| - Colonel Irina Josepenkova Spalko was an agent of the KGB, as well as a scientist and military officer, working for the Soviet Union under Olaf Tutchenko. She was also an archaeologist as well as a very skilled fencer and combatant. Spalko desired the use of the Crystal Skull of Akator to brainwash and manipulate the minds of American forces, giving the Soviets a tactical advantage in World War II. Her weapon of choice was a rapier. Spalko was an infamous leader, with a cruel disregard for innocent casualties and harbouring a secret, selfish motivation. However, she did all this in the name of her country, and not out of pure maliciousness. As a colonel, she did only what was needed to complete the mission at hand.
- Colonel Doctor Irina Spalko was an agent of the KGB, as well as a scientist and military officer, working for the Soviet Union. She was a psychic, as well as a very skilled fencer and combatant. Spalko desired the use of the Crystal Skull of Akator to brainwash and manipulate the minds of American forces, giving the Soviets a tactical advantage in the Cold War. Her weapon of choice was a rapier. Spalko was an infamous leader, with a cruel disregard for innocent casualties and harboring a secret, selfish motivation. However, she did all this in the name of her country, and not out of pure maliciousness. As a soldier, she did only what was needed to complete the mission at hand.
- Colonel Doctor Irina Spalko was an Eastern Ukranian leader of the Soviets who sought to find the Temple of Akator and unlock the secret of Knowledge and The Crystal Skulls.
- Colonel Dr. Irina Spalko is the main antagonist of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. She was portrayed by Cate Blanchett, who portrayed Lady Tremaine in 2015's Disney adaptation of Cinderella.
- Irina Spalko - radziecka agentka KKK, wróg Indiany w filmie Indiana Jones i Królestwo Kryształowej Czaszki. Dąży do zdobycia daru rzucania prukoczarów który posiadają istoty z innego wymiaru.
- thumb|215px|irina spalko Coronel Médico Irina Spalko era un agente de la KGB, que trabajan para la Unión Soviética. Ella era un psíquico, así como un espadachín muy hábil y combatiente. Spalko deseado por el uso de la Calavera de Cristal de Akator a lavar el cerebro y manipular la mente de las fuerzas estadounidenses, dando a los soviéticos una ventaja táctica en la Guerra Fría. Su arma preferida era un estoque. Spalko era un líder infame, con un desprecio cruel por número de víctimas inocentes y que albergan un secreto, la motivación egoísta. Sin embargo, ella hizo todo esto en el nombre de su país, y no por maldad pura. Hizo lo que se necesitaba para completar la misión en la mano
- Am Anfang des Films verschaffte sie sich unerlaubten Zutritt zu Area 51, indem sie die Wachposten erschießen ließ und brachte Indiana Jones dazu, der sich bis dato im Kofferraum befand, ihr eine magnetische Kiste aus der riesigen Basis zu besorgen. Bald enttarnte sich Mac, Jones langjähriger Freund, als Komplize der Russen. Jones gelang es trotzdem, zu fliehen.