| - Troy Burrows jest Czerwonym Megaforce, Czerwonym Rangerem oraz liderem Mega Rangersów.
- Troy BURROWS is the Red Ranger of Power Rangers Megaforce & Super Megaforce.
- Troy Burrows is Megaforce Red, the Red Ranger and the leader of the Mega Rangers.
- Before becoming a Power Ranger, Troy was a martial artist. During his teenage years, he receives visions about theLegend War - an armada of Power Rangers battling an unknown force, and among them, a mysterious new warrior. After one such dream, he woke up to discover that he was late for his first day of school. Later that day, Gosei summoned him. He noted how the Rangers lining the walls resembled those from his dreams. Gosei gave him the power of the Red Ranger, and soon he led the new Power Rangers into battle against the Warstar. The team won, and Troy rapidly adjusted to his role as defender of Earth.