| - No one knows exactly when the guards were created, though it was probably made for the defence of all towns from bandit or balverine attacks. In the otherwise decentralized and unorganized Albion, the guard were a unified body that served the whole nation. They kept peace and order in every single settlement in Albion, though in early days, they didn't patrol the countryside and there was no one to protect those outside of towns. Guards were kind and appreciative towards pure heroes and were hostile towards evil ones. Guards were a part of the final fighting force arranged by the Guildmaster in the final battle against the evil hero, Jack of Blades. Guards were trained and recruited at an institution known as The Guard Academy. After the fall of the Heroes' Guild, they were still the ever-
| - No one knows exactly when the guards were created, though it was probably made for the defence of all towns from bandit or balverine attacks. In the otherwise decentralized and unorganized Albion, the guard were a unified body that served the whole nation. They kept peace and order in every single settlement in Albion, though in early days, they didn't patrol the countryside and there was no one to protect those outside of towns. Guards were kind and appreciative towards pure heroes and were hostile towards evil ones. Guards were a part of the final fighting force arranged by the Guildmaster in the final battle against the evil hero, Jack of Blades. Guards were trained and recruited at an institution known as The Guard Academy. After the fall of the Heroes' Guild, they were still the ever-vigilant keepers of justice as they usually were, continuing with their duties for hundreds of years. They gradually expanded and began to patrol the countryside between cities. After the Hero of Bowerstone became the monarch of Albion, the guard swore their allegiance to the throne, eventually evolving into Albion's Royal Army. The Army was still known as the "Old Guard", and, in addition to fulfilling the role of an Army, it performed traditional guard duties, such as dealing with crimes, criminals and prisoners, and maintaining public security and order. During the reign of Logan, the Army's guard duties and budget were cut in order to build up the Army to defend against the Crawler. A large portion of the Army known as the "Swift Brigade", the men of Major Swift and Ben Finn, sided with The Hero in the revolution against Logan, and fought against the Royal Guard in the Battle for Bowerstone. Their allegiance came after the Hero promised to restore the Old Guard and place Major Swift in command of the Army.