old Gods who initially taught mages how to use magic. The Archdemons are awakened Old Gods, tainted by the darkspawn.
- cancer
- The Old Gods were the original pantheon of the planet Zakuul, consisting of six primary gods. Izax, the Ultimate Devourer, was the chief deity of the pantheon, while the other members were his wife, Scyva, and their four children: Tyth, Aivela, Esne, and Nahut. The demon serpent Zildrog was another entity worshiped by the Old Ways, though Zildrog was often considered simply an aspect of Izax. Valkorion claimed to be the Demon Savior of prophecy, one who would topple the Old Gods and usher in a new era of prosperity, and worship of the Old Gods was mostly abandoned by his Eternal Empire. The Heralds of Zildrog still followed the old ways but were considered more of a cult.
- The Old Gods are an ancient pantheon of Gods and Goddesses within the Four Colour Collective (FCC) Past Universe.
- The Old Gods were an ancient race of humanoid aliens from the planet Urgrund. During a war of cosmic proportions, their homeworld of Urgrund was split in two. The Old Gods were no more, they had died, but their descendants however, survived, and lived on Apokolips and New Genesis, both of which were two planets that had formed from the older and much larger planet's destruction. This race became known as the New Gods. When Oliver Queen was on Starfish Island, Starro told him that he was one of the Elder Gods, who were even older than the Old Gods.
- The children of the forest were the first inhabitants of Westeros and they worshiped the Old Gods. These were the ancient spirits of the forest which were given form in the sacred weir wood trees, which the children gave faces to and through which green seers could see throughout the lands. The First Men arrived in Westeros crossing over a bridge of land that in those days connected Dorne to Essos. They fought bitterly against the Children of the Forest, but eventually reached a truce. In time the First Men adopted the gods of the children and worshiped at the weir wood heart trees.
- De Old Gods (Oude Goden) staan gelijk aan de Titans of the Pantheon (Titanen van het Pantheon); alleen zijn zij het kwaad en de Titans (Titanen) het goede. De Old Gods zijn verantwoordelijk voor de gek gedreven elementals (natuurlijk inclusief de Elemental Lords, de verschrikkelijk monsters van Ahn'qiraj, de corumptie van Ulduar die zelfs tot de Titans doordringt en de Emerald Nightmare (Smaragdgroene Nachtmerrie) die de Emerald Dream (Smaragdgroene Droom) onveilig maakt en Malfurion Stormrage stof tot denken heeft gegeven. De Old Gods genieten van een vorm die normale mensen slechts in verschrikkelijk nachtmerries tegenkomen. Zij zijn dan ook de idenktieke en orginele bron van al het kwaad (dit is geen popularistische uitspraak). Één Old God is dood, van één werd aangenomen dat hij dood w
- These divine beings came after the Ancient Ones and played a more intimate role with the mortals, by taking shape of several different species. Ethiral tel'Lassie had been given what wa left of the Ancient Ones powers. He was unsure as to what he was suppose to do with such power, but then decided he needed to divide the power. So he found other's like himself, who could handle the knowledge and power. There were only seven Old Gods, and their names can still be found in history books. Aamina - Goddess of Air, Aiden - God of Fire, Tierra - Goddess of Earth, Wyndham - God of Water, Dubhshlán - God of Darkness, Chantrea - Goddess of Light and Ethiral tel'Lassie' - God of Night.
- The Old Gods were the original deities of Azeroth and major antagonists in the World of Warcraft. Although imprisoned by the godlike Titans and thought dead by many the Old Gods have continually sought the destruction of Azeroth via sanity-shattering whisperings and manipulation: unimaginably powerful and malevolent the Old Gods are said to be amongst the most powerful beings to exist in the Warcraft mythos and it takes the full power of all titans to defeat them since even the most powerful titan like Sargeras cannot take them all alone. Their power is so great that Sargeras will plead a peaceful death, if they are manage to get out of their prison.
- Millions of years ago, the world of Azeroth was ruled over by the evil Old Gods and their elemental minions. Eventually, their rule was challenged by the peaceful Titans, who sought to bring peace and order to the universe. A long and bloody war was fought, but the Old Gods and their minions were defeated. Unfortunately, the Old Gods created a disease called the Curse of Flesh, which infected the Titans' iron minions, granting them flesh. The Titans knew that if they destroyed the Old Gods, their peaceful creations would be destroyed as well. Instead, the Titans chained the Old Gods beneath Azeroth's soil, and banished the Elemental Lords back to their own realms.
- Stare Bóstwa (znane również jako Starobóstwa, starzy władcy ziemi, Starzy, Starsze Bóstwa, starsze istoty, mroczni starsi lub przerażający starsi) to grupa prastarych monstrów, które władały planetą Azeroth w czasach, zanim przybyli tytani, by ją ukształtować i uporzadkować. Panteon zdruzgotał cytadele Starych Bóstw i uwięził piątkę złych bogów głęboko pod powierzchnią ziemi. Jeśli Panteon zniszczyłby Stare Bóstwa, Azeroth uległby zagładzie, prawdopodobnie w wydarzeniu, którego Kataklizm był tylko namiastką. C'Thun upozorował własną śmierć i został zapieczętowany w tytanicznej stacji badawczej nieopodal Uldumu. Yogg-Saron został uwięziony w Ulduarze. Na pewno Y'Shaarj został zabity przez Panteon, jednak jego serce zostało zachowane w dobrym stanie i później wskrzeszone, lecz uległo zniszcz
- The Old Gods (also known as the Dread Elders,[cn] the Elder Gods,[cn] the Old Lords, the Old Ones, and the Old Whisperings) are chaotic, physical manifestations of the Void. They are nightmares incarnate: mountains of blighted flesh and writhing tentacles that grow like cancers within the worlds of the Great Dark. They live only to transform the worlds they infest into places of despair and death, serving the void lords.
- "In the time before time, when the world was still in its infancy, a battle between a Titan and a being of unimaginable evil and power raged on this very soil. The prophecy is unclear about whether or not the Titan was vanquished ... but it illustrates that a Titan fell." —Geologist Larksbane